Encore of Revival: America, March 20, 2017

The upcoming Supreme Court nomination approval will certainly prove important. SCOTUS should likely hear any number of cases involving whether Republican and Democratic presidents must abide by the same laws, immigration and spying not the least.

The cat is out of the bag and it looks like it’s about to have kittens. Obamagate is here.

Multiple sources claim Obama used British Intelligence to spy on Donald Trump. While British surveillance is certainly ahead—with their soon-to-be-released drone ‘robo-cops’—why does the US president need British help? He’s not just attempting to flatter James Bond fans. When a president enters through the back door, too many questions come up. Why would the most powerful politician in the world need to have someone else do his work? Is he not allowed to? Does he want to keep his fingerprints off a smoking gun? Does Obama know something we don’t?

Trump supporters and Trump dissidents will both honker down on their positions. Some former Trump dissidents will flip to support him when they see what he was up against. Obama fans will view Obama as having been in such a desperate predicament that drastic means were necessary. Trump fans will view Trump just the same, in a desperate predicament. No arguments will persuade anyone. Only events will sway a few late bloomers. Read More

Encore of Revival: America, March 6, 2017

Corruption reports are in and still coming. Some include the EPA functioning as a laundering screen and Obama organizing post-presidential politics. It’s a machine, as much as reports go.

Now the public has multiple reports, just coming in, that six agencies under presidential control wire tapped Donald Trump as a candidate and president-elect. This has two important ramifications, among others. Firstly, with so many court orders that Obama’s subordinates pushed for even after warrant requests were rejected, few stones have been left unturned, still with no evidence of fowl play and clearly that Russians did not decide America’s election outcome. While this begs the question as to why six agencies went after the president’s political opposition leader without finding any inditing evidence, the stronger implication is vindicating: the accused is best proven innocent when proven innocent by his own accusers. The second ramification is that Obama must have either known what was going on or was too incompetent to know what every president should know—six agencies under his control were going after the same political opponent.

Now, we have reports of the Obama administration continuing to grasp for political influence, something that ex-presidents just don’t do.

Weigh the game of powers. If Obama didn’t have the controls to remain in office, efforts to control after leaving office won’t work either. Supporters secretly adore the idea of an Obama coup. But, it can’t happen. History’s uprisings favor the small and new, not the old and retired. Take Hillary for example. Making her Secretary of State was the perfect way to make sure she would tire and fumble and make herself susceptible, whether Obama intended that or not.

Like Jesse Jackson and those who trailed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., once a movement peaks it can’t return. Obama’s best days in America are over. But, he’s still kicking and squirming. He didn’t quit while he was ahead. People will tire of him as they did of Napoleon. And, that means more political power will shift to the Republican establishment; then, pray that Heaven may help us all. Few things are more dangerous than one-party power. While we may not get there, the country is headed for Republican tyranny, thanks to the Obama years of over-reach.

For the first time since 2012, Chicago went six days without a shooting that results in a death. Shootings continue, but almost a week with no “homicides” is a record. Some people will care; other people won’t.

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Encore of Revival: America, January 16, 2017

President-Elect Trump criticized the intelligence community for having fake reports and allowing those reports to leak. He conducted his own “leak” fishing expedition and plugged the leak—or “caught, fired, and fried” the leak. If he can find his leaks with no power of the pen, why can’t the “intelligence” people find their leaks? That must be Trump’s question, anyway. Of course he Tweeted against the agencies.

Is it wrong for a president-elect to criticize people he can soon fire? There is no way that this president-elect has criticized his soon-to-be subordinates as much as the soon-to-be ex-president will continue to criticize without end. Obama plans to stay in Washington, and it isn’t because he likes gazing at the Eisenhower Building.

When Brennan lectures, “It’s more than about Mr. Trump; it’s about the United States of America,” he’s talking about his future boss. That’s not right or wrong; that’s just not smart. Even Comey was smart enough not to go up against Obama. Maybe Brennan expects to be fired anyway.

A lot of people aren’t thinking about what will happen when the man they continue to criticize becomes president. They weren’t thinking about all the deals they made that weren’t going to last. Whether the trade deals were good or bad, Americans were never going to tolerate China and Mexico taking American jobs forever. Clinton’s and Bush’s and Obama’s trade deals weren’t going to last. But, people didn’t see that either. They didn’t see a lot of stuff that was coming. That’s somewhat of a unifying quality among the anti-Trumpists. It still is, apparently.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, September 12, 2016

Cadence of Conflict: Asia, September 12, 2016

North Korea launched “another” nuke test. The announcement made sure that the North Koreans knew that it didn’t harm the environment. The Philippines released photos proving that China was doing what it had already been found guilty of and yet didn’t care.

Obama and China pointed fingers at each other this week. Reportedly, yet unconfirmed, China had a few more fingers to point than Obama. And, none of this is news, yet it continues to get reported week after week.

Instead, the news has quite a different tone:

A young woman walked a young man like a dog in Fuzhou before he stood up and they entered a shopping center together. China has finished the world’s “tallest” bridge, yet we won’t be able to cross it for several months. Research shows that about 20% of Taipei has been built on unstable ground and the Taipei mayor cares about the report of the ground as much as China cares about the verdict at sea. And, the most interesting news of all is that, while democracy ideologies have not found their way into North Korea, Green Peace’s ideologies have.

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Encore of Revival: America, June 20, 2016

Encore of Revival: America, June 20, 2016

In tragic aftermath, Americans blame each other. Government agencies are not allowed to use the obvious as cause for suspicion. America’s president blames Americans for hatred of America, yet he can’t figure out why his popularity isn’t only sinking. Obama is becoming permanently infamous.

He is already on a down-hill train to being the “anti-president”—everything that a president should not be. He is a disgrace to the talented, brilliant Black community. Perhaps Carson’s run will serve to prove Obama’s term wrong: Black people certainly can be good leaders after all. In every other way, Obama has provided Americans with every reason to hate him.

When his policies fail, he condescends the very people who warned him. When America is attacked, he blames the victims. He has supported the LGBT community, yet freely welcomed members of a religious sect that want to kill them. Now, a sizable chunk of LGBT community members have joined Trump and taken an interest in owning firearms.

Obama failed to retain his own supporters—a large number of the very people his policies tried to “help” have turned against him.

More than that, Obama’s biggest failure is that he has not stopped the avalanche of his own failure. When he becomes unpopular, he has proven incapable of doing anything to gain that popularity back.

Obama doesn’t know when he is losing, he just keeps playing his losing tactics. That makes him the biggest loser of all. His non-unpopular days are numbered and, soon, he could seal his own eternal place in the Hall of Failing.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 16, 2016

Encore of Revival: America, May 16, 2016

The Obama administration continues to advance its music. Most of it is song and dance, just a show to draw a reaction from the crowds. Much of it can be ignored or circumvented. Everything can be undone with the stroke of a pen via the next President’s executive order. Many are offended—many of whom think Obama’s policies have more weight than they actually do.

The situation raises many questions. Why does Obama push agendas that he does?

Almost everything Obama is doing through executive action can be outright ignored, even Obamacare. Other things could be disputed at State and local levels. Yet, few dissidents push for those options as they focus on trying to put Trump in office, mostly ignoring the Obama policies. Does Obama think that the lack of State and local action against his policies imply support? Does he think the people are too weak to stand up to him? Does he simply want to provoke his dissidents to get excited and angry, even though his policies are mostly bark with little bite? Or, is he like Plankton in SpongeBob SquarePants who doesn’t know how little he is?

At the same time, the people are getting excited about policies that really can’t be enforced. Are they late bloomers? Why didn’t they get angry when Hannity and O’Reilly tried to warn Americans about Obama’s ties to Rev. Wright? Maybe Obama’s noisy song and dance is just waking up drunk America from her slumber.

Issues are stacking up. TSA wait time seems longer than estimated at Airports. Of course, having one’s stuff together can make those times faster. TSA agents might accommodate passengers at risk of missing flights if asked nicely, with all liquids removed from baggage. But a mother with children running around who doesn’t know where her passport is may have some trouble gaining trust of the security agents. Who is to blame? Everyone needs to get their stuff together better. Those who do have fewer problems, TSA and passengers alike. Israel’s security methods have always been preferable  and effective, yet, for some reasons, Israel gets little consideration in general from Obama.

Facebook seems to be censoring Conservative stories. Russia complains about US defense in Europe. And many people are having to review their personal beliefs and worldviews, largely on account of needing a better set of arguments to either support or oppose Trump and Hillary.

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