…Pope: IF he said… give him benefit of doubt…
Trump Response (FOX 10 Phoenix – YouTube)
Rubio says US should control border just as Vatican (AP)
Hillary gets more superdelegates (Intercept)
Pope to Congress (Video, transcript)
Chinese Pres. Xi in the Valley (Cook, Bezos, Buffet, Zuck, climate, photos, story)
Russia helps Syria, 6 considerations
Donald Trump’s slide in the polls is beginning to look real (numbers, charts)
Step wrong and boom: Boeing to build “brain chip” for DHS self-destructing Black smartphone
Dig: Archaeologists find bone fragments in hunt for ‘real’ Mona Lisa · · · →
Scott Walker Ends His 2016 Presidential Run
Fired Scott Walker staffer Tweets “why” he lost
ISIS members leaving, growing trend
Obama, Wright, and ‘Christlam’?
The ‘Black Duet’ Diamond and Silk switch to GOP to vote Trump (VIDEO)
Coulter: Why Trump will win (VIDEO)
Palestinian woman shot after attempted stabbing of IDF soldier near Hebron
Flashback: Popes visit Presidents, climategate
Lift: How to Build a $19 Million Private Jet Company in a Down Economy · · · →