July 9, 2015

Pope calls for economic/environmental new world order

Greece rejected EU’s bad marketing

Glitches, scares, and safety of fragmented markets, -261.49

Apple down $69B since May

Negotiations: Iran threatens international court over Hussein support

Caller: I couldn’t stand Donald Trump… But I heard his speech… about the illegals… I’d vote for him right now.

$300M, Verizon/AOL to buy mobile ad company?

CapOne buying another one

Microsoft’s big chunk in Nokia hardware, nitty gritty factors

Mind your habits, be yourself: Why There Is No Magic Formula for Increasing Creativity  · · · →

July 8, 2015

Megan Kelly tops FOX

Hillary has the grip

Video: ‘roped in’ media, literally, 1992

All money eyes to China: ’29 immanent

‘Greece’ problem is about EU, seize German property

March against Monsanto gaining speed

Illegal used Fed gun, ANOTHER hit & run, 347K ‘at large’

40K troops cut, more info

Christian colleges and same-sex couple housing

Last Cosby replaced by ‘Family Matters’

Twitter strategy: Apple music & pro videos or bust

Best good news of today: Netflix Moves Into Original Feature Films, Starting This October  · · · →

July 7, 2015

Video: Trump lays out all current issues

China imploding: four big companies stop trading

Greece’s ‘kickass’ motorcyclist ex-finance minister

Europe not ‘debt’ crisis; ‘democracy’ crisis

Money trouble brewing in southern Italy

Murderer chose San Francisco ‘Sanctuary City’

Old Post Office, 15 illegals contracted by third party don’t like Trump’s comments

Bernie Sanders: worthy Hillary rival

Should have listened to the folks, in biz as in politics: Reddit: “We Screwed Up”

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July 2, 2015

China just declared almost war on the world, yesterday, again

Obama blocks Arab defense against ISIS

White House fence is spikier—knows how to build a fence

Trump is up and Democrats love it, signs of hostile takeover antics

‘Dukes of Hazard’ gets pulled from TV Land

Cloud brand ‘Box’ joins establishment

IndieGogo to help Greece

Wireless charging via ‘radio waves’

Lessons from Thomas Payne: The Persuasive Genius of One of America’s Most Important Revolutionaries  · · · →