Immigration is at the top of everything—news, speeches, law enforcement…
Building contractors hoping to get the contract for the Trump wall should be very pleased with this caravan of immigrants just arriving at the border, as should the Republican Party. With the failing Russianewsgategate investigation from Mueller, this immigrant caravan has almost guaranteed a contrary-to-the-norm Republican pickup in the 2018 election. Trump even knows that he can threaten to shut down the government to build the wall just before an election.
The interesting part of this caravan—as well as other illegal immigrant crackdown new stories—is that the caravan may actually believe that their journey will have the reverse affect that it’s having. And, the news media also seems to think that reporting on illegal immigration crackdowns will make the public think that immigration is less of a problem. Perhaps the media and the marchers live in the same world. It makes sense since experience in one subculture can cause the reality of another subculture to become counterintuitive.
Grandpa Giuliani is starring as Marc Antony to end the conflict and save the country from a divisive justice fled to brutish beats from men who have lost their reason. The former mayor is in a position to bring such a resolution. The New York district doing the FBI investigation knows him, his city knows him, the nation knows him, the investigator knows him, the president knows him. He knows everyone in the family as does any grandpa know his own.
Rudy Giuliani has the impeccable credentials Mueller was said to have had before his year-long investigation made wary everyone with any opinion. No one could threaten him, no one would have any cause to investigate him since he has been distant all this time. To investigate Giuliani at this point would beg the same question the Russian attorney is asking: Why hasn’t someone at least interviewed me?
No doubt, the shrinking number of investigation supporters will say, “Trump’s old pal Rudi got him out of it.” But, that won’t help their cause and the investigation will end nonetheless.
As anti-Trump sentiment both shrinks and honkers-down, many are getting fed up, especially with the Starbucks overreaction and now Amazon’s ratings about ratings. Closing thousands of locations for “racial bias” training will backfire; it’s only theater. If Starbucks really cares about solving the problem of “implicit” biases, they would keep their doors open to customers, pay staff to come in early, and train them in smaller groups during breaks over multiple sessions. People know it’s useless, both Leftists and Conservatives, employees and customers. This drama, combined with the overreaction of protesters shouting at Starbucks employees who agree with them will only drive more people to support Trump.
After all, a vote for Trump is really a way of protesting protests.
Then, we have Comey’s book on Amazon. Mashable and the Verge credit Deadline for breaking the story just before 9 p.m. on Friday, which a Rush Limbaugh caller, Chris, mentioned prior to 2 p.m. that same day. Gizmodo mentions that negative reviews won’t be possible from Trump supporters. Generally absent from mainstream articles are any exploration of the idea that phony positive reviews are also disallowed and could be a part of rating fraud or bias. Many also note the same information, that Amazon has blocked non-customer ratings on potentially controversial books in the past.
What we know about Amazon’s block on ratings is an absence of negative reviews and Amazon’s own claim that there appears to be some sort of bias from ratings. Everything real receives good and bad ratings alike. After this, Amazon’s reviews will likely lose credibility.
With the Starbucks overreaction and now Amazon claiming that its own rating system of Comey’s new book is in question, we could be looking at such a surge of new Trump voters that 2018 actually sees a boost in the Republican victories in the House and Senate. But, things are so wild and goofy these days that we can’t make heads or tails of what is going on politically. The swamp is being drained and, in any foreseeable case, Trump will almost certainly win again in 2020 and we are staring down the road of a future Republican Supreme Court.
Trump’s appointee to the Supreme Court, Justice Neil Gorsuch, voted against action that would normally favor Trump’s campaign platform to fix immigration. The ruling, however, was not about politics, but about sloppily-written law. We need laws to be written better and we need a Supreme Court that thinks so.
Barbara Bush passed away last week at the age of 92. She was mourned by friends, family, and all living past presidents.
The self-destructive establishmentarians are imploding the FBI from the helm and Facebook is run by kids who don’t know what they’re doing.
For decades the FBI was considered above reproach, but not anymore. Raiding a private attorney’s office and private residence stoops to new lows after an investigation has only proven less and less likely to find a problem. It proved more unlikely after this raid. The real purpose of the raid was to punish Cohen for being Trump’s attorney to discourage others from working with the president who is draining the establishment’s swamp. Now, that swamp is making it evident why it must be drained.
Trump should not fire Mueller; he should suspend his work and his team while a special council is hired to investigate what went on in a special counsel investigation team that hasn’t found anything since it was commissioned.
Facebook’s kids at the helm understand computer code and know how to make software, but like the kids running most app companies, they don’t have the scruples to guide their software to make just and fair decisions for their users. We see the child-like culture in Zuckerberg’s apology to the public and how he pleads with the Senate committee members like a child asking to keep the keys to his car.
The best explanation of Comey is fear that Clinton would get elected and retaliate if he tried to harm her or didn’t help her before her election. He expected her election, which holds bearing on his decisions. This “higher road” approach is often used by politically-oriented and otherwise incompetent leaders who appear pious as they refuse to pursue justice against those who harm others. He didn’t want to be “the torture guy” and he didn’t want to go after Clinton; nice guys don’t do those things, after all.
America is unquestionably in a culture war. The two Black ladies, Diamond and Silk, are “unsafe to the community” according to Facebook. That might have been the last straw. Many people in America love those two women and will take Facebook’s opinion personally. It does have logical implications: If you like someone who is “unsafe to the community” then it stands to reason that you too are “unsafe”. After all, if you want to see Diamond and Silk videos in your feed then Facebook disagrees with you.
But, that’s not where it stopped.
Tony Robins, a pioneer in his field of encouraging people with self-motivation, has helped many people make better lives for themselves. He commented that using a hashtag on Twitter to feel good merely uses a drug called “significance”. People who clean up their lives have already come to teach themselves that being famous and harming someone else offer no improvement for quality of life. And, indeed, the “womens rights” movement is no exception—just like Christianity—in having been abused by people who just want to feel good by way of fame. Tony Robins did not disrespect the “MeToo” movement, but only called-out the human habit of using good things for an alternative purpose.
Then, a woman in the audience proved his point for him by contorting his defense of personal responsibility into something it was not.
False alarms diminish the value of the alarm. America needs an uprising of people who will not stay quiet in the face of abuse. Tony Robins identified a new, niche form of abuse as a warning against crying “victim” in excess. Alienating Tony will not hurt Tony, it will hurt the groupies who commandeered the genuine, real call to end degradation of women.
With a march on the way to the border and the military being called into question, America faces turbulence, but these things will not overcome the nation; they will purge the problems and make the nation stronger.
Washington is moving against corporate giants. Gear up.
David Hogg is under ad hominem character assassination from multiple directions. He curses and is disrespectful. He advocates action to be quick and to stop deliberating, not removing the 2nd Amendment. Other anti-2nd Amendment students are being conflated with Hogg’s position. The reason for this partial Right Wing, mad-dog assault on David’s character is unknown, except that he is the loudest and easiest target while people in close social proximity to him are Leftists. It should be the other Leftists, not David Hogg, that the Right Wing should focus on.
The anti-ad attack against Laura Ingraham would normally fail, except that she’s wrong; colleges are just stupid much of the time. She seemed to be part of a mindless Right Wing attack against David because her defense of bureaucratic colleges is rare form. This seems very unlike the Conservative media. Her apology seemed more like a cave-in and demonstrated that she doesn’t really have a direction. The apology didn’t do any good since advertisers pulled anyway. The lesson here is two-fold: 1. Ingraham should have stuck to her statement, no matter how silly, expounded on the whole situation—not apologized—, and thus at least gained a sense of direction. 2. Never apologize when a hypocritical media asks you to. Public apologies for statements in the media have now proven to be permanently useless.
The Christian concept of an apology is forgiveness. Suddenly, Mark Zuckerberg took this approach, indicating that he may have a moral center after all, even with Facebook’s censorship of some accounts. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and to give justice to everyone; silencing “bad people” isn’t justice to everyone. If someone is bad, the Facebook community of users should see why. If Facebook censors an account it should be for posting incriminating content only. But, the people who demand apologies want admission of guilt, not restoration, because they are part of an anti-Christian attack on everything good in this world. This week, the Right Wing got caught up in the mindless mob-think in attacking David Hogg’s character.
This means one thing: The People’s Party is coming.
Stormy Daniels is promoting her story in a way that makes perfect sense if her goal is to get media attention. Her story could be true or false and this “marketing” method would still hold true. Lawyers promote her interviews as one would a movie. They talk about money. She promotes her social media connections. And, she has commented that her bookings are up. It’s just interesting how much business she has gotten from this and it will be more interesting to see how it pans out.
There is a gross contradiction, however, with Stormy Daniels and the Left. Being a porn star, she is hardly a moral judge. More importantly, the Left Wing did not attack Bill Clinton anywhere near as much.
David Hogg is right, but the Hollywood Left is trying to exploit him. Baby Boomers have failed to manage their Democracy, along with their kids, and however that generational chain works its way into the students currently in school. Clear backpacks are, best put, “stupid”. Showing girls’ tampons in the hallway and letting all students spy in each other’s bags doesn’t stop a gunman from hurting people. But, that comes from common sense, not the 1st Amendment.
The 2nd Amendment is David Hogg’s best friend. The best way to restrict guns in America is to deny them to everyone who has not completed the Constitutional mandate for all-citizen militia training. Hogg doesn’t care about scrapping it nor about Left or Right politics, though the Left capitalizes on him and his friends. That, too, could backfire.
In all this, David Hogg and his classmates are doing the country a great and wonderful favor: They are getting involved in politics as they should be. One does not need to be a Constitutional expert, we just need to be involved, even with much yet to learn. Bravo, David! Had high school students been so concerned 20 years ago we would not have the problems we do today.
But, we can’t say the same for the Leftist “snatch the guns” reactors. They don’t see the real issue, Trump does: China.
With an irresponsibly depleted military, the last remaining reason China has not invaded the United States is all the guns at large throughout the country. The 2nd Amendment’s militia training of all citizens would solve our gun violence problem, but it’s still not satisfactory for national defense. We need a stronger military.
This terrible omnibus budget that Congress sent to Trump makes a mockery of Congress, not Trump. Trump signed it because of its military budget that would make Reagan proud. It’s the largest military budget in US history.
Signing the budget will not hurt Trump’s changes of re-election. There will be unpopularity for a while, but this showed his “presidential sensibility” and he will have plenty of time to turn this against the dissenters in Congress with them leaving for the 2018 campaign trail. Trump’s base will understand him. International threats from a decade of military neglect is the bigger problem we face. Trumpists will blame Congress and many of those laughing at Trump now could find themselves fired in November.
Symphony has long said that mid terms on new presidents often flop as they likely will in 2018. But, mid-term losses will bring out the Conservative vote in 2020 and more voter turnout altogether.
In the economy, Facebook is in trouble, but it will survive better than the media would have us think. It’s a good time to buy Facebook stock since it’s low—that is with the “buy low, sell high” principle. The company was also founded and headed by a kid with little experience. Manipulating news feeds, suspending accounts, and not planning better for sneaky operations like Cambridge Analytica—they were bound for “brat” troubles. But, Facebook is too important for society to let it slide. The bigger debate yet to come will be over AI research “big” money that will want terabytes of user data to make an AI seem like it has a soul, as part of the AI cult that thinks Star Trek the Motion Picture is reality. A takeover by the public under a combination of stock market status and public utility laws will be the miraculous solution we will be told to think was the brilliant answer no one else thought of.
In another sector of society and politics, manufacturing is coming back to America. This will humble and strengthen the United States as it should. The US will no longer be a “service economy” where all the other [implied-to-be] “lesser” nations do the manufacturing and Americans merely oversee work that is “beneath” them. By having an equal playing field, Americans will come down off their pedestal and start doing hard, skilled labor just like every other nation needs to do. The two younger hard working generations are returning not only to political involvement, but also entrepreneurship and good, old fashioned hard work.