Cadence of Conflict: Asia, October 26, 2015

Cadence of Conflict: Asia, October 26, 2015

Fireworks and seizure.

On Saturday, a North Korean patrol boat crossed into South Korea’s side of the “NLL” (Northern Limit Line), which North Korea rejects. The South fired warning shots and the “Nork” ship went home. The DPRK will not have the same cakewalk as Hitler had in France… at least not on the water.

Protesters from China didn’t exactly welcome Xi Jinping to the UK. A Tienanmen Square survivor’s UK home was searched and two computers seized by UK police. They even took his iPad and a USB stick!

Apple took 256 Chinese apps from their App Store for “secretly gathering personal info”. China’s Communist Party has taken away permission to join a golf club. China still wants to take Taiwan—it’s really important.

Speaking of Taiwan, the floundering KMT-Nationalist party found yet another different way to lose the upcoming election. If the party had realistic hopes of winning, they would take the hint from Southern voters, who support young Tainan Mayor Lai, whose greatest, and arguably only, achievement is to refuse bribe money.  · · · →

October 23, 2015

Paul Ryan gets 70% ‘Freedom Caucus’ vote – CNN

Ryan a Non-Conservative, ‘heavy handed’? -USA Today


President’s security in decline, sleep at post, long reported history – WA Post

Russia pwns in Syria

Texas raids Planned Parenthood -UK G

Clinton hearing – WA Times

…Hillary emails, rawr, zzzZZZZ – RT

Google defiant, won’t de-list entire sites – TC

Good news: Hiring at Google is picking back up – QZ

   · · · →

October 21, 2015

SC Trumped

10-15 polls, Trump 25%, Carson 22%, Rubio 13%

Trump on FOX Biz: Jeb, cancel passports, foresaw 9/11

Buchanan on Establishment hurtles to oust Trump

Reid for Ryan

Syria; Russian airstrike kills 45 w rebel leader

Talk of town: Canada’s new ‘Liberal’ PM

…PM Justin Trudeau and

…Threatens TPP, remains ‘undecided’

…Bloomberg: Canada’s situation

Now History: What ‘Back to the Future II’ got right about tech in 2015  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, October 19, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, October 19, 2015

Registration, registration. Changes, changes. Dr. Ben Carson was registered in a small, sideline political party until almost one year ago. It will probably help him since most Republican voters vote Republican under protest. He could be the last viable RNC candidate, if the trend continues, and would be a more viable candidate on account of his former membership.

Homosexuals are announcing their status to the world, finding more and more creative ways to do it. Arguably, “coming out” on Facebook is more of a mating call than a warning to heterosexuals to keep away. “Coming out” is no longer as bold and courageous as it once was.

The courts won’t be able to be fair while differentiating the “Church of the Sword” foam sword fights from the tax-exempt Christian coffee-doughnut meetings on Sunday morning. The New Hampshire Church of the Sword will likely have copycats. The non-necessity of the Sunday morning method of Bible education and Christian friendship has been exposed.  · · · →