Encore of Revival: America, May 30, 2016

Encore of Revival: America, May 30, 2016

Trump, Trump, Trump. It’s the new onomatopoeia for motorcycles and politics. But there is also other news, believe it or not. US flag sales are up, helping the Chinese manufacturing industry. It’s a start at patriotism, anyway. Soon enough, Americans will learn that being patriotic means keeping jobs in the country, which means not complaining about prices so much.

You read it here first, Trump going head-to-head against the Clinton’s will show an unseen game and tip the polls. There is a lot from the Clinton years that Trump will go after as no RINO has, making the anit-Clinton crowd not only stronger, but much, much larger. Prediction fulfilled this week.

Then, there’s bathrooms. Texas and a few others filed a lawsuit against the idea that gender identity choice was intended to be part of the Civil Rights law governing the bodies we are born with. They filed in a Conservative-friendly court. The DC circuit has been inclined to hear Conservative-Texan cases, which means that SCOTUS could hear the case—which means that SCOTUS could tie the case and bump it back to a lower Conservative ruling if a new Conservative justice isn’t appointed first.

In the unlikely event that the Congressional RINOs capitulate as their broken promises show, Trump would become the last Republican to be elected as a President before a third party replaces the GOP. Though typical, it would be unlikely this time because the scenario is all too obvious to the party. And it should be obvious to Obama.

He should have known that his transgender executive orders would be met with unbeatable opposition. So, what’s his end game? Is he merely trying to stir discussion—that’s all he’ll end up accomplishing, unless he knows something the public doesn’t. As Limbaugh has pointed out, simple one-person bathrooms would solve the entire problem—and refusing that option shows that solving the problem is not anyone’s goal. The public has yet to discuss any connection to the conspiracy theories surrounding Michelle Obama. Those conspiracy theories seem more plausible in lieu of Barack’s policies as Barack’s policies would have a clear motive if the conspiracy theories were true. While no one in the mainstream press has suggested the connection, the sharks and ravens are already circling, the sun is setting on the Obama policy season, and revival has already dawned.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 23, 2016

Encore of Revival: America, May 23, 2016

Trees of our national parks, apparently, are a reminder of racism. Though the first National Park, Jellystone, was instituted over a decade after slavery ended, the trees in national parks are offensive. Nonetheless, no effort has been made to either cut down the trees or shut down the National Parks where the offending trees grow.

A poll has confirmed the obvious: The name “Redskins” does not offend Redskins. If the name of the DC baseball team, “the Washington Redskins” were to be made less offensive, it should drop the truly offensive word, just being called “the Redskins”.

A Muslim group has executed 25 people by lowering them into a vat of nitric acid. While it sounds like a high school science experiment gone bad, we should look on the bright side: At least there were no reports of referring to anyone as a “Redskin”, no trees migrated from US National Parks, and certainly no reports of telling people which bathrooms they should use.

The homosexual pastor confessed to fabricating the writing on the cake. This brings up many other issues. After his very convincing emotional performance, he gave everyone outside the Transgender-Homosexual Rights movement permission to suspect and disbelieve anyone who claims to be offended, especially if they are emotional about it. But there is an even bigger problem: Heterosexual parents already recognize those kinds of emotional outbursts as phony—because their own children perform with those phony emotional outbursts all the time. Homosexuals don’t have biologically natural children by definition. Accordingly, very few of them would know how to recognize that “gay” (though unhappy) lying pastor looks like just another whining child who didn’t grow up and is willing to tell any fib and shed any amount of phony tears to get his way. He and those like him don’t have the personal life experience to know how obvious their phony performance is to the rest of us.

To quote Laura Ingraham on Congress’s response to the 2005 “build a fence” complaints from the public, “Perhaps they fell in love with their own rhetoric and forgot how it sounds to everyone else.”

Why would anyone lie about an injury? He raised questions about whether his cause is legitimate in the first place. And, now, that “crying, sobbing, ‘bloody-murder'” trump card can’t ever be played again. Whenever people see a performance like that again, they will see “the writing on the cake”. By lying about an offense, he gave more power to his opposition than he knows.

At this rate, how can revival not return to America!?

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