June 16, 2015

Trump jumps in. Clie-mate truth: ten-year cooldown. ATF joins NYPD. Wall-Street & FED paranoid of 1937 repeat. Russia to add 40 ICBMs this year, Europe gets skittish. Obamatrade floundering. Pope calls for “super UN” world “justice” government. Successful farmers’ marketing: ‘La Ruche Qui Dit Oui’ Scores $9 Million From USV And Felix Capital For Its Local Food Marketplace  · · · →

June 9, 2015

TB in US. 10 Police injured at Hip-Hop fest. Video: Another Republican who didn’t read Obamatrade. Hillary has her stuff together, “Clinton machine” voting plans? Report: TSA slacked on 73 terrorist links. G7 not happy with Russia over Ukraine. Photos: CO supercell tornadoes. Emerging market motorcycle autowash: Why a legendary investor is interested in a tiny Indian startup that cleans motorcycles  · · · →

Tempo: May 21, 2015

Iran can’t control it’s anti-ISIL recruits. Letterman is done. Snowden docs: NSA targeted Google Apps for hack. Jeb illegal donations? Who will Hillary “Veep”? Jeb, the little brother who couldn’t. “WiFi fever” makes headlines. Poop-painter interviewed. Management: Here’s why your terrible boss is so emotionally inept  · · · →