November 11, 2015

8 in the next RNC debate (AP)

Rubio v Jeb, mud, ‘nasty’ (FOX Biz)

Reuters’ RNC poll (Reuters)

Appeals court: Obama claimed to ‘change the law’ (WA Times)

Obama appeals to SCOTUS (NY Times)

US to refit Iran nuke reactor into non-weapon (Free Beacon)

Finally: After more than 30 years, the US government may finally define “natural” food  · · · →

November 10, 2015

Israel remembers, Germany, 1938; viz modern Antisemitism (JP)

Obamnesty ‘could’ be heard by SCOTUS, possibly implemented summer 2016 (POLITICO)

2nd LA missile muscle flex: Did US Navy plan social reaction? (WP) (LA Times)

U. of Missouri prez resigns, slow response to racism, “stop yelling at each other and start listening…” (AP)

Music censored: China may have just made it harder for its citizens to ever get Spotify or Apple Music (QZ)

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Tempo: May 28, 2015

US: No inditing IDF. Tweet: Chicago cops pose with “antlered” black man, disturbing. Obama won’t fight SCOTUS. FIFA leaders arrested in Zurich. Look, now they want 3-D design Gestapo. Apple to get same-day delivery, special text shuts off iPhone, iWatch, Apple eyes cars as “mobile device”. Improvement: 8 Common Characteristics of Successful Church Revitalizations  · · · →

Tempo: May 27, 2015

More rain in Texas. Court knocks down Obamnesty—and maybe a lot more. Israel struck back at target in Gaza after break in long peace. IMF accepts Beijing. BB King homicide? Pay extra for auto-park to avoid pedestrians—and journalists. MS Office coming to Android. Immigrants make a killing in the Valley. Facebook payments. Space is being privatized. Wal-Mart out-employs China. Japan has ‘Galapagos syndrome’. New Holiday: Texas Will Make May 26 ‘John Wayne Day’  · · · →

Tempo: May 13, 2015

The FOX responds to Russian TV’s report on the rabbit hole: lied about lying. Jeb flips on Iraq, wants Amnigration & education “high standards”Obama-Republicrat trade bill blocked by Dems. Obama wants “change” in [FOX] reporting. Establishment “junks” Chicago credit. N Korean defense chief naps, then executed. Amtrak crash, 5 dead. Cell phone companies charged for chargesFacebook to load articles quicker. Pew: Christians shrinking, Islam doubles. Heartwarming contradictions: Forget What You’ve Heard: Coffee Is (Actually) Good for You viz Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Success  · · · →

Tempo: April 22, 2015

Walker could win via anti-amnesty. Rubio meant what he said on amnesty. Police are getting nannied. Hillary-bash book to be released, contains old information, topic: foreign donations. First: Norway shuts off FM radio, digital costs less. Study: too many vitamins cause cancer, nothing on placebo; solution: centralized vitamins for children. Future: Why You Need to Eliminate All of Your Company’s Managers  · · · →