Encore of Revival: America, November 1, 2021

Revelations and research into the election continue from both Republican State Legislatures and from Democratic Federal Congress. But, as the story unfolds trying to indict Trump or his allies for the January 6 overrun of the Capitol, the same to-indict testimony cites evidence or arguments as to why the election may have been illegitimate and should have been reversed back in January. This doesn’t compel us to unseat Biden. Congress chose him under its privileges and powers granted by the Constitution. But with the past in the past, the only reason for Democrats to pursue Trump is that they fear his re-election because they know he would have won were it not for certain factors they don’t want the public to know about—more.

The issue at hand is not even about who should be president now, but rather what Congressional Democrats’ actions show that they know which they are not telling us. Most of all, they seem oblivious to how obvious it is to everyone but themselves.

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Encore of Revival: America, December 7, 2020

Testimony against the Democratic Party -controlled polling stations is, in a word: damning. Trump makes no noise of concession. In his recent Georgia rally, he even took a pot shot at the Republican governor, of whom Sidney Powell was “clarified” off the team after her own shot across his bow. It does look like the Pacific Daily Times theory that Trump holds a royal flush wasn’t far off the mark. Republicans—voters and elected officials alike—support Trump in not conceding. State legislatures hold hearings on evidence and testimony of election fraud. They wouldn’t do that if they had already decided to uphold a Biden victory.

While fraud appears to be at the hands of Democrats, the smoking gun sits in the hands of the news establishment. Fringe and startup news groups don’t appear to be in on the scandal. But, Chris Wallace insisting that Biden be called “president-elect” prior to the electoral college shows how far things have gone. Mass media, including news and social media, are censoring public opinion and ramming impossible narratives at a level that goes beyond shameless. Google, Twitter, Facebook, and possibly even Amazon and Microsoft are on a fast track to be regulated as public utilities. It has been long coming, but this disputed election will be the last straw to make it happen.

It doesn’t take clairvoyance to see where this election dispute is going. Whomever swing states choose, the loser will appeal to the Supreme Court. After the Supreme Court, Trump will win either through a court ruling or an armed revolt. Republican voters won’t have a Biden victory. They are the judge and jury in this. Legislatures and courts can only follow the lead of the people. Right now, legislatures and courts are learning that the Republican base is more fear-worthy than the Democratic base for a two-fold reason.

Evidence of fraud indicates that actual Republican support across the nation isn’t merely large; it is vast and intimidating. And, as legislatures hear testimony, outbreaks of applause show that this intimidatingly vast voter base is adamant and energized. Such popular energy scares lawmakers and judges. While they act calm and even-mannered in their hearings, and while they have no intention of going against this overwhelming will of the people, the lawmakers and judges are still shaking in their boots. America’s government fears its people once again. That’s the way a republic oughta be.

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Encore of Revival: America, November 16, 2020

Elections are not decided by news desks. They are decided by the electoral college, which meets in mid December. Electors sent there are chosen by the State based on election results certified by each State. If an election is in doubt, the decision goes to State legislatures, pursuant to the Electoral Count Act (1887) and a Supreme Court interpretation from Bush v Gore (2000).

Judges don’t decide whether election results are certifiable; State legislatures do. The burden is not on the Trump campaign to prove vote fraud to judges. The burden is on the polling stations to prove there was no fraud to State legislatures.

Right now, five key states are in severe doubt concerning polling credibility: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. Republicans control the legislatures of all five. And, Trump just backed McDaniel to continue as RNC chair. Perhaps she will have some sway over those Republican legislatures.

Republicans don’t have an option. Gross suspicions of election cheating have caused the Republican base to turn away from Fox News to Newsmax. News networks wouldn’t call Georgia or North Carolina, even though it looked long past the time it seemed reasonable. To Republicans, this is a conspiracy to institute nation-wide political machines, which they can’t accept. In their minds, if they let Democrats steal this election, there will be no more fair elections, and the only way to escape would be an armed revolution. There is no scenario in which the Republican base allows Trump to lose. If Trump gave in, they would turn against him also.

Democratic voters aren’t about to tuck tail and turn. Emboldened by a news industry, that insists on its own ability to declare an election outcome, the DNC base only builds for greater disappointment. They don’t have the power to decide disputed elections, but they think they do. They haven’t already won, but they think they have. Note cautiously, the media does not hope to sway the election outcome, but to sway a revolt for when Trump inevitably wins—a revolt from, of all people, the gun haters.

In order for Trump to lose, he would have to bow out, then Republican voters would take up arms and the RNC, seen as an obstruction, would be dissolved by its base. When he does win, Democrats voters will riot. In either scenario, we are looking at martial law in the coming weeks and months.

But, the question remains: Why was there such gross election ambiguity specifically in states with Republican-controlled legislatures? It’s almost as if the entire election controversy were staged. But, the reason remains yet to be seen, unless the answer is: China.

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