Encore of Revival: America, November 16, 2020

Elections are not decided by news desks. They are decided by the electoral college, which meets in mid December. Electors sent there are chosen by the State based on election results certified by each State. If an election is in doubt, the decision goes to State legislatures, pursuant to the Electoral Count Act (1887) and a Supreme Court interpretation from Bush v Gore (2000).

Judges don’t decide whether election results are certifiable; State legislatures do. The burden is not on the Trump campaign to prove vote fraud to judges. The burden is on the polling stations to prove there was no fraud to State legislatures.

Right now, five key states are in severe doubt concerning polling credibility: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. Republicans control the legislatures of all five. And, Trump just backed McDaniel to continue as RNC chair. Perhaps she will have some sway over those Republican legislatures.

Republicans don’t have an option. Gross suspicions of election cheating have caused the Republican base to turn away from Fox News to Newsmax. News networks wouldn’t call Georgia or North Carolina, even though it looked long past the time it seemed reasonable. To Republicans, this is a conspiracy to institute nation-wide political machines, which they can’t accept. In their minds, if they let Democrats steal this election, there will be no more fair elections, and the only way to escape would be an armed revolution. There is no scenario in which the Republican base allows Trump to lose. If Trump gave in, they would turn against him also.

Democratic voters aren’t about to tuck tail and turn. Emboldened by a news industry, that insists on its own ability to declare an election outcome, the DNC base only builds for greater disappointment. They don’t have the power to decide disputed elections, but they think they do. They haven’t already won, but they think they have. Note cautiously, the media does not hope to sway the election outcome, but to sway a revolt for when Trump inevitably wins—a revolt from, of all people, the gun haters.

In order for Trump to lose, he would have to bow out, then Republican voters would take up arms and the RNC, seen as an obstruction, would be dissolved by its base. When he does win, Democrats voters will riot. In either scenario, we are looking at martial law in the coming weeks and months.

But, the question remains: Why was there such gross election ambiguity specifically in states with Republican-controlled legislatures? It’s almost as if the entire election controversy were staged. But, the reason remains yet to be seen, unless the answer is: China.

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Encore of Revival: America, November 9, 2020

America faces a reckoning. The same quiet giant that awoke at Pearl Harbor and 9/11 now wakes inside the Republican voter base. They rise to stop a problem they created for themselves, still without admitting it. While Republicans will win this round, both sides are right and wrong, and this won’t be the final round.

Blacks have not received justice from police killings—which should be at the rate of zero. Republicans could have solved the problem by a simple law: what happened to George Floyd should result in death by public hanging for both police officers in a public square within one week of the incident. Republicans could have rammed through such a law—just like they rammed through the approval of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Both would have been good; they only did one.

Democratic voters can’t win this one—not because they aren’t in the White House, but because of the difference in battle cries. Democrats have been protesting for years, then many have been looting and rioting in their name. Republicans are weary. Calling to defund police rather than immediately reform can’t solve the problem and was never going to garner respect. Republican voters won’t allow a mob to burn the neighborhood to the ground because of murders on the loose. Republicans refused to stop the murders because none of their families were victims, yet. That would have stopped the mob. Democrats won’t trust them.

So, Republicans have a calm, cool, apathetic irritation toward the extremists on the Democratic end. Patrick Elkins, also at the Times, calls them “Ravens”. Democrats cry victim, then pour gas on the flames of the duplex next door.

Indeed, the nation wreaks of mass voter fraud from Democrats. Former and disenfranchised Democratic Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich said election fraud was common among Democrats in cities. That may not indicate Democratic ethics, just that both Democratic ideals and political machines seem attracted to cities, allowing the DNC to get practiced and build up a habit. The media is in on it, sending now-proven wrong polls before the election, now forecasting a Biden victory on an election to be decided in court. Fake news coupled with vote fraud is all part of how political machines work. They thought they’d get away with it on a national level. They were wrong.

Republicans are in the wrong for failing to be Good Samaritans to Blacks. They didn’t stop systemic injustice because they don’t see it themselves—they can’t; but Westerners see systemic injustice in Taiwan. We can only see systemic injustice when it happens to us personally. That has injured and insulted the minorities Democrats promise and fail to help.

However justified, crying victim and marching to burn down the neighborhood cannot prevail against an aloof, collected, apathetic giant who stays laced when roused to wrath. That giant rose against Japan to stop Germany; now it’s rising against the Democratic political machine, but that doesn’t make it Jesus Christ. He’s not back yet, if you haven’t read the news.

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Encore of Revival: America, November 2, 2020

In the final week before the election, polls and mainstream news articles made every effort to paint a Trump victory as a bigger surprise than his first. He is an incumbent who kept campaign promises and wasn’t a failure in the minds of his own supporters. Historically, his defeat is impossible. Mail-in ballots being favored by one party—the losing party—wouldn’t ring of fairness. If the incumbent doesn’t win, it’s a shoe-in coordinated fraud case between both Democrats and their loud supporters in the news industry.

This election will be contested by the losing party’s supporters. The media will be part and parcel to any Democratic Party efforts, largely evidenced by attempts to dampen the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Glenn Greenwald resigned from the news company he helped found. Twitter censored link sharing for the story. Being Democratic-leaning, such institutions can’t present the defense that they are without allegiances in an election dispute.

Mail-in ballots are a great idea, not insecure or unsolicited mail-in ballots as we have seen. But, these mail-in ballots have been used and promoted heavily and only by Democrats. That betrays their purpose. If mail-in ballots are responsible for tipping the election against Trump, any fraud case would also include a smoking gun. In that event, the Supreme Court would play an important role.

The Constitution defines Election Day so that everyone knows when it happens. If voters need to mail-in ballots for any reason, they have no excuse to be late. Collecting mail-in ballots after Election Day can’t serve any fair purpose and only stinks of mischief.

Recently appointed Justice Barrett abstained from a ruling that would have decided that Election Day happens on Election Day, and Chief Justice Roberts can always be counted on to vote with Democratic prerogatives when it matters. This happens not because justices are Democratic or Republican, but because the Court always rules in favor of the Court. Via split vote, SCOTUS continued election chaos, thereby reminding the nation of the power it wields.

Still, the Supreme Court now seats 6-3 in favor of Republican-appointees. Barrett abstained, claiming she lacked sufficient time to review an expedited case. She can’t be counted on to abstain in a post-election dispute. Republicans are growing in power. And, power corrupts.

The RNC spent extra money on the Michigan Senator race—a state where the Democratic Governor is highly controversial. A general election—combined with a Senate election—is a likely place for voters to lash out against the current controlling party. Something similar happened when Republicans lost the House in 2018. If Michigan goes Republican again, it would indicate a strong turn for other states, including Pennsylvania.

No matter the election outcome, Republican voters will argue legitimacy and Democrat voters will cry injustice. The nation will soon spiral into chaos as this is the hottest time and the hottest election in American history. We will come out the other side, having dealt with many submerged problems which have finally surfaced.

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Encore of Revival: America, October 26, 2020

Media and analysts miss the greatest takeaways from the debate. Arguments were based on who did what while already in office: All of the problems Trump solved and Biden didn’t, but says he will. And, their positions were radically different: Biden appealed to need for help while Trump appeared in-control at the helm.

The only times incumbents lose reelections are in the wake of gross incompetence (not seen since Carter) or gross broken campaign promises (not seen since HW Bush). If anything, Biden appears to already have broken the promises he is now making. That will not be enough to eject a promise-keeping incumbent.

In our last week before the election, polls have gone on record for predicting Biden as voices in media shifted their tone to a non-answer over who will win. Trump already won 2020 in 2015 when he announced. Many people don’t understand that. Many in media believe they decide election outcomes, not voters, so they don’t understand it either.

The greatest danger Trump always posed was that he would do too good of a job. He is the leader the Republican Party doesn’t deserve. They denounced him. He delivered the promised results they wouldn’t. Now, they will have respect they didn’t earn, plus a near supermajority in the Senate, control of the house, and overwhelming control of the Supreme Court. Power unchecked corrupts. Trump’s awesome work will get him reelected where he will continue more awesome work, but awesomeness can destroy us where it is unearned. And, that shadow is where the RNC stands.

The country will likely destabilize over the coming weeks. Americans will fight from anger on all sides. War with China could be seen as a convenient distraction from domestic dysfunction at a time when the US needs an excuse to put an unchecked Asian bully in its place. But, China doesn’t need to be embarrassed; it needs to be discipled. But, the US won’t be ready to disciple anyone until the US recovers its lost neighborly conscience. The US will find its conscience again, but it appears that we will only learn through trouble.

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Encore of Revival: America, October 19, 2020

TV numbers and ratings tricks are all the Left has left. While one October surprise after another surfaces, they mostly favor Republicans. The Left’s work is in ratings. It seems to some that Liberals double and triple-up on media devices to give artificial boost to Biden ratings. And, it doesn’t seem out of character for Liberals, but the question is: Why?

The Leftist mind believes that people believe what they believe for a combination of two reasons: 1. because people were told to believe a thing and 2. because other people believe a thing. It’s almost as if Liberals see themselves as a permanent majority by voluntary opinion—an opinion they chose to adopt because everyone else is doing it. That also explains why Liberals believe Trump stole the election—they believe they are the assumed and permanent majority, so any opposition must therefore be very small and even more so rare. If TV numbers favor Trump, they must lie to create false TV numbers to accurately reflect the truth—because the truth needs their help—everyone needs their help.

By presenting falsely-inflated ratings in favor of Biden, Far Left voters believe they are making Conservatives feel like “the minority they always were and always will be”, which the Far Left thinks of as an insult, even though the Left campaigns on the platform of defending minorities. Think about it, if Conservatives really were the minority the Left thinks they are, wouldn’t the party that defends minority rights want to stand up for them?

If Liberals scorn Conservatives for being a supposed minority, what does that say about what Liberals think about all the “minorities” they claim to try to help?

Then again, maybe the Leftist mind isn’t thinking at all; it’s just failing and doesn’t know what to do other than keep pretending.

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Encore of Revival: America, October 12, 2020

The Democrats are desperate. In the vice presidential debate, Kamala Harris promoted a delusional sense of peace with China, describing Obama’s policy to empower China to grow strong and aggressive as the means of peace, blaming China’s aggression on Trump’s policy to disrupt China’s decade of aggression. From Harris’s perspective, time travel would be necessary because she blames Trump’s enforcement of basic respect for China having built military islands and aircraft carriers during the Obama years, which are now used to threaten war against any country not accepting Chinese Communist censorship of free speech. Perhaps she doesn’t think China has been bullying its neighbors; or perhaps she knows, but she thinks the American voters don’t know yet.

Talking as if we all need to “get along” to solve the problem of a sinking ship seems wise to people who don’t know their ship is sinking. Such are Kamala Harris’s arguments, along with other Democrats.

Gretchen Whitmer, who was tipped off to a kidnapping plot by the FBI—under the Trump administration—acted indignant, almost as if she believed Trump himself had planned the kidnapping. Regardless of how credible her response wasn’t, it is not the response of a party that believes it is winning the numbers for an approaching election. If Whitmer believed Democrats were winning, they would have said something different.

Democratic leaders and candidates are resorting to emotional appeals in their public statements. This is the most convincing indication that Democrats themselves believe they are facing a major loss in November.

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