Encore of Revival: America, May 20, 2019

The Supreme Court always sides with the courts retaining their power. Justice Kavanaugh’s recent ruling with the Liberal side of the court was not any attempt to appeal to the Left. It demonstrates his knowledge of the tech world of developers and his belief that judges should be able to judge. The remaining Conservative justices on the Court sided with precedent, not with business reality. The Liberals on the Court simply ruled against business and monopoly with their activist ideals. Kavanaugh was the only justice who ruled objectively, notwithstanding that courts always rule in favor of the courts retaining their power to rule.

The Mueller investigation certainly served its double purpose. Communists in both the Democratic base and in the Chinese government held on to a delusional hope that Trump was weak. That kept them distracted and foolish long enough for them to ensnare themselves. China overreached, providing a great “election enemy”, and the Leftist machine overreached, possibly incriminating themselves.

Some states turned Democratic in the recent midterm. But, things look like they’re turning around for a gargantuan victory for Republicans nation-wide. Republican states are passing anti-abortion legislation that could lead to the long-waited reversal of Roe v Wade.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 13, 2019

War! That’s next. With 2019 oaths of office sworn, with the 2020 presidential on the horizon, and with the Democrats clinging to demagoguery long after their fake investigation proved fake, the Left has left no alternative. War is one of the best ways to seal up a second term. Because it involves democracy, that is a calculation our Communist enemies can’t understand. If the Communist world wanted to defeat the US—and if the communists in the Democratic Party wanted to defeat the Republicans—they’d play “peace possum” for two years. But, Communists have the learning curve of a cat.

The US is not moving resources to the Fifth Fleet in the Middle East because of some recent Iranian rhetoric. Iran makes and poses threats more often than North Korea. If Iran’s most recent threats are special, it’s from the smell of blood on the horizon as the sun comes up over the South Sea. Whether for caution or concern, the Pentagon is beefing-up the Fifth Fleet because the Seventh Fleet is about to get busy with China.

We don’t want anyone taking advantage of the situation.

With Trump having pulled out of Syria and Afghanistan, Russia has every reason to be nice, for now. Extra missiles might make sure Iran does too—or if Iran can’t get smart, at least change Iran along with the change about to happen to China. Moscow may tell Tehran to behave. New Delhi may feel emboldened give the same advice to Beijing, but you know cats.

War is coming and victory with it, both for the US and for the Republicans.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 6, 2019

While war brews in the Far East, the West debates social media. Populism is taking over from all sides. Even Conservatives aren’t being so conservative in their rhetoric, though they still express their ideals at the election polls more than anywhere else. Liberals express their ideals everywhere they can.

Nancy Pelosi already has her strategy lined up no matter the outcome of the 2016 election. “Social justice warriors” are taking over the Left to such a point that Democrats as we know them may not be a viable party much longer. The institution will survive a bit longer, but it will change. Rosie O’Donnell and Megyn Kelly learned that the hard way; Joe Biden is about to.

Most debates are no longer two-sided. More and more issues themselves belong to either the Right or the Left. Conservatives don’t want to hear about the Mueller investigation at all. Liberals don’t want to hear reports on the economy. The only thing Congress and the country seem to be united on is China and support for Taiwan. For now, Americans aren’t finding many other reasons for unity at home—for now.

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Encore of Revival: America, April 22, 2019

Thinking about the Russianewsgategate scandal like an addictive drug explains everything. It provides a kind of fix to both sides of divided America. Mueller’s report is the latest dose.

To the Right, it proves how fraudulent and one-sided the attacks on Trump were because there has been more justification for the near identical investigations into the Clintons since the 1990s. That energizes the Right to talk, persuade friends, and vote for Trump. And, the fact that Mueller failed to provide an indictment will draw some voters from the Left to the Right. To the persistent Left, the report contains enough “hopes of Easter eggs” that they can wake up yet another day thinking “this will be the day” when someone finds the “silver bullet” to get Trump impeached. And, of course, every Leftist reporter thinks, “I’ll be the one to find and break the story.”

The whole Mueller investigation, even the report, indicates that there never was any intention to act against Trump—not from Mueller, anyway. Rather, the purpose from the beginning was to toss doggy treats to both packs of the feuding dog pound. Even some fringe politicians will clean up the scraps by running this election. Failing in one election after another can be a well-paying job, if one loses with valor. When the voters get depressed, they always have a dose of Mueller to give them enough of a high to keep them amused and tranquilized while not a single thing changes in Washington.

Tiger Woods made a dramatic comeback that will give inspiration and hope to many people around the world. Life isn’t perfect nor are the people who live it. But, that doesn’t mean we should give up. Happy Easter!

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Encore of Revival: America, April 15, 2019

With the last of Symphony’s saboteur suspects being expelled from the Trump administration, establishment Republicans have their undies in a bunch. Their objections indicate two main motives. Toward the surface, they still think Trump’s decisions are based on calculation of “election strategery” rather than made by an administrator who wants certain things done a certain way. But, on a deeper level, they don’t want their stable, “established” world being unraveled by anyone, outsider or not. But then, there is a third, less apparent layer, more sinister—a question of whether they knew about the saboteurs and wanted them to stay there. Publicized opposition to the president of their own party certainly proves the kind of character that would undermine their own party’s president by any means.

Now that Russianewsgategate nonsense is being seen for the yesterday’s yesterday’s tabloid newspaper it always was, the media machine is gearing up to save face: Goldman Sachs thinks Trump might be re-electable. The Left doesn’t get it. The most important two things to understand about Donald Trump is that from the time he announced his candidacy, 1. he was always going to be elected and 2. he was always going to be re-elected. Those two things aren’t obvious to people who don’t understand Donald Trump.

Democratically-controlled “sanctuary cities” have been working, as they purport, to be a safe haven for immigrants. The kinds of immigrants they seek to protect, as they purport, will be helpful to their communities and to the nation. Now, they have a splendid and long-hoped-for hope of seeing their hard efforts pay off. They will be the beneficiaries of thousands of exactly the kinds of, as they purport, good people they have been standing up to defend. Yet, they found a way to be angry.

If the Trump administration were to send immigrants to the very cities hoping to be sanctuaries for them, wouldn’t that be a good thing? One would think so, unless sanctuary city laws were known to be designed to create problems. By objecting to getting what they wanted, Democrats imply that they know something that they purport everyone else doesn’t. Is there something wrong about sanctuary city laws that their Democratic leaders aren’t telling us?

The rest of America—the “fly-over” counties, the rural areas that the Democratic cosmopolitans turn their noses up at, the Conservatives who grow everyone’s food and cling to their “guns and religion”—they were suspicious about sanctuary city laws. They thought it might be a bad idea. If the Conservatives were right, then sending the invited immigrants to the party that invited them could create a breakdown of law, paving the way for the Federal Government to declare martial law and deal with sanctuary city policy makers that way.

Just imagine: Trump-controlled Democratic cities—and it all would have been made possible by Democrats. But, that’s assuming that the Conservatives were right. We’ll see.

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Encore of Revival: America, April 8, 2019

America is on the quiet this week. It’s the deep calm before the storm. People are tired. Unsatisfied opponents of Conservatism are getting wary from victory deferred after victory deferred. Now, they are looking to another failed candidate to put their hope in, Sanders.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. The invented Mueller Russianewsgategate scandal scandal is coming to its grand fizzle-and-pop of an ending. The Left is self-destructing with its old playbook tactic. When melodrama isn’t enough to get what they want, they respond with more melodrama.

Kirstjen Nielsen is finally gone. Since the “New York Times Essay”, the public grew suspicious of insiders trying to sabotage the Trump administration. In the Pacific Daily Times Symphony list of suspects, she was right there at the top with John Kelly. (See Encore articles from September 10, November 19, and December 10 of 2018.) Firing both discretely and far apart was among the best ways to handle saboteurs. Were they? Only Trump knows for sure, and that’s the way it should stay.

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