Encore of Revival: America, May 21, 2018

Call it a Shame of Thrones or a Game of Showns, but Mueller has shown his game to his own shame. By waiting as long as he has, Trump possesses the “political currency” to order the DOJ to investigate the Obama FBI. He couldn’t have done that a year ago. But, by letting Mueller “mull” on, as it were, the Russianewsgategate “thing” has irritated everyone, even the Anti-Trumpists, for its lack of results, yet continued pursuit in what looks more and more like a ghost chase every day—now every hour.

Roger Stone says Trump might not run in the next term—if he gets his [twelve years worth of] work done in only four. With Democrats requiring 84 days to approve each of 300 Trump appointees, it’s unlikely Trump will finish in four years, as Stone’s hypothetical went. Michael Jordan said the same thing about himself year after year, that he might not play the following season—encouraging his opponents to get lazy. It’s a ruse Trump opponents would be foolish to buy into. If the Democrats really wanted Trump to not run again, they would approve all his Senate appointees and build his wall in one vote. Then, it would be difficult for Trump to argue any need to stay, even with such “huge” results.

The Senate’s vote on net neutrality is a necessary step. Internet needs some kind of regulation, even if to say that it needs no regulation, even if to protect it from anti-Capitalist corptocrats who donate to “Blue Dog Republicans”. If Facebook and Google want to provide faster Internet then they can become their own Internet service providers. If Verizon wants to say which big, fat companies can “pay for lane” in the website rat race, then Verizon should provide that Internet service free of charge. But, as long as customers pay, those customers should get to decide the lanes. This is not to be decided by Verizon, AT&T, Facebook, Google, Apple, and other big, fat companies that have more money than many governments of the world. Capitalism does not infer that private companies should overrule human rights.

Read More

November 26, 2015

Internet v FCC goes back to DC Cirtuit, judges, review, background, the scoop (WP)

Russia responds to Turkey by bombing ISIL, review of situation (Yahoo-Reuters)

Russia’s & Turkey’s very peaceful response, de-escalation anticipated (Guardian)

History: The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman (Smithsonian.com)

Speaking of Turkey…

Happy Thanksgiving: Truth, History & Ideologies (Jesse Steele)

Have a Happy, Politics-Free Thanksgiving (National Review)

How to Talk to Your Relatives About Politics at Thanksgiving (NY Times)

How to talk to your family about politics this Thanksgiving (WP)  · · · →

November 10, 2015

Israel remembers, Germany, 1938; viz modern Antisemitism (JP)

Obamnesty ‘could’ be heard by SCOTUS, possibly implemented summer 2016 (POLITICO)

2nd LA missile muscle flex: Did US Navy plan social reaction? (WP) (LA Times)

U. of Missouri prez resigns, slow response to racism, “stop yelling at each other and start listening…” (AP)

Music censored: China may have just made it harder for its citizens to ever get Spotify or Apple Music (QZ)

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November 6, 2015

TPP trade deal ‘erodes’ online rights (TC)

TPP full text (ustr.gov)

Russians going at it in Syria: 263 targets, 2 days (RT)

France’s largest warship off to Iraq (BBC)

The Limbaugh article everyone is talking about (Nat’l Review)

4 lessons of hope: How This Entrepreneur Fought Her Depression and Built a $300 Million Business  · · · →

October 23, 2015

Paul Ryan gets 70% ‘Freedom Caucus’ vote – CNN

Ryan a Non-Conservative, ‘heavy handed’? -USA Today


President’s security in decline, sleep at post, long reported history – WA Post

Russia pwns in Syria

Texas raids Planned Parenthood -UK G

Clinton hearing – WA Times

…Hillary emails, rawr, zzzZZZZ – RT

Google defiant, won’t de-list entire sites – TC

Good news: Hiring at Google is picking back up – QZ

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