Tempo: April 29. 2015

Hillary emails suggest she was not part of Benghazi mess. GMO law upheld in Vermont. Better or worse, TPP (Pacific trade) pushes forward. French Le Pen: Globalization is barbarous, re: sister Atlantic trade, TTIP. Wal-Mart China’s bff. China has more vineyards than France62-year-old man baked alive at Bumble Bee (tuna), company disputes fines. Stock shock: Twitter loses cash. Posse comitatus Nat’ Guard in Baltimore, police threw a rock, Orioles closed to the public, play for empty stadium, Orioles’ chief defends peaceful protests. God answers prayer: Hamas Chief vetoed Hamas attack. Family: See Dad’s Response to Principal Who Wrote Him This Note About His Children’s ‘Unexcused Absences’.  · · · →

Tempo: April 17, 2015

Cuba isn’t on the terrorist list anymore. TIME thinks American air travelers shouldn’t be either, bruising the TSA. Navy “LOCUST drones” on the rise? RINOs fought “in name only” against Obama’s Iran deal. News trend: Hillary’s “relatability” is doctored, the reports really trend. Hillary files coach, UK reports as embarrassingJapan is serious about nuke plant disaster evac. Radioactive material trends in Mexican theft. Products from Israel’s West Bank are to be labeled accordingly when sold in the EU; it’s controversial. Etsy is public, up 86% first day. Review of Bitcoins: Establishing Trust In The Bitcoin Ecosystem  · · · →