Encore of Revival: America, October 5, 2020

People need to see their leader. It’s a national security issue. Is the one in charge alive and well? Rumors about Kim Jong-Un’s health often send tremors of doubt through and around North Korea. We don’t want the same doubt in America. Doctor’s, however, have a narrower and more specific perspective.

Presidents get sick. This is something that happens to almost every president sooner or later. Not if, but when it happens, gossip columns circle questions about transitions of power, mostly to capitalize on curiosity from the country.

President Trump’s diagnosis with the pneumoniavirus will lionize him in the minds of the electorate. Now, he is more involved and affected by the virus and is no longer an outsider. He is the victim of China and champion of the people. That’s the political script playing out. It can’t hurt him in the election, only boost his numbers—because of how he responds.

He learns. He stays strong. He takes precautions. He hates the unpopular masks. He defies doctors’ orders—something most Americans love doing. He quarantines himself—something most Americans identify with. He keeps working—because we’re all depending on him. Without this response, he would have hurt his own numbers. He chose to respond with “involved strength”. Everything is okay if we make it okay, and that’s what the president did.

As for the Senate, they found their excuse to step up the suspense and delay of confirming Amy Coney Barrett. Isn’t that a politically miraculous coincidence!

Equally coincidental are China and Biden. Neither can say bad things about a man who is sick in the hospital. That’d be like punching a man with glasses. China has to roll back its aggression in the South and East seas or else be seen as an even greater aggressor by the rest of the West.

It’s funny how things always seem to work out. None of this was planned, not in the least. It was all a miraculous, convenient coincidence. Nothing more.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 28, 2020

It took one week, but we finally have a SCOTUS nominee—the long time nominee apparent, Amy Coney Barrett. The Senate will begin confirmation hearings after waiting another two weeks. Then, hope to vote another two weeks after that on October 26. That will leave the perfect amount of time for Republican voters to get nervous, Democratic voters to worry themselves out, and a few days for all voters to learn that Senate Republicans did what Republican voters wanted. Yes, the Senate dragged its feet and showed its power by delaying power. SCOTUS will be full with 5-3 Conservative justices just before the election, rather than just after. If the Senate was in a hurry, McConnell would crawl over broken glass to begin hearings immediately.

This opens up a myriad of suspicions. If the election is challenged, the court will have six Republican-appointed “original intent” -minded justices, including the notorious swing vote, Chief Justice John Roberts. All six justices vote according to process and intent, usually with Republicans, but not always.

The three remaining Liberal judges, all of them appointed by Democratic presidents, always vote against Republicans and in favor of Democratic-Liberal ideals, regardless of “original intent”. They believe this is honest and ethical. But, they won’t be deciding any election disputes, the six rule-stickler justices will.

A Left-leaning professor this week observed that Trump acts much tougher than he actually is—and that Democratic voters should stop going for his bait. They might not be able to not go for the bait. But, knowing that the election won’t change the Supreme Court balance this time around, plus considering how boring Biden is, Democratic voters might not have the energy to show up to vote, not even with the October surprise about Trump’s taxes, which won’t change anyone’s mind anyway.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 21, 2020

Justice Ginsburg is dead at 87, God rest her soul. Her life’s work is well documented in the litany of eulogies from this past weekend. This article will not attempt to add to them.

Whenever a seat opens on the Supreme Court, the nation enters the same debate with the same platitudes. Depending on who is and is not in control of the White House and the Senate, different people argue different platitudes. In 1992, then Senator Joe Biden argued what is today called the “Biden Rule”, that supreme justices should not be appointed during an election season. Republicans didn’t agree. Then President George HW Bush appointed a justice anyway, along with many other federal judges. The Democrat-controlled Senate, and the Judiciary Committee chaired by Biden, refused to even hold hearings on HW Bush appointees. But, their refusal was not limited to the 1992 election year; Biden applied his “Biden Rule” in 1991.

Then, in 2016, Biden opposed Republicans following the “Biden Rule”. He wanted Obama to appoint a justice for the Republican Senate to approve. Suddenly, Republicans agreed with the “Biden Rule” and Biden did not.

Now, a Republican president can appoint a justice for a Republican Senate to approve; but some Republican Senators think they should follow Biden’s rule. Democrats would never follow Biden’s rule if they had the White House and the Senate; we only expect this from Republicans.

Let’s cut with the platitudes and pretentious precedents already. Politicians choose judges because they can. Just how the court always rules in favor of the court—on every case, making whichever ruling reasserts the power of the court—the Senate always votes in favor of the Senate and the White House always acts in favor of the White House.

As with HW Bush and Obama, President Trump will appoint a new justice. The Senate will drag its feet, pretend to serve the will of the people, and play other games to remind Washington that the Senate has power to approve court nominees.

While branches of government put their power on exhibition, the Far Left is resorting to chaos and lawlessness as its display of power. That will only embolden the Right to vote in more Republicans, who will be all too glad to give Trump and his successors the very power he hasn’t used, which the Left nonetheless fears he will. Having been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as the first president in 39 years not to involve America in the very new wars the Left criticizes the Right for, their case against Trump no longer holds water.

If, by some miracle, Republicans lose the election, they will approve Trump’s nominee anyway. They’ll have to. Notwithstanding that nominee vetting often takes 70 days, the Senate will likely find an excuse to wait until after the election. It’s not so much about politics and election strategy as it is about asserting power by delaying power to expand power. Expect a Republican-appointed justice by December, no matter what political smoke blows in the meanwhile. God rest her soul, Ginsburg is dead; so is Roe v Wade.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 14, 2020

Get ready for more. All history points to Trump’s re-election, including the usual Leftist press who predict the defeat of every Republican incumbent who wins anyway.

Half of the American voters’ minds are already made up.

Trump supporters don’t want to surrender to the utter despotism demanded by the rising kamikaze movement from the uttermost Left. In the past, whenever voters finally saw evidence a Republican candidate was only 99% perfect or less, they voted Democrat. Not anymore!

Anti-Trumpists from the rising kamikaze movement from the uttermost Left have their minds half made up. They won’t accept Trump no matter the evidence, no matter the results, no matter the jobs brought back from China, no matter the Chinese invasion repelled by Trump’s administration. But, they haven’t made up their minds that their boring “Hidin’ Biden” candidate won’t win by holding conventions over Skype or the like. They don’t know when they are losing, possibly because they lack sense of “self”. After Trump wins in November, expect the uttermost Left to demonstrate something akin to “narcissistic rage”.

Things aren’t cooling off anytime soon.

While the uttermost Left destroys themselves in order to destroy everything—or perhaps the other other way around—those not from the uttermost Left finally see the insanity for what it is. Many in the center-Left have concerns about a rising police state. Republicans have let down their guards because they happen to be getting things their way this time around. Republicans might be here to save the day, but they won’t save tomorrow. A new political movement must rise to save our future. With people waking up to what the utter Left demands, now we only need to wake up to what the utter Right has ignored. Then we’ll be through.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 7, 2020

This week, we remember events 19 years ago, while everyone else was running out of collapsing buildings, police and firefighters were running in, never to return. They were exemplary. America needs exemplary again.

Less than two months before America’s election, rouse after rouse makes headlines. Trump had a medical emergency at Walter Reed, until he didn’t, reported by the same press that followed in his motorcade and knew better. Trump is ending Social Security, except that he’s not. Trump is destroying democracy—by doing all the things everyone already knows he’s doing—things which Democrat voters always hate and Republican voters always cheer. It might be less frivolous to say that Republicans are destroying democracy, but that wouldn’t fit the narrative of having so many “October surprises” in early September.

As for the rouse about fallen soldiers being “losers”, Trump gave further credence to an old Pacific Daily Times Editorial theory, that John Kelly was the mole all along. Look back to articles in 2018 on September 10, November 19, and December 10. Pacific Daily Times, we’ve got your tomorrows.

Remember, when Trump announced in 2015, he was already elected in 2016 and already re-elected in 2020.

Mail-in voting would be a great idea if it didn’t have so many opportunities for fraud. Anytime the Left tries to fix something, they do such a terrible job that Republican voters throw a fuss and do it how Republicans could have done, but chose not to do, it in the first place. This time is no exception.

Mail-in voting will wreak of fraud for one reason: The Left didn’t make it fraud-proof when they made it. Republican voters see the danger and will use all their powers to prevent election fraud, catching the frauds in the process. It’s not a good year to be dishonest.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 31, 2020

Indefensible. That’s the word for the actions of police who continue the same arrogant conduct, even after all that has happened. It’s also the word for the Biden campaign.

A virtual convention that looks like a press conference can’t compete with a party convention on the White House lawn. Biden’s appeals are too much akin to Carter’s at the close of his defeated debate with Reagan. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Democrats want to lose. It’s more likely that they don’t know when they are losing because they don’t know how to adapt. That goes for arrogant police as well as losing Democrat campaigns.

Take careful note of the dissent, complaints, doom-mongering, accusations, and verbal vomit coming against the leaders steering us through these times. This barrage of doubt befits the same ilk any victor faces in the hours and minutes before breakthrough and victory. Remember it well. After Trump wins and does more of what they said could not be done, the same accusers will deny that they ever claimed the inevitable was impossible.

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