Encore of Revival: America, September 24, 2018

Things are looking bad for social media giants and for Democrats. Senator Feinstein really stuck her foot in it this time. Now, she questions the truthfulness of her own token “me too” witness. Questioning herself won’t help her credibility when she sat on an accusation for two months.

Social media outreached as well. But, that’s to be expected when a CEO is so wet behind the ears that the only leadership he remembers from his years of actually paying attention to politics were filled with Obama-topia. Zuckerberg hasn’t lived long enough to have ever seen what went around actually come back around. Maybe Trump’s response to his shenanigans will help him develop an attention span and it might lead to his own “red pill” moment, should he join #WalkAway himself, but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.

The bigger focus should be on Trump’s strategy. For the first time since Reagan, as an election approaches, someone is actually acting more like a Republican. The Republicans would do well to follow Trump’s lead. Republican voters only wake up and go vote when candidates act like Republicans, not political pansies. Two moderate, wishy-washy, failed Obama opponents proved that well enough. Expect more Republican activity from Republicans.

Times are changing. The #WalkAway movement is only growing. Now, dissing Democrats has become the way to get YouTube likes from Obama voters. If you make promises, you’d better deliver on them. That’s what Trump is doing, anyway. And, his numbers don’t seem so low.

Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying | CNN

U.S. Marshals Probe Threats Against Kavanaugh Family: ‘F*** YOU AND YOUR RAPIST HUSBAND’ | Breitbart

Senate Judiciary Committee Officially Delays Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Vote Amid Sexual Assault Allegations | TIME

Feinstein Questions Truthfulness of Kavanaugh Accuser, Immediately Back Pedals | Daily Caller

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years | New Yorker

Mike Pence warns Christian conservatives against complacency in midterm elections | USA Today

The White House is considering an antitrust investigation into ‘online platform bias’ at Google and Facebook — read the leaked document here | Business Insider

Tesla Is Facing U.S. Criminal Probe Over Elon Musk Statements | Bloomberg

Russians could face jail for not deleting news judged ‘fake’ | Yahoo – AFP

Trump Says U.S. Considering Permanent Military Base in Poland | Bloomberg Quint

Emmy Awards Crash To New Low With 10.2M Viewers & Slipping Demo | Deadline

Flores defeats Gallego in Senate District 19 | My Sanantonio