Abe’s landslide re-election in Japan, a US shield deployment in South Korea, and $2B USD pumping into Taiwan’s navy won’t exactly be sweet music to countries on the other side of the line. China isn’t in a position to make demands. Though, Beijing has denounced Hague’s coming trial often and loudly.
Beijing doesn’t know what and who they are dealing with. What is Washington’s motive for allowing China to continue to build islands? Why doesn’t Washington intervene if Washington objects? Bejing doesn’t seem to have considered the trend: America is outsourcing once again. These islands, “Made in China”, are the perfect place for the US to expand its naval presence.
Consider the scenario: Keep monitoring the construction under the guise of “intel gathering”. Once the islands are useful to the US, make the perfect “mistake” to provoke the bull. The bullfighter wins slowly, one cut at a time, three years later, all China’s man-made islands belong to the US at the “Chinese surrender”.
It’s not necessarily going to happen, but it could. And, for all arguments and responses coming from China, Beijing doesn’t seem to have considered that particular psychology of Washington, clearly available in the headlines of history.
No establishments seem to be doing their jobs anymore. Colleges aren’t preparing students to successfully communicate with management. A child appreciates brownies and the principle calls the police. Snowden is charged while Hillary, Rice, and Powell are not. Republican leaders want to remove public trust in election primaries. Obama addresses the deaths of police by elaborating on police brutality. And, a man who offered to help the police in Dallas has his keys taken, his face wanted, and the police do “nonchalantly” nothing to clear his name. If the police defame their supporters, who is left to help them?
Now, Texas’s governor calls for a Constitutional Convention. But, most of the proposed amendments are already in the Constitution and there are few mechanisms for enforcement, though some. The Convention might catch more wind if Snowden were summoned as a witness and it included a punitive amendment for elected and appointed officials by name who have worked against the redundant amendments proposed. But even without that, the collective institutions that be have made a Constitutional Convention no less than inevitable.
The best thing Obama could do for national peace is to remind voters that they will need peace if they want to vote in the election, which will continue on schedule, lest the States have reason to invite Trump to preside over the Constitutional Convention and add succession to the agenda on grounds to “guarantee a republic”.
It seems during these times, and interestingly despite topics of White House speeches, the country is responding stoically. This same, calm, thoughtful, reflective response was sandwiched by the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the US entry to WWII. The same calm energy was also sandwiched between the collapse of the world trade center and a lot of other things. That calm manner was also reported to have been the response as early Americans watched the night skies lit up with the fires of DC at the start of the War of 1812. The current calm sobriety has been seen many times before America showed strength, global and domestic.
This week is akin to that moment from Tolkien when the Ents first walk out of Fangorn to see Orthanc’s destruction of their forest. What follows can neither be misunderstood, misreported, nor stopped. Some call it “spirit”. Others call it “revival”.
We see the psychology of Chinese cultural leadership on full display. China stopped communicating with Taiwan. An accidental firing of a live missile, killing one and injuring two, on a parked Taiwanese naval corvette was judged to indicate a “loose screw” in Taiwan’s military leadership.
The KMT-Nationalists from Mainland China have been managing Taiwan’s military for the last several years. The sailor responsible for the accidental firing was fatigued on the day of an inspection. They didn’t use a two-person firing system; it only took one sailor to fire. The Taiwan incident indicates “Mainlander” leadership, not the leadership of the opposition party that only took power within the last few months. We still don’t know how that new leadership will turn out. But, refusing to capitulate to China’s unilateral definitions is a good indication that Taiwan has strong leadership.
As for the force controlling China’s Mainland, the Communists, they are on trial over their activity in the South Sea. What is their solution? They hold more Naval exercises in the very waters they are being pressed over. Usually when a man is on trial, it is best if he pretends to be weak. While Beijing loudly denies it, actions indicate thoughts that a “show of force” will soften the decision of the international courts—because that works with Chinese courts, just as it works when the KMT did it with courts in Taiwan. However, the West will see China’s navel drill as further inditing evidence—of either excessive force or lack of discretion.
China is making it difficult for even Russia to come to their defense. Taiwan is making it difficult for America to want to give them missiles, unless meaningful changes happen soon, but that’s too soon. Taiwan claims to see the need for changes, but we’ll see. Beijing apparently thinks the opposite and then says opposite of that. The wise should be concerned over any force that doesn’t know his own situation.
By demonstrating the same worldview in both militaries, we can suspect that similar antics and accidentals are already happening in both. But there is another factor: Communication.
By cutting the “communication mechanism” with Taiwan over a unilaterally defined “one China”, China thinks it is making a power move, when actually, it has sabotaged its own intel gathering. More importantly, in the eyes of the watchful West, China proves that it doesn’t mean what it says. By not communicating with Taiwan over the “one China” concept—according to its own “one China” claim—China is not communicating with itself. That means that China never really believed its own “one China” idea in the first place.
There is a threshold of tolerance that every human has for the number of rules that can be understood and obeyed. There is also a threshold of chaos that a human can tolerate. Rules exist to keep the chaos from crossing that threshold. But, once the number of rules crosses that threshold, the rules and the chaos are no longer distinguishable. It’s all just oppression. Humans can only take so much.
America’s Declaration of Independence was not only over having too many rules, it was also based on an excess of unchecked chaos. England had imposed too many rules than could be obeyed, but those rules did not prevent chaos; they arguably created more. Rules are not always bad or good. They must be created neither liberally or conservatively. Rules must be minimally used for maximum prevention of chaos.
Once the people realize that number of rules and chaos have crossed the threshold of tolerance, the rule makers and rule enforcers are instantly seen in a different light. This programming is hardwired into the human psyche. It requires no organization and no marketing. It is every bit as innate as sleeping when tired. Humans arrive at the point of exhaustion without propaganda.
Ending tyranny and raising leaders is pure human instinct. People will do these on autopilot. They only need to think of “how” once nature has begun its course.
Beginning with the W administration, the number of tolerable rules in America skyrocketed. With Obama, that number increased and chaos simultaneously skyrocketed. Today, we are just crossing the threshold. So, only about half of the people have any concern, the other half label the first half as “alarmists” and blame propaganda.
Right now, the infatuation with Trump and Sanders stem from the “how” question that the people in the United States are asking after leader-tyrant instincts automatically kicked-in. People view Trump and Sanders as the most healthy, peaceful way people see to exercise that instinct. But, the calm-obsessed elites, trying to control people rather than understand them, believe that the Trump phenomenon is a result of propaganda. They may have miscalculated.
Look at Brexit: People can only take so much. Leaders who push the threshold are always surprised when they cross it.
China seems to be the talk of town, especially with hitting. China cyberattacks hit the US less, but more strategically, says a study. A hailstorm tornado hit China and killed 98, critically wounded 200 and injured another 600 in a farming and factory village. Chinese bank management hit employees on stage at a training session for under-performance shows a video, the bank apologized.
But people are also “out”. India wanted in on a nuke control group, but claims that China kept India out. A group of Taiwanese involved in a phone scam in Cambodia were going to be deported to “China”, even though airline companies would know that their passports would keep them out at the destination. The Taiwanese complained and Cambodia delayed on sending them out. And, interestingly after Britain voted out of the EU, a new party in Hong Kong wants out of China by going back to Britain first, but only for a short time.
The Symony’s Cadence does not make any judgment or prediction concerning Hong Kong, except that, without vying to supply its own military as Singapore does—and without strong respect and peace with China and other countries as Singapore has—Hong Kong never has an answerable prayer of independence.
Britain finally decided to follow America and vote for Independence. It took them 240 years to catch up. So, there’s no need to start rushing things now. Angela Merkel and George Osborne (Trump’s lookalike and the likely next British PM) both seem to feel the same way.
The fundamental difference between the European Union and the Union of States in American is the heart bond. Americans arrived united after leaving Europe because it was already divided. Freedom and independence are spreading their call to the human heart around the world, even in the face of centralism, and has now made the way backward, across the Atlantic. Exiting Europe 240 years ago, to become independent, lit a beacon that inspired the old world of tyranny to follow suit. The “brexit” vote teaches us that the best way to lead others it to lead one’s self.
As if the Brexit vote was not sufficient warning, and as if the 240th anniversary of American independence is not a sufficient reminder, some government entities in America, by no means all, seem to be giving American States their own reasons for independence. The Obama DOJ scandals in the cover-ups of a terrorist attack 911 tape demonstrate that getting to the truth is not the top priority in that particular investigation. Hawaii considers people who obey the law to be dangerous, having voted to place registered gun owners on the FBI watch list. Yet, illegal immigrants “in the shadows” receive special protection under Obama, but not as much as he would like. The courts shut down his executive order on immigration. Obama responded with his usual pattern of lecturing and condescending, as if Americans haven’t been insulted enough already during a month when “independence” makes headlines.
After the brexit vote, Obama said that the relationship between the US an the UK would not change, while before the vote, he warned that a brexit would change the relationship.
Obama also addressed an entrepreneurship summit where he praised the successes of the non-government sector, highlighting government investment projects. He spoke elaborately on things that don’t appear in his portfolio before inserting his political talking points, then climaxing on immigration, diversity, globalism, and government backing. Based on his examples, Obama’s definition of an “entrepreneur” seems to be someone controlled, promoted, and funded by government. He started his speech by saying it is fortunate that he can’t stay longer than his term limit.
Trump finally aimed all barrels at the Clinton’s. The Clinton v Trump polls can now calculate reality rather than speculation. Remember, Obama campaigned against a lame-duck, Bush, which surmounted to successful demagoguery. By contrast, Trump is legitimately campaigning against Obama by proxy through Hillary. Had she not been Secretary of State, that wouldn’t be possible. Trump also campaigns against Bill Clinton by proxy of Hillary. Hillary’s career is an undisguised gift to the Trump campaign.
While it has been said that Churchill was magnificent in defeat and insufferable in victory, Obama is lecturing and condescending in both, though his victories, few and far between, arguably don’t last. As with Bush to Obama, without eight years of Obama, Trump would not be electable. Obama might be more successful in whatever his goals may be if he understood one basic principle: It is easier to win when you want to.