Encore of Revival: America, August 9, 2021

Greed is off the charts. Key holders and masters of ceremony are showing their true colors. Apple reportedly profits off apps that charge money either for nothing or with shady sales terms, including casinos hidden in children’s apps. Rich and powerful, including Obama, party in large groups without masks, all while lecturing the world on vaccines and masks during a resurgence of COVID.

The greed is being seen for what it is, on full display. It exists among the very leaders trumpeting a strange kind of globalism where those leaders own even more, they obey fewer rules, create even more rules for everyone else, and where everyone else has barely enough freedom to walk to a park as the only way to enjoy the outdoors. Many would call that servitude. And, about half of American society that would be subjugated by it also applaud it—even while the greed of the would-be slave masters sets on full display.

This can indicate only one thing: God is about to put the humble on fuller display, then conquer this evil already on display. God will first show an infinitely better kind of globalism, cleaning earth by empowering more travel, knowledge, buying power, and other freedoms for all people—a “green model” the greedy elites never suggest. It will be led by Jesus when there is no more church because Jeremiah 31:34 and Hebrews 8:11 will have come to pass—when no one teaches another to know the Lord because everyone will know who brought this not-yet-discussed, true globalism. The secret will start with enforcing what Jesus was expelled for in Nazareth; the secret will be to enforce Jubilee. And, 2021 is a Jubliee year.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 2, 2021

Fear. Pandemic protests are global. News narratives frustrate the White House. Germans and Aussies detest prevention measures. 600 were detained in Berlin. Meanwhile, Taiwan is down from a whopping 500 new cases in one day to 12. They wear masks, and check in at stores by either scribbling a name and phone number on a scrap of paper or sending a QR-code text message, then using a body-temperature hand-sanitizer combo machine. While the West divides in two paranoid groups, each calling the other paranoid, Taiwan re-opens dine-in restaurants.

Elections have consequences. They are coming, sooner for California, where a Democratic governor may have fallen out of favor and faces a recall vote. Trump raised lots of money—after losing in an election to many documented rule-breaking and suspicious-resulting precincts, in concert with Republicans who certified the rule-breaking precincts. Why would anyone suspect that Republicans helped voter fraud steal an election from one of the most popular and war-ending presidents of all time? It’s not like their party made $100M from his fundraising after he lost. No wait, they did.

That’s the problem with conspiracy theories. Most of them blame the wrong guy. If masks and other virus measures were part of a conspiracy theory, the theory should include the absolute necessity of public panic from both kinds of kooks. Without the vaxxers and anti-maskers fearing each other, America might have its numbers down to where Taiwan has. And, any election conspiracy theory should include that the RNC saw a profit in losing—just as they have for many decades.

It only grows more evident—the answers to America’s problems aren’t in any flavor of kookery, but in dropping fear and division so as to see the bigger picture.

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Encore of Revival: America, July 26, 2021

Facebook church and vaccine passports—that’s what they said we shouldn’t fear. But, they’re here. The sultan of censorship, Facebook, is the favored platform of Hillsong’s virtual church. The problem isn’t with Facebook, but with Christian contradiction. The same people who view the online platform as having censored their champion president are the same people turning to Facebook when they get a free online video handout. Like an abused dog, they come right back to eat out of the hand that beat them.

As this “Delta Variant” of the China-centered pneumoniavirus comprises 40% of the pandemic from Florida, Missouri, and Texas, “vaccines” are the way out. If you want to drink inside rather than outside at an inside-only seating bar in San Francisco, you’ll need a vaccine card—exactly where we were promised things wouldn’t go. Of course, they have their reasons. If the promise makers were trustworthy, they’d find a way to stop those bars from making the requirements that fuel fear.

It’s not the vaccines nor the vaccine cards nor Facebook nor Sunday church that we need to fear. We should only fear contradicted living. But, in the wake of our hypocrisy, a new hope arises, celebrating people who live authentically.

Skateboarding has finally come to the Olympic Games!

This is a game-changer. And, it vindicates all those skaters who were chased by haters. Some of those kids whom house wives threw potted plants at could have medals hanging around their necks. The Times will never let history forget how much the victors are hated along the journey to the platform where the haters change their tune and hail the hated success. Hopefully history can teach more of us to not hate the good things that give us excellent results we want.

Skateboarding has become the adopted fifth element of hip hop culture, adding to DJ, MC, graffiti, and street dancing. It allows self expression to be yet one more healthy pursuit of passion that changes all our lives for the better, including mine, as Editor in Chief. Thank you skateboarding, for all you have done and will continue to do. You will always have a special place here at Pacific Daily Times.

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Encore of Revival: America, July 19, 2021

The greatest indication of fraud isn’t fingerprints or photographic evidence, but results. You don’t need to see a video to know that a used car salesman poured sawdust into an engine. Just change the oil.

The newly Democratic Washington can’t figure out if vaccines are valuable. Everyone should get vaccinated because vaccines are so wonderful and helpful that everyone needs them except Bill Gates’s children, but in LA it doesn’t matter; you must wear a mask anyway. Something doesn’t make sense. It’s not being pro- or anti- vaccine or mask that indicates a breakdown in a Democrat-run government; it’s the overt contradiction.

Biden spouts the failings of his own policies. If Communism and Socialism fail as he says, then why does he lead a party that relentlessly seeks to implement socialist-born ideologies? He’s not saying this because he believes it. Puppets don’t have beliefs. Biden says this because he believes it is popular to bash Communists, whether Chinese or Cuban. Where did he learn that from? Trump.

Police struggle with increasing road-rage. This comes alongside many reports of drivers and pedestrians  struggling with increasing police rage. America doesn’t have a road-rage problem, nor a police rage problem nor a Democrat or Republican rage problem nor a Christian or Atheist rage problem; America simply has a rage problem. At least some people are starting to see it.

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Encore of Revival: America, June 28, 2021

Justin Bieber is not being smeared in the news because he wore Nike shoes in his visit to French President Macron. He is being smeared for being a Christian. The purported claim that he was “labelled ‘disrespectful'” by fans is not from any scientific poll, it’s from anecdotal comments that fit with the narrative. Such comments could come from news writers themselves and the reporting wouldn’t clarify otherwise. Headlines would have us believe that the majority of the people who love him and his music—that is his fans—object to his shoes. But, that is not a reasonable claim. Objections probably come from non-fans and haters. The biggest haters are those in the news industry who hate all Christians, Bieber included. We already know that haters rarely disclose their affiliations and biases, including those in the news industry.

But, why does society keep placing the same expectations on both politicians and entertainment stars? Bieber is a singer, we should expect him to dress somewhat like one. You won’t see the same newspapers reporting objection when Bono wears his trademark sunglasses in photos with heads of state. We know they are different—but do we really? Why do Hollywood and the Chinese government care what John Cena says about China?

Perhaps people can’t tell a difference between Bieber’s and Macron’s professions because both are seen as simply “on TV”. It’s no wonder democracies are collapsing around the world—the voters view politics as entertainment and make entertainment political. An article reporting on fans that expect a pop entertainer to dress or act like a politician should focus on a society that can’t tell the difference between the two. Fortunately, at least one news article does address the deeper issue.

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Encore of Revival: America, June 21, 2021

The pandemic picked the scab covering a deeper wound that festered instead of healing. Crime is on the rise and Chicago is a perfect display as to why. Lack of self-discipline and moral direction mixed with spoiling and over-entitlement.

Police who aren’t allowed to drive after the bad guys live out an existence that will only encourage the bad guys to be badder. The side of politics that supported those policies cultivated kookery without evidence that a president could steal an election. When the next election had actual evidence of election stealing, the other political side took up the same opinion. Now, trust in voting is betrayed from all sides. With a breakdown in the bedrock of a democratic society, other social orders will break down, including law and order built on voter confidence.

But, the buck stops with the Christians who knew better. It’s not that they didn’t yell at people enough. They should have done a better job of selling society on their virtues. Instead, they clubbed the world and judged sinners for sinning without judging the saints for sinning. We would be in a different place if the saints had forgiven both sinners and saints for sinning. After all, a saint is no more than a forgiven sinner. Instead, we’re here, learning the same lesson the hard way. But, God is good enough to make sure we learn one way or another. That’s why God allowed Chicago to have the trouble we all begged for.

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