China and the West want China and the West to know that they are in a prelude to war. Here are a few reasons why from recently…
China and the US: Its good to talk
…Lots of talk about not much.
Majority reject unification: TISR poll
This is not what leaders are doing.
DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang meets with U.S. congressional delegation visiting Taiwan
Kuomintang Meets in Cross-Straight Relations, not State-to-State Relations
…rather than “Taiwan” meets with US.
…rather than “Taiwan meets with China.
…don’t want a unified Taiwan-China, how about a unified Taiwan? SOMETHING needs to be unified. Maybe they can be unified about talking. Talking was the theme in the prelude to WWII. It looks to be the same in the prelude to WWIII.
China denounces Barack Obama’s meeting with Dalai Lama
“The United States supports the Dalai Lama’s ‘middle way’ approach of neither assimilation nor independence for Tibetans in China,” said Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the White House’s national security council. · · · →