Encore of Revival: America, June 14, 2021

Raucous parties turn riot in New York. AOC says we have crime because we have prisons—specifically because we waste money on punishing people rather than helping people. Yes, America’s priorities are off. But, solutions are equally simple to their problems. AOC says people need mental health care and hospitals instead of prisons. She forgot to mention how much money gets wasted on church buildings. AOC makes the problem too complicated. The solution to rave partying in New York is much simpler than that. The problem came from a combination of imbalanced taxes and a breakdown of the Darwinian family.

Sunday church hasn’t helped preserve the Darwinian family either, but we’ll circle back to that later.

Young members of New York’s working class are partying at night—after work. This indicates a need to let out stress caused by instability and lack of hope. As we approach the face-off between the Returning Christ and the soon-to-be-seen Antichrist, all Hell is breaking loose, so to speak.

Yes, AOC, people aren’t partying from lack of prisons. No, AOC, people aren’t partying from lack of insane asylums nor from lack of Obamacare. People are partying from lack of a stable home and reliable taxes. After all, why should anyone in New York try to work to become wealthy when New York will tax away their wealth anyway? It goes to show why the partiers of Washington Square label the rich residents uncaring “Karens”. This is a fight between classes inflamed by strange taxes. But, the best-kept secret to the success among residents near Washington Square was always that they came from stable families.

A stable family is not anything AOC will suggest as a solution because stability at home is not something government can take away and then redistribute. Once stability is taken away, it’s gone.

But, what got us here is not a lack of prisons or hospitals anymore than it is a lack of church buildings. The real Jesus—the Returning Christ—can repair all things, even re-stabilize homes. But, the real Jesus is the best-kept secret on Sunday morning. Establishment Churchianity pushed its own man-made morals, which even the Apostle Paul said can’t help (viz Col 2:23). The church-goers left a bad taste in society’s mouth because society doesn’t need another list of made up rules. The best-kept secret on Sunday morning is what God’s rules actually are. Those are very simple and hard for anyone to hate. But, if you’ve hated fake rules all your life, it’s hard to listen to real ones. So, how to love actually remains a secret.

If government can’t redistribute it and Sunday church can’t sell it, nobody wants to talk about it. In response, Washington Square in New York hosts parties to let out our self-made stress. Even police can find an excuse to beat people while church-goers find their excuse to keep complaining. But, some people are starting to see what’s really going on.

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Encore of Revival: America, June 7, 2021

The DOJ set an interesting precedent by siding with Google against the DOJ. This DOJ action transcends presidential administrations. The DOJ ordered Google to hand over email info about a few New York Times reporters—without Google telling the newspaper. Google resisted the government on the basis of its private contract with the New York Times. Finally, the DOJ caved and allowed a top executive to know, which led to negotiations and legal counsel.

Based on the DOJ having cooperated with Google’s private contract on user privacy, we now have a precedent that no digital company would be obligated to hand over user information without informing the users, not even in the face of a court order. Therefore, there is no excuse for censorship of private users on social media, including former President Trump. Companies only take users content and information if they want to, never because they must because, well, they don’t need to anymore.

We don’t know what Trump really thinks because social media giants found an excuse to mute him. If they want us to know what he truly thinks, they will unmute him. But, they don’t unmute him, so no one can trust hearsay about what Trump thinks. The latest nonsense was about him being re-instated in August. But, if Trump really thought that, Twitter and Facebook would allow him to say it for himself because it would be so embarrassing. If he’s too dangerous to be allowed to speak, then what they say he says is too dangerous to trust.

Social media giants are losing their power. Facebook objected to “digital services” taxes around the world. Now, all corporations face a flat 15% corporate tax, in G7 markets. Leaders facetiously thanked Facebook for urging governments to remove “digital services” tax. Facebook will get its way, which means Facebook will pay more, so Facebook won’t get its way because Facebook got its way. The same could be said about what Facebook doesn’t let Trump say for himself.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 31, 2021

The US government faces legal battles on several sides. New York is pursuing criminal prosecution against a former Republican president, but not against a former Democratic Secretary of State and New York Senator. In a lawful society, criminal prosecution against former politicians wouldn’t be tolerated. But, we live in vindictive times. And, whatever vindication goes around comes back around.

Courts are looking at standing issues for whether police were wrong to clear a path for the president to walk to church. Reports continue to spread about police abuse. But, speaking of vindication, the biggest issue today comes from the Count of Monte Cristo, Jesus of The Passion, Jim Caviezel. He’s on a mission to expose human trafficking of children—to harvest their fear chemicals before killing them. Reports and exposure are the basis of a movie, Sound of Freedom. Elites supposedly use the chemicals to get high. An article mocking Caviezel can’t use enough adjectives of opinion. Excess use of adjectives seems to be the new standard in news writing.

If true, elites, including Hollywood, wouldn’t want any movie to be made about this. Instead of appearing innocent and supporting the movie, Hollywood and friends appear guilty as sin while the Caviezel’s movie sees one delay after another. Nothing could be more convincing that the movie is credible than the endless delays, which Hollywood could stop, not even overuse of adjectives from dissidents.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 24, 2021

The establishment gloats over Trump’s defeat—more his defeat on Twitter than his defeat in Congress, which goes to show which defeat meant more to them. All the while, Gates is caught in real scandals. Not only is he hated for a buggy operating system, broken promises that cost many startups dearly, funding controversial vaccines, and losing his wife—one of his big population control partners—now the hated company he started must defend him while he’s no longer there. Their defense?—they run things differently now.

Which billionaire is the worse between Gates and Trump? They won’t be too different in the near future, with Trump seeking to create his own news and social media platforms. Trump supporters are sick of masks. COVID cases fall. Space travel booms, as does a volcano in the Congo. Life returns to its despicable normal.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 17, 2021

The establishment is all out against Trump. They’d have you believe that Republicans were Liberals from the beginning—that Republicans actually thought like Democrats from the beginning—that the Republican Party is the party of getting along with people who will never accept friendship, but only your defeat—that original, true Republicans stand only for getting along at the expense of competence and survival. Somewhere along the line, the Republican Party was commandeered. Now, this minority acts as if they represent everyone; and their marketing seems very convincing.

In truth, we can get along. We should find peace within disagreement. We can keep quality and competence while also being respectful and gaining respect. But, these are not the main drive of this self-appointed group of uninvited spokesmen for the Republican establishment. They tout these universal values as their pass to develop a party that is Republican in-name-only while promoting closet Democratic Party values.

Now that their grand enemy, Trump, seems to be fading in the establishment’s narrative, the COVID virus also seems to be less and less relevant. The only thing that remains constant is the power of the Court, now headed toward a showdown with abortion.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 10, 2021

Social media and elections approach their days of reckoning.

Facebook banned President Trump, supposedly for life, but they aren’t sure, and they have no standards. This is not any problem particular to Facebook, but to software developers at large. They have the power to play judge and jury with their customers—and in many situations they need to. But in their judging, they never took the time to research one of the most basic matters of justice: standards. Facebook seems to think that because they are a company that their customers don’t have any rights unless Facebook gives those rights. China says the same about Xinjiang, and Facebook gets ever closer to being declared a utility, especially with claims like this.

As for the elections, local governments continue to recount, but there was little to no dispute on counting. The disputes were about certifying elections—either at a metaphoric gunpoint like happened with threats in Michigan, or at polling stations with overt rule-breaking. Those are the issues not being addressed, suggesting this is some kind of grand-scale manipulation technique.

Nation-wide reform is inevitable, from government to the private sector.

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