Encore of Revival: America, January 11, 2021

The treachery of American political parties runs much deeper than any of us thought. There is nothing wrong with the Constitution, the problem lies within political parties that ignore their voters. Biden is the rightly-elected president because voters do not actually chose the president; they indicate their will to Congress, which is allowed to ignore the will of voters, which Congress just did. The Republican Party is finished; the Democratic Party is soon to be.

Trump was an outsider who actually took easy and necessary steps to stop the global breakdown caused by a selfish political class made of fake Republicans and fake Democrats. For this good he did, that political class attacked his unrelated character flaws. The system determined on its own self-destruction could not resist its neediness to attack anyone trying to save it. When push came to shove and the Capitol chamber was breached, the Washington worms retreated to their old belief that nice talk without right action calms angry citizens. That’s what the Republicans did to their voters. Then again Republican voters have done the same to Democratic voters on police violence and racism for centuries.

Peter Drucker said, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Republicans have been good managers, doing things right without doing right things. Democrats pretend to do the right things, but always do things wrongly. Trump was loved for America’s brief moment of finally doing a few things right. Not one war started for the first time in decades. Allies cut the umbilical cord from dependence on American soldiers. Many troops were called home. Many jobs returned. But, Trump didn’t redress grievances, so in mainstream media he was criticized for his tone instead of grievances neglected.

The treachery is not in the Constitution, which rightly gave Democratic voters the stolen election they wanted. Republicans voters lost because they would not exit their complacency to create a third party and because they would not win the hearts of their Democrat-voting neighbors. Instead, they grew lazy and angry in their religious fallacy that Trump was some kind of heavenly savior, chosen by God to create a godly government within a system that rejects godliness.

Trump did not insight the Washington protesters to illegally enter the Capitol; Republican state legislators provoked them by not heeding the countless peaceful assemblies and petitions. The blood spilled and yet to be spilled is on their hands. Now, only Trump can reduce the rage that those Republican legislators certified when they certified an election they had a mandate not to.

Unless Trump has other plans, which he probably does, the next ordinary step would be for him to resign so Pence could pardon him from the politically-motivated assault he is under, then further his political movement to evict the establishment that rejected the majority of voters along with him. That would give his raging supporters a constructive way to direct their rage. The Washington worms would be wise to leave him alone if he does, lest things get even worse than Washington’s overuse of Delphi technique has already made them. However, that presumes we are in ordinary times, which we are not. Likelihood of “politics as usual” decreases with each news headline. Remember, Trump is full of surprises.

Our times are unprecedented. Banning millions of Twitter and Facebook users from following a president—even in his lame duck days—is like trying to stop the Mississippi River with a paper mache dam. It only creates a new and unpredictable river. Newsmax and Gab sure are making money, perhaps they are the real conspirators. This unabashed censorship and the Republican disdain for its own base indicates power mongers who fear something the public doesn’t know yet, but are convinced the public will soon learn anyway. Likelihood is high for martial law, followed by a new political party to rise, along with the return of another public figure betrayed by the RNC—Sara Palin.

We’ve seen angry Democrat-voter protests. Now, we will see what happens when the Republican base is enraged—something the political class undermined more than we thought. We don’t need to prove an election was fraudulent; we need to prove that each election wasn’t. In this election, proving fraud would be easier than proving accuracy. The Republican Party had a mandate to undo doubtful election results from its voters. They Constitutionally and legally ignored those voters, not knowing they ended their political futures when they did.

So, the greatest danger Trump posed from the beginning is no longer a threat: The Republican Party will not gain trust from Trump’s work done too well. The new danger is that treachery of the legislature often gives rise for the executive to declare martial law. If Trump is conspiring instead of merely salvaging, then the RNC and DNC are in on it too. If not, then those parties are the conspiracy. If Trump is bad, neither party is the solution. At least people are now awake to the depth of American treachery. The problem lies within political parties, locked in a charade like Chris and Ian pretending to be Saruman and Gandalf in a wizard dual. The DNC and RNC are not enemies; they are friends playing enemies on stage. Now, the Republican voters know. The Democratic voters will figure it out in a few years. The third party is on its way.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 14, 2020

Get ready for more. All history points to Trump’s re-election, including the usual Leftist press who predict the defeat of every Republican incumbent who wins anyway.

Half of the American voters’ minds are already made up.

Trump supporters don’t want to surrender to the utter despotism demanded by the rising kamikaze movement from the uttermost Left. In the past, whenever voters finally saw evidence a Republican candidate was only 99% perfect or less, they voted Democrat. Not anymore!

Anti-Trumpists from the rising kamikaze movement from the uttermost Left have their minds half made up. They won’t accept Trump no matter the evidence, no matter the results, no matter the jobs brought back from China, no matter the Chinese invasion repelled by Trump’s administration. But, they haven’t made up their minds that their boring “Hidin’ Biden” candidate won’t win by holding conventions over Skype or the like. They don’t know when they are losing, possibly because they lack sense of “self”. After Trump wins in November, expect the uttermost Left to demonstrate something akin to “narcissistic rage”.

Things aren’t cooling off anytime soon.

While the uttermost Left destroys themselves in order to destroy everything—or perhaps the other other way around—those not from the uttermost Left finally see the insanity for what it is. Many in the center-Left have concerns about a rising police state. Republicans have let down their guards because they happen to be getting things their way this time around. Republicans might be here to save the day, but they won’t save tomorrow. A new political movement must rise to save our future. With people waking up to what the utter Left demands, now we only need to wake up to what the utter Right has ignored. Then we’ll be through.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 17, 2020

The ability to attain and maintain peace is special, especially these days. It’s what government should do, but doesn’t always know how. The police in Kalamazoo, Michigan did the right thing by being close enough to act if needed, but not being the “main event”. The role of the police is to preserve the peace, not to prevent the consequences of a radical group choosing to provoke another radical group. Conflict only lasted 10 minutes, then quickly calmed down. Less could be said for other parts of the nation.

Our president’s brother passed away at 71, God rest his soul. As the family grieves, business in the nation continues.

Israel now has formal ties with the UAE, which could mean direct flights between Dubai and Jerusalem. The Palestinians aren’t happy; the world isn’t surprised. This affects the Unites States on the international stage as well as the election. Foreign relations help at the ballot box.

Biden has all but formally announced the VP nominee. It won’t matter because he doesn’t stand a chance of winning. Headlines about the Democratic ticket doomed to fail do little more than distract Democratic voters who don’t know they have been duped by the media into a false hope based on false fears and slanted polls. But, those lies sure do sell newspapers!

Trouble is on the rise. It comes in spurts, but it is growing. People are moving out of Californian cities. Protests continue in Portland and Seattle. The trouble is complex, much of it is deserved, and much of it is necessary for our nation to confront the issues that keep us from healing from our past. The only way out is through. To do that, we’ll need to listen to each other.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 3, 2020

The montages and excerpts won’t sway a single vote. Congressman Jordan’s six minute video mainly shows footage of just a few groups mobbing police with limited looting. This doesn’t contradict the narrative on the Left that activists don’t primarily loot, but strongly oppose police in particular. Both Right and Left voters think the video justifies their own position. Not one opinion changed.

People are generally fed up with police having an elitist attitude. Trump supporters don’t think Trump needs to act for police to get what they beg for, the mobs on the Left are doing a good enough job. There won’t be any changed votes over police and protests.

Experts and analysts are starting to predict a possible Trump victory because Trump identifies with the main backbone of swing States. In other words, some people think the energizing incumbent who kept campaign promises might win against a boring opponent. The technical polling research term for that is, “Dah!”

The interesting factor in all this analysis is that Trump supporters don’t seem swayed at all by the media. Rich Thau finds that his Obama-Trump focus groups mainly watch local news. And, that explains everything.

The media can’t take away what the media did not give. Sentiment for Trump never came from any single speech or opinion. It came from results. People were tired of jobs moving overseas while the so-called spirit of free trade served as little more than an excuse to fatten China into the otherwise unnecessary threat we have today. Now, people are glad jobs are back and someone is actually telling China to behave. People were tired of a Washington culture that talks nice and polite while steamrolling the obvious will of the electorate. People hated bad results before and liked the good results in the last three and a half years. It was the results, not opinion-slanted news from any side, that shaped pro-Trump opinion.

The concept that reporting doesn’t decide public opinion is a concept that the reporting establishment can’t grasp. All the polls that falsely predict every Republican incumbent’s magical defeat can’t change people who don’t even watch, no matter how much those polls think they can.

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Encore of Revival: America, June 1, 2020

It’s amazing what can happen in a week. It’s amazing what a week can reveal about what quietly happened over the course of decades. America has somehow attracted and cultivated a police force with an attitude other than one “to serve and protect”.

Minnesota and Minneapolis are run by Democrats. So are New York and New York. Neighborhoods with violent rioting over the abominable murder of George Floyd see violent responses from more abominable police. What we see from police against all demographics of protesters makes Hong Kong look gentle. It’s atrocious how provocative police are seen in footage coming from the protests.

As Will Smith said, “Racism is not getting worse, it’s getting filmed.” So is police disregard for the public.

America has a systemic racism problem compounded with a supremacist police problem. These days, people don’t consciously disdain others for skin color—not much. Instead, we accept certain events as part of the narrative. If a White pastor mugs someone, that’s headline news. If a Black man gets killed by a cop, oh well tragedies happen all the time. Thanks to what little freedom is left in social media, we got to see just how unabashed murderous cops have become. When they killed George Floyd, it seemed routine.

With politicians the saying goes, “Not all are bad; it’s just the 99% that give a bad rap for the rest of them.”

Yeah, the bad apples give the bushel a bad name. Many police out there really do want to make a positive change, to repair what we have come to accept and expect. But, there are a lot more bad apples than the public narrative gave credit to. It seems that good apples gave too good a rap to a half-rotten bushel. At least now we know.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, December 30, 2019

We are headed toward a massive inquisition of police. It could be known as the “Hong Kong Trials”, where each police officer who served since June is combed over and evaluated for every step taken at every single protest, then tried under international law. It’s not immediately around the corner, but the current powers governing Hong Kong are doing everything they can to make that day inevitable.

Over the holidays, neither protestors nor police took a break, except for a brief moment on Christmas at midnight, when protestors were the adults in the room to pause for a moment in honor of something greater. Many had Christmas dinner away from their families, largely due to East Asian culture’s dogma toward older family members. Authoritarianism generally drives away people who are self-motivated and take initiative, family being a least exception. Older generations in Hong Kong don’t understand that. Neither does Beijing. This Christmas, many middle aged and elderly parents faced the question posed by empty seats at many a dinner table: Do you love your children more than your desire for compliance? To some extent, families will be reconciled in due course; parents who refuse will lose even more.

Taiwan had its own drama over the holidays. An accused Chinese mole, formerly in Taiwan’s military, is being hung out to dry for purportedly recruiting more moles. Former president Ma is accusing the Control Yuan of interfering by questioning the judge who let him off scot-free. That stands to reason since the Control Yuan was effectively shut down during his tenure, which, unbeknownst to most, gave even greater rise the Sunflower Movement of 2014. As if Taiwan hadn’t its fill of holiday joy, US Congress is now working on a bill that will formalize the US envoy to Taiwan as a full ambassador—requiring presidential appointment and Senate approval. That is about as close to recognizing Taiwan as a country without recognizing Taiwan as a country as a country can get. China won’t be happy, but the Taiwanese sure thought it was a very Merry Christmas!

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