Encore of Revival: America, April 5, 2021

So much for competency. An infrastructure bill is good, but look at the border. A president changes. Presidential policy changes. Then, chaos erupts at the border. Some people can’t figure out the cause.

In the George Floyd murder case, doctors can’t agree on the cause of death—the State can’t even agree on the cause of death. Outrage! But, no one should question the cause of death for COVID deaths. Perhaps if George Floyd had COVID at the time, doctors would have declared it a COVID death, then no one would be able to question it.

In the Trayvon Martin case, prosecution sabotaged their own case by pursuing premeditated murder rather than thoroughly building a case for manslaughter. Since manslaughter was only mentioned as an afterthought in the final moments of the trial, the jury of six ladies couldn’t convict. Who knows what kind of other nonsense will surface in the George Floyd murder trial.

So, we can’t agree on the cause of chaos at the border. We can’t agree on the cause of death with George Floyd. We can’t even figure out that a Florida toxic waste reservoir is in disrepair. Apparently we want things to get worse before we make things better.

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Encore of Revival: America, June 29, 2020

And then, the TV numbers came in.

Trump’s low-turnout rally in Tulsa melted down the media. 8 million viewers on Fox News eclipsed some 2 million on rival networks CNN and MSNBC. It was the highest-rated Saturday night for Fox News ever and, with advertisers, it was the most valued. Numbers don’t lie.

This supposed “White power” retirement rally in Florida is a rouse. The man’s words were sarcastic, as a provocative, comical comeback against some venomous parade trolls. At the pro-Trump golf cart procession, the anti-Trump crowd hawked and jeered. One lady jumped in front of an oncoming golf cart to force a collision, then demanded to see “the officer”, who never showed, until her own peers pulled her back and let the man pass. He stuck out his tongue at her. What evil!

Adding to last week’s list of reasons Trump will be reelected—mainly that he has neither defied campaign promises nor shown gross incompetence nor negligence—the opponent is boring. Joe Biden stirs the suspense of a sloth, much like Romney and McCain, whose lack of anything tellable successfully reelected Obama.

More than that, the anti-Trumpists seem histrionic. They don’t show the overly-dramatized performance of a group that is not losing. There’s more to proving a lack of minority support than someone convincingly saying, “Where are the minorities!?” But, anti-Trumpists don’t think so. If, indeed, minorities didn’t support Trump, those emphatic, emotional, convincing performances wouldn’t be necessary. Over-done theater from the Left isn’t the strongest cause for a Trump re-election, but it is the most convincing evidence this week.

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Encore of Revival: America, November 12, 2018

This was an astonishing victory for Republicans for any year, especially a controlling party midterm. Senate Republicans have rarely held this many seats since the FDR days except Reagan and W Bush. Losses in the House were among the lowest losses for a controlling party midterm. By gaining seats in the Senate, Republicans are winning the long game. We are headed for a possible supermajority by the end of Trump’s second term. In the next two years, House Democrats will have just enough power to be irritating, but not enough to make any difference, other than helping Trump get re-elected in 2020.

Democrats are darned if they do and darned if they don’t. Trump’s appointees can be approved faster and impeachment in the House would die in the Senate. Opposition party power is good for presidential elections. Trump’s best course of action would be to deliver the strongest Conservative proposals so Democrats can go on record as obstructionists. The best course of action for Democrats would be to talk and vote like Republicans, which has always been historically favorable, proven with Democratic Rahm Emanuel -led “blue dog” victory in 2006.

Results are still being counted. At last count, Democrats gained 30 seats in the House and had control of the House by 7. Most of those states had Democratic Senate and gubernatorial victories. In this victory for Democrats, nothing seems out of the ordinary. The election results appear to be real and fair; Democrats won the House fair and square.

The question of some after-election counting and recounting, however, seems sketchy. The Arizona Senate race looks like a lost cause for the Republican candidate. Arguably from Senate voting records, the Arizona seat up for grabs was not gained by Democrats except in name only. That Senate seat will be up the election Trump leaves office. But, that’s a different story from a cluster of recount fiascos in Florida and Georgia, where recounting is a matter of procedure, not questionable results. The losers in those elections are pushing in hopes that close results can easily be tipped. If recounts were to change those results, that would open bigger questions, bigger objections, and bigger investigations. So far, the number of ballots in question would not change the results; miscounts would.

Even with the ground Republicans took, Democrats outspent Republicans by roughly $300M. Ironically, Democrats campaign on a platform of opposing big money and suspect business man Trump of trying to buy the presidency. The spending was bad optics for them.

Trump’s proved helpful on the campaign trail. Many Republicans who pushed him away lost. Senate Republicans defeated incumbents in Florida, Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota. Senate Republicans also held vacant seats in Tennessee and Utah. 26 Republicans retired, more than any midterm year since 1974, the greatest retirements being 27 in 2008.

FDR holds both the greatest midterm gain and midterm loss since his time as president. After FDR, the greatest midterm loss was Obama’s first midterm. The greatest midterm gain in the Senate was Trump, the second-greatest being JFK with +3. This was a favorable midterm year for Republicans. But, already you read that right here at Pacific Daily Times before the election. So, while Republicans had a historic election, Pacific Daily Times has set a new standard for accuracy in the media.

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Encore of Revival: America, June 13, 2016

Encore of Revival: America, June 13, 2016

As predicted: Sanders lost to the Clinton machine, Trump reached out to unite all disgruntled voters disenfranchised by a “rigged” system.

Trump says that a judge’s association with professional organizations, specifically La Raza reportedly having made anti-Trump statements, has demonstrated a recusable conflict of interest. Then, Conservatives and Liberals discuss whether Trump should make “Anti-Mexican” statements. There are so many red herrings in this election that one could start a fishing business and so many straw men that a farmer could stock his barn for the next eight years.

So, Trump continues to be attacked by the old boys club for not speaking more peacefully. Interestingly, there was another attack from a member of a religion the Bush family called “peaceful”, this time, also interestingly, in Florida.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fox Election

CNN Election

Trump: FL, IL, NC, MP, MO+0.2%? Kasich: OH

NBC calls Trump MO, 32 delegates (NBC)

Florida—Rubio, Trump, Clinton… (AP)

House: 383-0, ISIS genocide of Christians (Young Conservatives)

Photo: Trump-charger stands on flag (Facebook – Justin Adams)

Newt: RNC can’t stop Trump, viz FL (Breitbart)

Auto-Homeland could admit wrong immigrants (Yahoo-Reuters)

Establishment: Boehner endorses Paul Ryan for president | Politico

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Tempo: April 10, 2015

California sheriff’s deputies beat a horse thief who is tazed and down—55 times. Rand Paul answered his last question, then left; the Left calls that “walking out”; but he would never walk out on talks with Iran. Switzerland issues the first ever 10 year bonds yielding a negative interest rate, paying back less than they were sold for. Marco Rubio issues a montage video, non-specific as a Ted Kennedy speech, with music one might expect in a Transformers movie. Krauthammer also compared Rubio to Kennedy, in a good way. Hillary Clinton plans to run, as does Jeb. Eric Bolling, in for Bill-O, doesn’t like political dynasties. Microsoft makes Windows 10, the 9th edition of Windows, available to more smartphones. NRA audiences don’t like the press either. Bonus articles: April 9, 1865. The Surrender at Appomattox (Dialog of Civil War surrender) | 7 Reasons Even Really Smart People Can Be Fooled by Liars

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