Encore of Revival: America, July 27, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, July 27, 2015

Videos are going viral about police. They even raided Sheriff Joe’s office in Arizona—remember, the Sheriff investigating the authenticity of Obama’s digital birth certificate? US Marshals focusing on Joe could credibility to his “birther” concerns and could re-open the entire issue. The developments will be interesting. As will be the developments of a Black woman who died in prison from a “turn signal” stop that escalated when she wouldn’t put out her cigarette in her own car, as with the pregnant woman forced onto her face for not giving her last name.

Trump pulls further ahead, even though the media said it was all over. Now they’re talking “3rd party” as a real possibility, making the Republican ticket his preference, not his prerequisite. Maybe U. S. Marshals will will raid his office and shove him on his stomach after he gets pulled over for not signaling and refusing to put out his cigarette… At least some might think so.  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, June 20, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, June 20, 2015

GOP leaders are out of touch. Trump resounds with the Conservatives and draws Black America, 17% of Hispanic support. Yet he is interpreted by GOP leaders as only inciting “demagoguery” rather than teaching Conservatism. Maybe GOP leaders don’t know what Conservatism is. Trump has used no racial slurs nor suggested policies of inequality for law-abiding people of any country. He never said anything bad about Mexican people, only illegal immigrants from any country who also commit crimes, specifically. Yet, Pitbull takes exception as having defined the very culture he is concerned about? We need Trump and Pitbull to have a sit-down.

A huge earthquake could come to America soon, literally as well as figuratively.

Video shows man putting gun to Metro cop’s head, firing

…Good example of a cop who deserves a medal: calmed a truly dangerous situation, acted when necessary

Perry Hits Trump: ‘Toxic Mix of Demagoguery and Nonsense’

News Desk News Desk July 16, 2015 John McCain Has a Few Things to Say About Donald Trump

Pitbull says he won’t go to Trump hotels anymore

…Not just any ordinary celebrity, a business-minded, wealthy Hispanic

Bret Baier Trump poll Tweet:

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Encore of Revival: America, July 13, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, July 13, 2015

Trump is on the scene. He’s talking money, trade, responsibility, smarts—and more importantly—he turns around to address the audience behind him. He does what needs to be done. He says what needs to be said. He’s on his game and is on America’s game. Power-leveraging weaklings are scared, only standing-up to a man who helps them, only being controversial enough to bring their own downfalls.

A crowd of Christians held a praise and worship service at Central Park, praying for New York’s mayor. Public prayer gatherings have not gone out of style, even though they have been at a low since the Promise Keepers’ movement came to a decrescendo a decade ago.

Christian leaders are responding to the SCOTUS redefinition of marriage in ways that are more critical of the Church than of homosexuals. This is a shift that is long overdue.

The last “Cosby Show” re-runs are pulled as evidence mounts against Bill Cosby

…Remember, this happened after he went on his long rant against Black-on-Black crime

Love Wins: Being a People Who Delight in Jesus’ Leadership

…From Mike Bickle, a stark contrast to the response against Cosby

Argentinian Evangelist Luis Palau Draws Tens of Thousands to NYC’s Central Park

…Praying for New York Mayor de Blasio

Donald Trump: ‘We have to take back the heart of our country’


Great, rich speech by Trump, video: Donald Trump delivers an amazingly surreal speech in Las Vegas

More energetic speech, video: Donald Trump Full Speech in Phoenix, Arizona July 11, 2015

…Trump turns around during his speech (a public speaking no-no) to acknowledge the crowd behind him

The much-talked about press conference, video: Donald Trump FULL Press Conference with families of people killed by illegal aliens

…Many testimonies from families of Americans killed by illegal immigrants  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, June 6, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, June 6, 2015

This is the end of the beginning for the Church. No more crutches. No more help from nanny government. Tax exempt status on “church mahal” is teetering. The American Church has never been in such a position of advantage where it has been so forced to do things the best way—the way the secular world views as “unofficial”—the very way Heaven values most.

Oklahoma’s top court orders removal of 10 Commandments monument

Episcopalians Vote to Allow Same-Sex Weddings in Churches

Sports Illustrated’ Mocks Injured POW John McCain For Dropping Foul Ball

Scott Hagan’s SCOTUS Response (video)

Another Church Is Burning In South Carolina  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America June 29, 2015

Encore of Revival: America June 29, 2015

SCOTUS defined two institutions it has no jurisdiction over: marriage and health care. Marriage is not an institution of government, it’s an institution of religion. With the court’s opinion on Obamacare being what it is, the State and the Federation are one in the same and “Obamacare” is now “SCOTUScare”. This could result in activist States arguing that State Supreme Courts, therefore, have just as much jurisdiction as the Federation’s Supreme Court—not true, but it could go there.

Marriage should not even be a State issue, but a personal, religious issue performed per County and recognized globally. Giving any higher government a say in core family definition paves the say for large companies to commandeer people’s private lives through government. All those people in support of same-sex marriage could lose it all in a future election because they gave up the power of personal choice in order to get what they want more quickly.  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, June 22, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, June 22, 2015

Technology could be the undoing of the greedy. The US government was hacked because it is run by people who don’t understand computers as well as they understand bribes and crony capitalism. Congress showed that ignorance and more this week when talking to it’s own bureaucracy and it didn’t ‘t like the non-answers it trains its bureaucracies to give others.

Committee members clearly don’t know what questions to ask about cybersecurity or how cybersecurity even works. “Why wasn’t this information encrypted?” is asked about information that was encrypted or was created by the government before our modern security systems were created and Congress did not update that security. And, “Can you assure the Federal workers that you are going to implement all the recommendations that the IG recommended to you, yes or no?” is asked about recommendations that should not be blanketly implemented without ongoing consultation.

This is the same Congress that is trying to regulate the Internet.  · · · →