Encore of Revival: America, April 20, 2015


Police violence and opposition are becoming a hot topic in America. The country is divided. Few offer real solutions. Many police are good. Racism is a problem, but is either exaggerated or belittled by politicians, media, authors, and speakers. Police training is a key problem—training must prepare officers to not be so domineering that they lose focus—training must instill habits of short-n-sweet apprehension that doesn’t leave an officer living in regret for taking a life. Eric Garner should not have died for evading cigarette tax.

Priorities are off. Leaders want to obscure political parties with irreconcilable ideologies and to erase political boundaries between non-congruent nations. The Mexican border has been abandoned from a bipartisan Establishment with a de facto desire to force a merger of the US and Mexico. At the same time, ISIS is reported to have a base only 8 miles from our largely abandoned Mexican border. “Amnesty” Republicans are unelectable, as 2012 told Romney. If they do get elected, the country won’t survive as is.

This raises questions about the “Republicrat” Estaablishment. If the Bushes believe that “Terrorism” (largely undefined) is such a threat, then why did they leave such an inviting entry for terrorists at the Mexican border? A merger of the US and Mexico is an elitists’ dream. And greed—even elitist greed—often leaves us blind and vulnerable.

While elitists continue a corptocratic transition to de facto fascism, too many voters get their political news from Comedy Central. Jon Stewart rightly critiques mainstream news for being bias toward sensationalism, conflict, and laziness. Right wingers could cut-up a little more. Sarcasm has it’s place. Faux News is not to blame for America’s problem, rather it’s fame critiques it. Voters need to step up their research. News needs to be less narrow on many fronts. We all need to get it together because what we watch affects our thinking, which affects our voting—which is neither a joke nor an enterprise.

When priorities are wrong, problems grow. When problems grow, trouble follows. In times of trouble, people search their own hearts. When we hit bottom, we can only look up. Revival is coming, but not quite yet.


The anti-police movement in America

…O’Reilly and his opposing guest say much the Pacific Daily Times has already said.

New York Cigarette Taxes Killed Eric Garner

…Limbaugh places blame on the public villainizing cigarettes.

My Response to Myself as the News

…Limbaugh offers alternative looks at police violence in a FOX interview

U.S. forces said able to defend against cyberattacks but not geared yet to wage digital war

Solen Valor videos

…Impersonating soldiers seems to be trending.

#ShutDownA14: Protesters against police brutality barricade Brooklyn Bridge


Bombshell Report: New Islamic State ‘Camp’ Discovered — but Its Reported Location Is the Real Story

…Breaking news last week

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm

…Confirmed the next day


Exclusive: Jon Stewart on ‘Fox News Sunday’

…Stewart viz Wallace, good stuff said on both sides. At 13:10, Stewart explains how 24-7 news will “gin-up” normal events to retain viewers. Steward is a comedian first; Wallace doesn’t understand; voters get political ideas from comedy first. Stewart even critiques news media because he has credibility. More on this coming in future @PacificDT Journals.

Trevor Noah to Succeed Jon Stewart on ‘The Daily Show’

…We love faux news at @PacificDT. We don’t agree with Stewart’s “ideological background”, but we enjoy his use of art and critique of absurdity in news and politics. He will be missed.