Encore of Revival: America, September 7, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, September 7, 2015

The counterintuitive results from Trump are not only a critique on American politics, but on the management style taught in corporate America. And, this has serious implications for the Church since seminaries teach pastors from much of the same management style. Of course the establishment is surprised that a self-made success has the support of Blacks and Hispanics. It would be wise if the establishment gave the public more credit than to be so surprised all the time.

The forgiveness of abortions from the Catholic Church will initiate widespread repentance over the abortion issue. It is one more step along the way to revival. Reform always trails repentance.

Tebow is out of football. He just didn’t make it this year. Maybe Christians will follow his lead. A next career is foreseeable, as with many acclaimed, retired athletes. Moreover, it seems almost to be a symbolic foreshadowing—if you can’t do the work, you can’t play in the big leagues.  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, August 31

Encore of Revival: America, August 31

Trump is the father America never had. More every day, slams and smears resemble an angry 16 year old trying to get back the keys to the car. Trump answers like a dad who says, “If you want to drive the car, you have to wash it and change the oil.” Americans who grew up in single-family homes and with disrespected fathers don’t know how to respond.

The spy who hacked the Clinton’s is found dead. The Clinton’s are almost as angry about the hacking as MI6—which raises its own questions. When did the Clinton’s and MI6 agree about anything? Not to worry, the British government is investigating whether the spy was able to lock himself in the bag he was found in. A yoga expert was brought in to try, though he failed. Does this foreshadow that Hillary’s ability to lock-in her own election has been hacked?

Ben Carson closes-in, but not against Trump; against the other hopefuls.  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, August 24, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, August 24, 2015

The abortion videos will not have an immediate effect, though it will stir up trouble for the abortion Establishment. The real impact will be years in the future after the truth has had time to bake people’s consciences. The same thing happened to anti-work Hippies who slowly filed off and found jobs. Now, Boomers’ children have dumped their affair with non-profit and are moving into a “Make Money” movement. The Huffington Post is even talking about it.

Trump continues to defy poll predictions, “this time”—again. Regardless of the future, he has permanently trained the country that anti-political correctness is the greater political force.

The economic hickup in Asia doesn’t seem to be stopping Chicago from building “Oba Mahal”. A lot of wealthy people lost money, but only the mass media says it’s time to panic. A bounce is likely. Don’t smack any pavement. Revival is on its way.

Donald Trump has already peaked

Poll: Trump grows lead in NC; GOP leads most match ups

7th Shocking Video Catches Planned Parenthood Harvesting Brain of Aborted Baby Who Was Still Alive

…cutting a face, a fetus still moving…

Video: Lenexa Police Department addresses the Viral arrest video

The Stunning Evolution of Millennials: They’ve Become the Ben Franklin Generation

The man building Barack Obama’s future  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, August 17, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, August 17, 2015

Trump is the talk of town. Obama is getting donations to leave. Both have plans recently revealed: Trump to deal with immigration through never before seen competency; Obama to network with the wealthy for a $1 billion postpresidential infrastructure.

Foreigners living in America could lead to domestic unrest in more ways than one. Not only is illegal immigration a concern at the southern border, Chinese seem to be disappearing and Obama isn’t happy. Beijing got a warning this week and the White House wants suspicious Chinese to get out fast.

Hillary’s 60+ emails with classified redactions are raising more eyebrows. She shouldn’t be front and center for political potential talk anymore. Concerns should turn to China as well as the economy.

Money forecasters smell trouble, some from China’s slowdown, as well as from dipping commodity markets and international money such as Britain’s 77-month bull, Greece, and the overrated BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)—all indicating smoke on the horizon.  · · · →

Encore of Revival: August 10, 2015

Encore of Revival: August 10, 2015

Trump has set the new standard in debates: Talk like a boss. FOX News lost credibility by inaccurately predicting the downfall of the man who brought them the largest audience in Presidential debate history. If Megyn Kelly really believed Trump had a war against women, she wouldn’t have asked the question. Chris Wallace learned late to shut his trap when his spit comment about money lending blew back in his face. The FOX is toast.

In a real debate, candidates ask each other questions. Election debates have become about the media personalities. Now they, along with candidates Trump funded, lost to the man who made them their money.

Money was the talk of the debate last week. A new money movement is coming: Earn or shutup. Good and bad, wise and foolish, true and false—the movement is coming. The only people who will have a say are the people who pay their own bills along with everyone else’s.  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, August 3, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, August 3, 2015

Judge William Orrick will go down in history as the accomplice of the abortion black market. His Federal order attempting to block the release of videos “in the form of harassment, intimidation, violence, invasion of privacy, and injury to reputation,” will not make him look good. There don’t seem to be many arguments about defamation or falsehood, or whether the organization deserves the credibility the judge is defending. This order will not stop the anti-abortion movement, but only make the judge out to be an accessory in the aftermath of the coming tsunami.

Americans seem more concerned with flags and lions than with millions of abortions or the 3,000 people who die each year at the hands of people who crossed the border illegally. Now, people are getting angry about the mix-matched priorities. And it all seems to indicate that the public only complains about what the TV tells the public to complain about, and not a moment before the TV tells the public to complain.  · · · →