December 18, 2015

Trump’s latest, viz Hannity (GP)

Students practice calligraphy, Islamic statement of faith, schools close (AP)

Science: Same-sex inception (Mirror)

Mix-up in Libya, US special forces arrive, sent home (RT)

Feds lose track, don’t know their immigration stats (Video) (FOX)

Learn This: The long, incredibly tortuous, and fascinating process of creating a Chinese font (QZ)  · · · →

December 11, 2015

Poll: 73% GOP voters predict Trump nom (Hill)

Phil Haney—the DHS-founding whisleblower who couldn’t ‘profile’ Muslims (UK Mail)

Ben Carson blasts RNC, threatens to leave Republican Party (POLITICO)

…because of this report…

Report: RNC leaders plotting against Trump? (WP)

Nuts ‘n bolts: The Polls May Be Underestimating Trump’s Support (Atlantic)

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December 10, 2015

Poll: 59% say “too easy” to enter US (Rasmussen)

Congress votes to make entry to US easier, end religious consideration (Free Beacon)

Trump up to 35% (CBS)

Muhammad Ali takes the gloves off on Trump, defends peace of Islam (NBC)

Viral Video: Angry Christian v praying Muslim in the park, story (CBS)

Video: Indiana town hall brawl, story (Indy Star)

Fireside chat: Higher interest rates are coming, and that’s great for America (QZ)

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November 25, 2015

Chicago police-teen shooting Laquan McDonald from 2014, protests (ABC)

NATO, Turkey airspace, downed Russian jet… mess. (WP)

The southern border rout for refugees, Nepal, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, the scoop… (Guardian)

Obamnesty case conflicts with normal SCOTUS schedule, WH wants exception (Bloomberg)

More “clie-mate” scandal, NOAA, govt. scientists, ongoing (WP)

Shootings & numbers, Quartz tries spin, but proves Trump’s point: Here are four charts on race and murder in America to tweet back at Donald Trump (QZ)

…Trump will go up in polls again, thanks to Quartz  · · · →