NBC predicts the end of Trump… again
The Trump phenomenon, some get it, some don’t
All about the ‘war hero’ controversy
Controversial Google employee salary spreadsheet story
Revealed: First high resolution image of Pluto causes concern · · · →
GOP leaders are out of touch. Trump resounds with the Conservatives and draws Black America, 17% of Hispanic support. Yet he is interpreted by GOP leaders as only inciting “demagoguery” rather than teaching Conservatism. Maybe GOP leaders don’t know what Conservatism is. Trump has used no racial slurs nor suggested policies of inequality for law-abiding people of any country. He never said anything bad about Mexican people, only illegal immigrants from any country who also commit crimes, specifically. Yet, Pitbull takes exception as having defined the very culture he is concerned about? We need Trump and Pitbull to have a sit-down.
A huge earthquake could come to America soon, literally as well as figuratively.
Video shows man putting gun to Metro cop’s head, firing
…Good example of a cop who deserves a medal: calmed a truly dangerous situation, acted when necessary
Perry Hits Trump: ‘Toxic Mix of Demagoguery and Nonsense’
News Desk News Desk July 16, 2015 John McCain Has a Few Things to Say About Donald Trump
Pitbull says he won’t go to Trump hotels anymore
…Not just any ordinary celebrity, a business-minded, wealthy Hispanic
Bret Baier Trump poll Tweet:
· · · →A new @Univision poll of registered Hispanic voters shows 71% unfavorable opinion of @realDonaldTrump.
“Pacific fever”—the state of forgetting which country one is in.
China is headed for an all out tailspin, economically and politically. Beijing was smart with money, courting foreign investment, and even smart with religion—allowing Christianity on the condition it did not form a de facto political caucus. The economy went up. The number of Christians soared. But China made a mistake in trying to expand borders.
During natural disasters, Taiwan helps its neighbors, Japan and the Philippines, two other countries being pushed-around by Beijing. The Communists’ old enemy, the KMT (Nationalist Party), is still in Taiwan and has remained Beijing’s primary target in the Pacific. If war breaks out, China would not be outnumbered, but they would be surrounded and out-witted by multiple enemies, each whom China has ever failed to conquer.
The “peripheries” around China—Taiwan, the man-made islands in the South China Sea, parts of Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan, possibly even Tibet and the Mongolia claim, not to mention the way of handling the Hong Kong policy—all these diluted China’s power and alerted other countries. · · · →
HW, 91, falls breaks bone in neck
Jeb gets 3% from ‘small donors’, Goldman Sachs the biggest
Cruz NY Times bestseller—finally, Amazon?
Disturbing viral video: Selling abortion parts over salad
PLUTO—not only heart, but mountains
Sober vision: Why you should question the cult of the charismatic CEO · · · →
Israel dost not approve the deal: ‘historic mistake’
Germany not happy that Israel is not happy
Mark Levin & Breitbart—the real deal on everything
Suffolk University DONALD 17% JEB 14%
1.1M fingerprints hacked: Fed workers
History of Pluto’s non-planet of love
Where no bean has gone before: Starbucks will open its first coffee shop in Sub Saharan Africa next year · · · →