Encore of Revival: America, March 14, 2016


Leading a nation is much like raising a teenager—everything you say and do is wrong and you must speak your idea in less than five seconds, anything longer will be ignored, anything shorter will probably be ignored anyway. And, America has an opinion about Ted Cruz and Donald Trump—probably about as many opinions per person as there are five second moments in each day.

The latest opinion is the boilerplate page of comparing the leading candidate to Hitler. The problem with this comparison is that Hitler did not set off alarms before it was too late, Trump does. If Trump was planning a Hitler-style takeover, he’s not being sneaky enough. A better Hitler comparison would be the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, who is now third in line for a position he “didn’t want”, after unifying a divided party by “making demands and conditions”, all after losing his bid for second in line. An even better comparison to Hitler would be the man responsible for ousting Ryan’s predecessor, thus rolling the red carpet for Ryan to gain his seat—a man who, like Hitler, has wide support from the religious community, sets off few to no alarms, and is somewhat of a loner in the capitol, Cruz. But, none of these really have the cloaked, condescending, wild inner-nature—and none of them are anti-Israel—except one other man who will leave office in January, the door likely smacking him on the way out.

As for America’s opinion about Rubio, Florida is winner-takes-all. The Bush protege seems bent on dumping his leaking coffers to give Floridians opportunity for practice voting against him. Wow, that went fast.

The real dangers are Americans who trust any candidate. Rubio notwithstanding, we know no one’s intention and even the best men are corrupted by power. Americans will not be safe as long as they continue to put their hope in politicians rather than expecting themselves to guard their own liberties and future.

Phone cam: Chicago protestors block ambulance | Civilians AGAINST Cop Block – Facebook

Trump supporters, protesters clash after Chicago rally postponed | CNN

Watch Secret Service Agents Surround Trump as Man Tries to Rush Security Barricade | Slate

Trump Surrounded by Secret Service as Man Tries Rushing Stage | ABC

Ben Carson Endorses Donald Trump FULL Press Conference (3-11-16) | RightSide-YouTube

Five things to know about the Florida primary | USA Today