Russia steps it up with subs, naval cooperation with China, and—hurting Hillary’s election chances? Jeff Bezos is now advising the Pentagon. And, NATO “has no chance”. What’s happening in America?—the clefting of revival.
The DNC convention saw a former president while the RNC convention saw none. Similarly to Obama, Trump campaigned against the Bush dynasty, which apparently is not the Republican party. A lot of things don’t seem to be the Republican party.
Clinton’s polls continue to slide. Trump sabotaged the DNC convention with his own press conference. Things are changing one way or another. The next president will likely serve two terms and will be the last president from the DNC or the RNC, ever.
Americans got to know Trump a little better this week. Many young Democrats will also get to know him at the debates when they watch him unedited for the first time, as predicted here many times. Some people still think a losing third party is not just another tool of the two-party system.
Some people were not surprised by Trump “appearing more presidential” in his speech. Some people see smoke on the horizon before others; some people never see the smoke no matter how close they are. The stats of who blooms late and early will predict Trump’s election. You have read it here already many times because it was all predictable to those who understand the times.
After Monday’s failed coup on rules, Cruz permanently removed himself from politics Wednesday night. Cruz’s so-called “values” demonstrably include: If someone finds your secret pet peeve and pushes the button, then you are obligated to sabotage your own career and lose whatever you stood to gain for your loyal supporters. It’s better to know sooner than later: he probably won’t make it to the Supreme Court as he might have after all.
Why did Ailes leave Fox? Throw into the mix the main viewing audience’s political party’s nomination for president: consider parallel timing of events, factor enemies and allies, then it all makes plausible sense without explanation.
Islamic attacks are no longer worthy of headlines. How many people saw that coming?
Donald J Trump Jr’s. speech writer, FH Buckley, was accused of plagiarizing the speech he himself wrote from an article he himself wrote—before the critics knew he was a speech writer. How many people saw that coming?
Numbers don’t lie. Trends do indicate. Read the times. Know the signs of the seasons. And remember what the papa tomato said to the baby tomato while crossing the street: Ketchup.
News is getting to a point of being too much to follow. The coup in Turkey failed from lack of support, both internal and public. According to a Fox News Opinion article, the coup sought to remove an anti-Constitution member of the Muslim Brotherhood. The coup supposedly failed because they took opportunity while the president was away rather than seizing him and the media. It almost stands as a warning, of sorts to the US, given the discussions surrounding the Constitution in America. What warning, specifically, is yet to be known.
Obama’s performance has single-handedly created support for Sanders and Trump and he is either unable or unwilling to reverse the escalation of violence in America. The Democratic party, being anything but democratic, doomed Sanders from the beginning, as you have read here many times. This week, Sanders finally capitulated to the Hillary machine. Trump will snatch up at least half of Sanders’s supporters when they discover that Trump says many of the same things. With the face-off approaching, they might have an opportunity where they can’t not listen to Trump anymore. Sanders captured a “never Hillary” base. The days of the “Donkey Democrats” are passing as the Baby Boomers age. People are listening and switching.
Trump chose a running mate based on the resume. There is no doubt that Pence will be advising the White House on particulars of making good policy. Bernie supporters are having as much fun with the initials of “Trump-Pence” as Conservatives did with Barak Obama’s.
France saw another tragedy and the political grandstanding script has become so wearisome that even an attempt at calling for legislation in the aftermath could turn a base against their own long-standing politician. None of the scripts seem to be working anymore. The body count is just too high.
No establishments seem to be doing their jobs anymore. Colleges aren’t preparing students to successfully communicate with management. A child appreciates brownies and the principle calls the police. Snowden is charged while Hillary, Rice, and Powell are not. Republican leaders want to remove public trust in election primaries. Obama addresses the deaths of police by elaborating on police brutality. And, a man who offered to help the police in Dallas has his keys taken, his face wanted, and the police do “nonchalantly” nothing to clear his name. If the police defame their supporters, who is left to help them?
Now, Texas’s governor calls for a Constitutional Convention. But, most of the proposed amendments are already in the Constitution and there are few mechanisms for enforcement, though some. The Convention might catch more wind if Snowden were summoned as a witness and it included a punitive amendment for elected and appointed officials by name who have worked against the redundant amendments proposed. But even without that, the collective institutions that be have made a Constitutional Convention no less than inevitable.
The best thing Obama could do for national peace is to remind voters that they will need peace if they want to vote in the election, which will continue on schedule, lest the States have reason to invite Trump to preside over the Constitutional Convention and add succession to the agenda on grounds to “guarantee a republic”.
It seems during these times, and interestingly despite topics of White House speeches, the country is responding stoically. This same, calm, thoughtful, reflective response was sandwiched by the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the US entry to WWII. The same calm energy was also sandwiched between the collapse of the world trade center and a lot of other things. That calm manner was also reported to have been the response as early Americans watched the night skies lit up with the fires of DC at the start of the War of 1812. The current calm sobriety has been seen many times before America showed strength, global and domestic.
This week is akin to that moment from Tolkien when the Ents first walk out of Fangorn to see Orthanc’s destruction of their forest. What follows can neither be misunderstood, misreported, nor stopped. Some call it “spirit”. Others call it “revival”.
There is a threshold of tolerance that every human has for the number of rules that can be understood and obeyed. There is also a threshold of chaos that a human can tolerate. Rules exist to keep the chaos from crossing that threshold. But, once the number of rules crosses that threshold, the rules and the chaos are no longer distinguishable. It’s all just oppression. Humans can only take so much.
America’s Declaration of Independence was not only over having too many rules, it was also based on an excess of unchecked chaos. England had imposed too many rules than could be obeyed, but those rules did not prevent chaos; they arguably created more. Rules are not always bad or good. They must be created neither liberally or conservatively. Rules must be minimally used for maximum prevention of chaos.
Once the people realize that number of rules and chaos have crossed the threshold of tolerance, the rule makers and rule enforcers are instantly seen in a different light. This programming is hardwired into the human psyche. It requires no organization and no marketing. It is every bit as innate as sleeping when tired. Humans arrive at the point of exhaustion without propaganda.
Ending tyranny and raising leaders is pure human instinct. People will do these on autopilot. They only need to think of “how” once nature has begun its course.
Beginning with the W administration, the number of tolerable rules in America skyrocketed. With Obama, that number increased and chaos simultaneously skyrocketed. Today, we are just crossing the threshold. So, only about half of the people have any concern, the other half label the first half as “alarmists” and blame propaganda.
Right now, the infatuation with Trump and Sanders stem from the “how” question that the people in the United States are asking after leader-tyrant instincts automatically kicked-in. People view Trump and Sanders as the most healthy, peaceful way people see to exercise that instinct. But, the calm-obsessed elites, trying to control people rather than understand them, believe that the Trump phenomenon is a result of propaganda. They may have miscalculated.
Look at Brexit: People can only take so much. Leaders who push the threshold are always surprised when they cross it.