Cadence of Conflict: Asia, December 28, 2015


China steps up its game again. While companies won’t be required to give Beijing power to indiscriminately snoop the web, they are on notice to cooperate with coming procedures if they are asked. This time wasn’t the first, but it’s a little more clear, a little more friendly, and a little more toothy than the last.

Taiwan’s likely Presidential victor party, the DPP, has adopted a policy effectively outlawing the KMT-Nationalist party practice of owning for-profit businesses. The policy is wise by many measures, respect from the US and an even greater increase in voter support notwithstanding.

Since the US stepped up its own game, $1.8B to Taiwan, China is not happy.


China Strongly Protests US Arms Sales To Taiwan (Eurasia Review)

Antiterrorism law expands China’s surveillance reach (Taipei Times)


China passes new national security law extending control over internet (Guardian)


DPP seeks act to regulate party assets (Taipei Times)

US said to move ahead with $1.83 billion arms sale to Taiwan (Stars and Stripes)