Encore of Revival: America, June 3, 2019

America is dividing between the “hopers” and the “doers”. On the one hand, many voters look for hope through our current times. On the other hand, voters work hard and smart to push the times along.

The Left is lost in a lost hope of impeaching Trump. Their suggestions get more outrageous by the day—it’s hard to keep up with. By the time one pundit offers an interpretation, the next suggestion is already in draft. The problem is with order of strength. Usually we present our strongest arguments first. Usually the first strategies used are the strategies most likely to succeed. If so many things have failed this far into Trump’s term, the likelihood of success isn’t exactly high.

The Right—well, some of the Right—has been working harder than ever. The boring managers who can’t keep an organization from floundering always hate the people who know what they’re doing—like Trump. He just discovered how effective tariffs can be against the Chinese, why not try them against Mexico too!

The abortion debate is heating up to be hotter than it’s ever been. While the Right-leaning states are banning abortion, Left-leaning states are legalizing types of abortion that formerly would never have passed into law. The more controversial this gets the more likely it will rise to the strongest conservative court we have seen in over half a century.

The Left and the “establishment” Right don’t know how to respond. The workers and doers keep working and doing more things faster than the Left can make suggestions on how to stop them.

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Encore of Revival: America, March 25, 2019

American immigrants fleeing communism are tending to lean right, according to reports. Memories of the dark regimes they escape come flooding back as they watch Democratic talking points. This wasn’t how the Democratic minds planned things to play out.

But, that’s how things play out in a witch hunt. A concluded investigation with no indictment is, by definition, an exoneration. While an opinion may certainly, surely have “middle ground”, prosecution does not—a person is either prosecuted or not prosecuted. Trump is not being prosecuted. Being “not exonerated” is a matter of opinion. Mueller does not write the opinion of the voters anymore than the voters write the report for Mueller.

If Democrats push the Mueller report as a basis to prosecute or even impeach Trump, then they set a precedent to prosecute Hillary. The Democrats lost, if nothing else roughly $20 million dollars (directly and indirectly reported) over two years, but neither indited Trump nor does it look like they will be able to impeach him, given public opinion. Politically, the non-indictment has already exonerated him, regardless of the non-indicting report’s opinion to the contrary.

Rod Rosenstein’s slow exit can easily be explained by his new boss. Since William Barr took over the absent Attorney General’s desk just one moth ago, he needed a veteran so he could catch up to speed. The concern that Rosenstein stayed in office too long after he was supposed to leave could also be applied to the Mueller investigation that should have been over much more quickly. Two endless endings that lack direction should be expected to end together.

The Federal Reserve needs reforming. According to Jerome Powell, the Fed chairman who holds a position appointed by the president, the president had no impact on the Fed’s recent decisions. Especially with so much talk of “accountability” orbiting squanderous theatrics like in the Mueller solar system, entities that lack accountability need it.

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Encore of Revival: America, February 25, 2019

This was a week of fakery and desperation. Pacific Daily Times did not pick up the Jussie story of the fake beating because, quite frankly, something about it just didn’t seem newsworthy—until now. Initial headlines weren’t clear as to what exactly happened, except that there was an actor doing something. It seemed reminiscent of—and turned out to actually be much like—Jordan Brown’s story, the homosexual pastor from Texas who dropped his lawsuit about the word “fag” on his cake, after Whole Foods—the bakery—filed a countersuit that he had tampered with the cake. Jussie Smollett was by no means the first, but the fake media just didn’t know how to see a fake for a fake. Perhaps that’s because they’d have to implicate themselves—perhaps.

Pro-Abortion movements are getting laws passed in Democratic-leaning States. This anticipates a likely national ban of abortion from the Supreme Court. Effort itself is not progress. Interpret the times correctly; this effort indicates progress already made on behalf of the Pro-Life movement.

Just the same, Mueller’s coming report is something the Democrats should want to keep quiet, not only because it will acquit Donald Trump of conspiracy with Russia, but because it will likely reveal a breadcrumb trail leading to dirt on the Democrats. With the report not yet delivered, this can’t be certain, but it is how history tends to work. The false accuser’s accusations often turn against him.

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Encore of Revival: America, December 10, 2018

The theory presented on September 10 and November 19 proved useful enough to predict White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s departure. No one announces in advance that someone is leaving—before the departure, without also announcing a replacement. Nobody cares about a boss whose boss already announced would be leaving. That’s how to cripple any malevolent powers of an administrator that can’t be quickly unplugged, but needs to go—and do so without raising suspicion that the administrator did anything wrong. Even in his dismissal—not a “retirement”—Kelly fits the bill as the author of the “New York Times essay”, right down to getting tossed out in a way that no one would suspect a darned thing.

France is in trouble. The president who snubbed Trump has fallen into disfavor with his own people. This largely comes down to grandiose promises made by socialist agendas that everyone should have known could not deliver because of foresight rooted in hindsight. Socialism never delivers anything but what we see in France now. As for ado about Brexit, there’s no point in worrying so much since the queen can decide anyway, if she wants to. That’s what the British always tell Americans is so wonderful about the UK’s constitutional monarchy. But, acting like this is a problem helps keep the British press afloat.

A Trump campaign payment is now being compared to a situation with 2004 Democratic candidate John Edwards. But, that has three major holes in its boat: 1. The accusation encircles alleged campaign finance violations surrounding the Trump organization’s lawyer, Cohen, whose job it was to give legal advice; Trump is not a lawyer, Edwards was. Can a lawyer be witness against the client he advised, or secretly recorded? 2. The Mueller investigation sought to understand whether there was wrongful involvement with Russia and Trump. The Fourth Amendment limits the scope of search and seizure to a probable cause and any seized items must be specified by the warrant in advance. By starting with an investigation between Trump and Russia, but ending with a campaign finance accusation against a candidate accused by the lawyer who advised him, this has gone well beyond the scope that the Fourth Amendment was intended to limit. If courts allow this, it shows how much our legal justice system has wandered from the Constitution. 3. The electorate will want a good explanation for why Hillary wasn’t treated this way. The best reason so far would be that the courts have been usurped as a cudgel for political rivals. It’s not Trump who needs to be worried about an indictment; it’s the legal justice system itself that is about to go on trial.

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Encore of Revival: America, December 3, 2018

Former President George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st president, is dead at 94.

While the Bush family and the nation mourn, politics continue as usual.

The “Mark Meadows Plan” for Congressional Republicans foreshadows political posturing of the next two years: Democrats will be a powerless foil supporting the re-election of Trump. Just how Democrats harassed the Regan administration with the Olly North investigations, harassed Supreme Justices Kavanaugh and Thomas with sexual harassment allegations—just how the House Republicans harassed Clinton with the Kenneth Star -led investigation—so will this Democratic House irritate the electorate over the next two years. Even if the House impeaches the president as it did Clinton, there isn’t foreseeable traction in the 52-seat strong Republican Senate.

The latest “shock and faux” campaign from the press attempts to scare readers with the notion that Russia did not exercise leverage over Trump—but they could have—because Trump decided not to build a project in Russia that everyone knew about him not building when he would have been allowed to build it anyway. The reason, as this latest “wow” campaign goes, is because Trump is now reported to be the center of the Mueller investigation. Really? That’s news?

The next two years will be as entertaining as watching a cat who thinks it’s a god, but just can’t figure out why it can’t get anyone to obey.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 27, 2018

Senator John McCain is dead, God rest his soul. So are three gamers in their 20s, killed by suicide gamer rage at a computer competition in Florida.

Trump was busy golfing on Sunday and only Tweeted about a media spin article, explaining how Obama was receiving credit for economics that developed under Trump policy. Ivanka Tweeted thoughts and prayers to the victims at the gamer event shooting in Jacksonville, Florida. The Left didn’t like that because not grandstanding for seizure of guns means doing nothing. Trump is in a catch-22.

From the “Fake Right”, Alex Jones and Oliver Stone continue to entertain Conservatives of the hyperactive, hermit niche, who feed on fear. Stone predicts that Don Jr. will be indited. We’ll see. Both taking heads of the now-dubbed “Stone & Jones” show (courtesy PD Times) shriek about how the other got harassed, but not injured permanently because the show continues. If the Leftist rent-a-mobs ever stop gaggling Stone & Jones, their show could be over. Then what will keep us entertained?

The Mueller investigation seems to be going in such a doomed and distracted multi-direction that it could be re-labeled the “Mueller investigation”, but for different reasons. So, at least the show will continue somewhere. The real question will be whether “Stone & Jones” show viewers hold Stone accountable to make accurate predictions. If he’s right, they should be bored. If he’s right and they are hysteric, it means they are fanatic. If he’s wrong, and they don’t drop viewership, they are either fanatic or bored.

We’re all led to believe that Trump doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. But, his image of incompetence must hold up if he is ever to endure through the battle of wits looming in the Pacific, particularly the Northwest Pacific.

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