Judge William Orrick will go down in history as the accomplice of the abortion black market. His Federal order attempting to block the release of videos “in the form of harassment, intimidation, violence, invasion of privacy, and injury to reputation,” will not make him look good. There don’t seem to be many arguments about defamation or falsehood, or whether the organization deserves the credibility the judge is defending. This order will not stop the anti-abortion movement, but only make the judge out to be an accessory in the aftermath of the coming tsunami.
Americans seem more concerned with flags and lions than with millions of abortions or the 3,000 people who die each year at the hands of people who crossed the border illegally. Now, people are getting angry about the mix-matched priorities. And it all seems to indicate that the public only complains about what the TV tells the public to complain about, and not a moment before the TV tells the public to complain. · · · →