Encore of Revival: America, October 26, 2020

Media and analysts miss the greatest takeaways from the debate. Arguments were based on who did what while already in office: All of the problems Trump solved and Biden didn’t, but says he will. And, their positions were radically different: Biden appealed to need for help while Trump appeared in-control at the helm.

The only times incumbents lose reelections are in the wake of gross incompetence (not seen since Carter) or gross broken campaign promises (not seen since HW Bush). If anything, Biden appears to already have broken the promises he is now making. That will not be enough to eject a promise-keeping incumbent.

In our last week before the election, polls have gone on record for predicting Biden as voices in media shifted their tone to a non-answer over who will win. Trump already won 2020 in 2015 when he announced. Many people don’t understand that. Many in media believe they decide election outcomes, not voters, so they don’t understand it either.

The greatest danger Trump always posed was that he would do too good of a job. He is the leader the Republican Party doesn’t deserve. They denounced him. He delivered the promised results they wouldn’t. Now, they will have respect they didn’t earn, plus a near supermajority in the Senate, control of the house, and overwhelming control of the Supreme Court. Power unchecked corrupts. Trump’s awesome work will get him reelected where he will continue more awesome work, but awesomeness can destroy us where it is unearned. And, that shadow is where the RNC stands.

The country will likely destabilize over the coming weeks. Americans will fight from anger on all sides. War with China could be seen as a convenient distraction from domestic dysfunction at a time when the US needs an excuse to put an unchecked Asian bully in its place. But, China doesn’t need to be embarrassed; it needs to be discipled. But, the US won’t be ready to disciple anyone until the US recovers its lost neighborly conscience. The US will find its conscience again, but it appears that we will only learn through trouble.

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Encore of Revival: America, October 12, 2020

The Democrats are desperate. In the vice presidential debate, Kamala Harris promoted a delusional sense of peace with China, describing Obama’s policy to empower China to grow strong and aggressive as the means of peace, blaming China’s aggression on Trump’s policy to disrupt China’s decade of aggression. From Harris’s perspective, time travel would be necessary because she blames Trump’s enforcement of basic respect for China having built military islands and aircraft carriers during the Obama years, which are now used to threaten war against any country not accepting Chinese Communist censorship of free speech. Perhaps she doesn’t think China has been bullying its neighbors; or perhaps she knows, but she thinks the American voters don’t know yet.

Talking as if we all need to “get along” to solve the problem of a sinking ship seems wise to people who don’t know their ship is sinking. Such are Kamala Harris’s arguments, along with other Democrats.

Gretchen Whitmer, who was tipped off to a kidnapping plot by the FBI—under the Trump administration—acted indignant, almost as if she believed Trump himself had planned the kidnapping. Regardless of how credible her response wasn’t, it is not the response of a party that believes it is winning the numbers for an approaching election. If Whitmer believed Democrats were winning, they would have said something different.

Democratic leaders and candidates are resorting to emotional appeals in their public statements. This is the most convincing indication that Democrats themselves believe they are facing a major loss in November.

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Encore of Revival: America, January 21, 2019

Trump has transformed America’s view of a “government shutdown” to a point where it could very well become a campaign promise in future elections. Not only did the shutdown become a “non-event”, it’s actually kind of nice to not have government messing with everything. If Congressional Democrats allow the shutdown to please Reagan Republican Americans much longer, political debates may even include strategy for how to keep the government closed for longer amounts of time.

It’s difficult for Americans to sympathize with the purported “horror” of a government shutdown when the lives of hard-working Americans—who work in the private sector—continue their daily lives with little to no interruption. IRS agents being out of work won’t be seen by Americans as a bad thing. If America’s “tax collectors” hoped to get back to work sooner, they probably should have followed Biblical advice—to keep out of trouble by keeping their mouths shut. You’d think “IRS agents not working” should have been kept a State secret.

While those who depend on taxpayer dollars to fund their livelihood will be angry that the milk has run dry, the shutdown won’t come close to affecting enough Americans to make a shutdown less popular in the future. In fact, the shutdown should prove to make America stronger on three levels: as a warning to government employees that the private sector is less likely to be destabilized by politics, that government and socialist -created “jobs” will eventually have the same problems in America as in North Korea, and that Americans will have to learn how to make due when government isn’t operating in its greatest glory.

Look on the bright side. If America knows how to function without as much government, we will all get through tougher times with more colors flying.

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Encore of Revival: America, February 1, 2016

Encore of Revival: America, February 1, 2016

Donald keeps making headlines. Just ahead of the Hawkeye Cauci, two polls report Trump and Cruz in a dead heat, the rest give Trump a 9-ish point lead. But only Iowans know how Iowans will caucus. Corn could a problem for Cruz. He may have gotten his message out too late. Or, perhaps too may Iowans like government subsidies for Cruz to ever win. Or, maybe ethanol doesn’t matter at all.

We’ll see. So will Microsoft. And so will Bernie see whether Microsoft sees clearly. This is the first time the election results are being calculated by the tech giant, inviting watchdogs. There are a lot of firsts in this election.

Trump’s absence at the Fox debate didn’t seem to matter to anyone but Fox—before the debate. And it didn’t seem to matter to anyone else before, not even Fox during or after. Debates themselves are being tested as to their worth, other than profitability. Thought-to-be campaign rules are being set on end so much, it is as if the Andrew Jackson campaign were making a comeback. Strategy books will write about these times, placing Trump alongside Drew, Abe, and Theo.

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November 12, 2015

Five 4th GOP debate takeaways (POLITICO)

Pentagon inside baseball: Russia & China (Bloomberg View)

‘C-lie-mate gate’, normal solar minimums, cooling sun & 2030 (The Nation)

Foreign $$ = ‘spy’… Russian crackdown (Yahoo)

Hollywood ‘player’, HIV epidemic? (The Sun) [discretion advised]

Jeb is toast: Dole endorsed him, of course (Huff Post)

Israel Holocaust ALERT: Europe has taken one more small step towards making Israel a pariah state  · · · →

November 11, 2015

8 in the next RNC debate (AP)

Rubio v Jeb, mud, ‘nasty’ (FOX Biz)

Reuters’ RNC poll (Reuters)

Appeals court: Obama claimed to ‘change the law’ (WA Times)

Obama appeals to SCOTUS (NY Times)

US to refit Iran nuke reactor into non-weapon (Free Beacon)

Finally: After more than 30 years, the US government may finally define “natural” food  · · · →