Encore of Revival: America, May 2, 2016


Ted Cruz is not doing “what is necessary to win” the election; he’s doing what it takes to divide. Watch carefully and remember.

Dividing may not be his goal. Damage is rarely a goal; it rarely needs to be. If you want to know just how “establishment” he is look at his establishment methods. By our deeds do we align ourselves.

Cruz’s strategy of winning second ballot votes seems squirmish, attempting an unrightful victory based on technicality—not only against the spirit of the rules, but the spirit of the country he alienates in the process. But, more importantly, by presuming a defeat on the first RNC ballot, he presumes defeat.

He has clearly stated that VP is no option for him. This, combined with his attempt to get late-game votes from his opponent’s delegates, has burned all bridges of having his name on the 2016 ballot. Had Cruz every intention to win, he would not have done that.

Cruz seems to have a loser complex much akin to that of Sunday morning culture: “Us four and no more—against the world.” It is as if he wakes up in the morning expecting to be hated, then schemes a way to rule a nation that hates his actions more every day.

He claims victory, then loses. He claims Christianity, yet deals his neighbor injury without repair. He says what focus groups tell him to, while claiming to be trusted.

Not only his boilerplate consultant establishment methods, but also Cruz’ presumption of losing as his career path, proves him to be the best personification of an establishment candidate our nation has seen thus far.

His epitaph should read, “Here lies Ted Cruz, king of all establishmentarians, and the place all liars go when they tell the same lies every liar tells.”

Election Breakdown

What Trump Saw and Cruz Did Not | The Weekly Standard

… Memo from Rich Danker of the Cruz campaign about Trump’s success

CRUZ POACHES NEARLY ALL AZ DELEGATES=> Former Gov. Jan Brewer Screams “I Got CheaTED!” | Gateway Pundit

What I Know About Donald Trump and Ted Cruz | Rush Limbaugh

…”[Cruz] doing what’s necessary to win…”

Other Reports

CIA director: ’28 pages’ contain inaccurate information | The Hill

…With Brennan video about the ongoing need for CIA

Tear gas in Paris, Istanbul as tensions erupt on May Day | Yahoo – AFP

Trade unions hold rallies to mark May Day; clashes | AP

…Short reports on cities world-wide

‘Spying Billboards’ Under Fire for Tapping Into People’s Cellphones | ABC

…Brave new world of cellphone-billboard-tising