December 11, 2015

Poll: 73% GOP voters predict Trump nom (Hill)

Phil Haney—the DHS-founding whisleblower who couldn’t ‘profile’ Muslims (UK Mail)

Ben Carson blasts RNC, threatens to leave Republican Party (POLITICO)

…because of this report…

Report: RNC leaders plotting against Trump? (WP)

Nuts ‘n bolts: The Polls May Be Underestimating Trump’s Support (Atlantic)

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December 10, 2015

Poll: 59% say “too easy” to enter US (Rasmussen)

Congress votes to make entry to US easier, end religious consideration (Free Beacon)

Trump up to 35% (CBS)

Muhammad Ali takes the gloves off on Trump, defends peace of Islam (NBC)

Viral Video: Angry Christian v praying Muslim in the park, story (CBS)

Video: Indiana town hall brawl, story (Indy Star)

Fireside chat: Higher interest rates are coming, and that’s great for America (QZ)

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December 8, 2015

Video viral: “Number one: Get a gun. Buy one legally. Learn how to shoot. And be primed to use it.” (FNC)

Stock-up after Cali (Yahoo-Reuters)

Porsche v Tesla (QZ)

72 DHS employees on watch list, 95% failure rate (Free Beacon)

Climate Deniers to be expelled from UN (Climate Depot)

Predicting prices, background: OPEC is suffering because it miscalculated–but so has everyone else (QZ)  · · · →