July 7, 2015

Video: Trump lays out all current issues

China imploding: four big companies stop trading

Greece’s ‘kickass’ motorcyclist ex-finance minister

Europe not ‘debt’ crisis; ‘democracy’ crisis

Money trouble brewing in southern Italy

Murderer chose San Francisco ‘Sanctuary City’

Old Post Office, 15 illegals contracted by third party don’t like Trump’s comments

Bernie Sanders: worthy Hillary rival

Should have listened to the folks, in biz as in politics: Reddit: “We Screwed Up”

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Encore of Revival: America, June 6, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, June 6, 2015

This is the end of the beginning for the Church. No more crutches. No more help from nanny government. Tax exempt status on “church mahal” is teetering. The American Church has never been in such a position of advantage where it has been so forced to do things the best way—the way the secular world views as “unofficial”—the very way Heaven values most.

Oklahoma’s top court orders removal of 10 Commandments monument

Episcopalians Vote to Allow Same-Sex Weddings in Churches

Sports Illustrated’ Mocks Injured POW John McCain For Dropping Foul Ball

Scott Hagan’s SCOTUS Response (video)

Another Church Is Burning In South Carolina  · · · →

Cadence of Conflict: Asia, June 6, 2015

Cadence of Conflict: Asia, June 6, 2015

China moves more and more with money. The economy is crashing, largely due to the Communist doctrine that citizens do not own land—something we rarely read about.

China also gears up for both war and investment contingency. BRICS was ratified this week. New national “interests” rhetoric and policy came from Beijing, implying war against Taiwan more than recently.

The Taiwan problem comes from documentation. When the Japanese surrendered in 1945, they gave up Taiwan, which China had surrendered properly to Japan. But Japan never stated who they were giving Taiwan over to, technically rendering Taiwan an already independent State. Taiwan has been fought over by China’s Communist party after China’s KMT-Nationalist party was forced to find a place to live in de facto exile. Both Communist and KMT-Nationalist parties seem to be attempting to rewrite history, as the Taiwan education fiasco shows.


China’s national security law gives PLA mission to protect overseas interests

…Old rhetoric, made more official.  · · · →

July 2, 2015

China just declared almost war on the world, yesterday, again

Obama blocks Arab defense against ISIS

White House fence is spikier—knows how to build a fence

Trump is up and Democrats love it, signs of hostile takeover antics

‘Dukes of Hazard’ gets pulled from TV Land

Cloud brand ‘Box’ joins establishment

IndieGogo to help Greece

Wireless charging via ‘radio waves’

Lessons from Thomas Payne: The Persuasive Genius of One of America’s Most Important Revolutionaries  · · · →