September 25, 2015

Pope to Congress (Video, transcript)

Chinese Pres. Xi in the Valley (Cook, Bezos, Buffet, Zuck, climate, photos, story)

Russia helps Syria, 6 considerations

Russia sneaks jets to Syria

Donald Trump’s slide in the polls is beginning to look real (numbers, charts)

Step wrong and boom: Boeing to build “brain chip” for DHS self-destructing Black smartphone

Dig: Archaeologists find bone fragments in hunt for ‘real’ Mona Lisa  · · · →

July 2, 2015

China just declared almost war on the world, yesterday, again

Obama blocks Arab defense against ISIS

White House fence is spikier—knows how to build a fence

Trump is up and Democrats love it, signs of hostile takeover antics

‘Dukes of Hazard’ gets pulled from TV Land

Cloud brand ‘Box’ joins establishment

IndieGogo to help Greece

Wireless charging via ‘radio waves’

Lessons from Thomas Payne: The Persuasive Genius of One of America’s Most Important Revolutionaries  · · · →

June 26, 2015

TV network conjured the excuse they need to dump Trump. Vati-Paistine treaty. 347 workers laid off, Obamacare. UN Israel’s greatest adversary. Alex Jones’ latest rant: WWIII in October? Apple attacks stars-n-bars flag. China rebukes US over human rights. McDonald’s corporate is getting out of Taiwan. Circuit boards on clothing. Google car. Ali “bank” ba. No new ideas: Could This 1970s Patek Philippe Be The Inspiration For The Apple Watch?  · · · →

June 24, 2015

Obama hosts anti-Israel guests. Pentagon’s new space spy, opens in 6 months. Google Chrome spies via mic. Pentagon: Journalists legitimate targets. US military living in the past—building light forces? Rubio, the last vote for ObamatradeTop 10 non-US universities. Hoverboard: Lexus video teases a ‘real’ magnetic hoverboard  · · · →