Cadence of Conflict: Asia, August 24, 2015


North Korea does it’s annual late summer saber-rattling while the US and South Korea run their annual pre-autumn laps on the peninsula. Everyone’s in an uproar and “this time” it could be dangerous—again. Back to school.

China’s market slows while it’s naval activity rises. Chinese business is no longer the talk of town, though banking is as Beijing goes liquid. 400 deep pockets lost $182B USD to China’s sinking tech.

Taiwan’s election season continues to heat up. In this week’s episode of old school v democracy, DPP Mayor William Lai threatened to close the KMT-Nationalist-controlled Taiwan Control Yuan if the Control Yuan tries to close him, but not Speaker Lee who was found guilty in a lower court of buying the votes that gave him his speakership. Apparently, the Control Yuan is not even a Constitutionally legal entity. China does is own gossip among Americans about the DPP. So, it’s clear how important the Taiwan 2016 election will be.


China increasing activity in disputed waters: report

Charts: This may be the start of the world’s next financial crisis


China Poised to Raise Banks’ Liquidity to Boost Lending

World’s Richest People Lose $182 Billion in Market Rout

…From tech in the China market


Lai issues threat to end Control Yuan

China Intensifies Media Campaign against Taiwan’s DPP in the US

VOTE 2016: Not a Time for Scorched-Earth Politics

North Korea

Korea crisis talks continue as North deploys subs

North, South Korea officials meet in bid to ease tension

It’s Not a Hermit Kingdom, and 4 Other Myths About North Korea

S. Korea demands ‘clear apology’ from North amid crisis talks