Encore of Revival: America, November 2, 2020

In the final week before the election, polls and mainstream news articles made every effort to paint a Trump victory as a bigger surprise than his first. He is an incumbent who kept campaign promises and wasn’t a failure in the minds of his own supporters. Historically, his defeat is impossible. Mail-in ballots being favored by one party—the losing party—wouldn’t ring of fairness. If the incumbent doesn’t win, it’s a shoe-in coordinated fraud case between both Democrats and their loud supporters in the news industry.

This election will be contested by the losing party’s supporters. The media will be part and parcel to any Democratic Party efforts, largely evidenced by attempts to dampen the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Glenn Greenwald resigned from the news company he helped found. Twitter censored link sharing for the story. Being Democratic-leaning, such institutions can’t present the defense that they are without allegiances in an election dispute.

Mail-in ballots are a great idea, not insecure or unsolicited mail-in ballots as we have seen. But, these mail-in ballots have been used and promoted heavily and only by Democrats. That betrays their purpose. If mail-in ballots are responsible for tipping the election against Trump, any fraud case would also include a smoking gun. In that event, the Supreme Court would play an important role.

The Constitution defines Election Day so that everyone knows when it happens. If voters need to mail-in ballots for any reason, they have no excuse to be late. Collecting mail-in ballots after Election Day can’t serve any fair purpose and only stinks of mischief.

Recently appointed Justice Barrett abstained from a ruling that would have decided that Election Day happens on Election Day, and Chief Justice Roberts can always be counted on to vote with Democratic prerogatives when it matters. This happens not because justices are Democratic or Republican, but because the Court always rules in favor of the Court. Via split vote, SCOTUS continued election chaos, thereby reminding the nation of the power it wields.

Still, the Supreme Court now seats 6-3 in favor of Republican-appointees. Barrett abstained, claiming she lacked sufficient time to review an expedited case. She can’t be counted on to abstain in a post-election dispute. Republicans are growing in power. And, power corrupts.

The RNC spent extra money on the Michigan Senator race—a state where the Democratic Governor is highly controversial. A general election—combined with a Senate election—is a likely place for voters to lash out against the current controlling party. Something similar happened when Republicans lost the House in 2018. If Michigan goes Republican again, it would indicate a strong turn for other states, including Pennsylvania.

No matter the election outcome, Republican voters will argue legitimacy and Democrat voters will cry injustice. The nation will soon spiral into chaos as this is the hottest time and the hottest election in American history. We will come out the other side, having dealt with many submerged problems which have finally surfaced.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, October 26, 2020

The flashpoint of Taiwan has become a pregnant possibility. Reportedly, a US military jet flew across Taiwan, and no one is fully certain over who claimed what and why. Taiwan’s government said something after the US government said something about the mission. Then the US government said that they weren’t saying what the mission was. So, the Taiwan government said that they weren’t saying what the US government wasn’t saying about what the US government said about why what happened happened. And, we’re not even sure what happened because the identifier tags could have been spoofed.

In the end, China fell for the bait as if on cue. The Chinese State-run Global Times then published a story sometimes written in the first-person stating that the US isn’t allowed to fly military operations over Taiwan and that China would send its military planes over Taiwan if the US did. The story went on to speculate that Taiwan didn’t have the unction—more or less—to fire the first shot at a Chinese plane in Taiwan sovereign airspace. That proves what China is really thinking about: pushing and pushing, trying to call Taiwan’s bluff, wondering who will fire the first shot—because China is hoping someone will fire the first shot.

After all the information China gave away about its intentions—after what seemed like a fluke between Washington and Taipei—don’t think for a second that said fluke was not a well-calculated fluke. The bigger takeaway is that China keeps falling for the bait while Washington learns to anticipate China enough to lead the Chinese Communist military right into its own defeat—and China shows the learning curve of a cat chasing a laser dot.

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Encore of Revival: America, October 26, 2020

Media and analysts miss the greatest takeaways from the debate. Arguments were based on who did what while already in office: All of the problems Trump solved and Biden didn’t, but says he will. And, their positions were radically different: Biden appealed to need for help while Trump appeared in-control at the helm.

The only times incumbents lose reelections are in the wake of gross incompetence (not seen since Carter) or gross broken campaign promises (not seen since HW Bush). If anything, Biden appears to already have broken the promises he is now making. That will not be enough to eject a promise-keeping incumbent.

In our last week before the election, polls have gone on record for predicting Biden as voices in media shifted their tone to a non-answer over who will win. Trump already won 2020 in 2015 when he announced. Many people don’t understand that. Many in media believe they decide election outcomes, not voters, so they don’t understand it either.

The greatest danger Trump always posed was that he would do too good of a job. He is the leader the Republican Party doesn’t deserve. They denounced him. He delivered the promised results they wouldn’t. Now, they will have respect they didn’t earn, plus a near supermajority in the Senate, control of the house, and overwhelming control of the Supreme Court. Power unchecked corrupts. Trump’s awesome work will get him reelected where he will continue more awesome work, but awesomeness can destroy us where it is unearned. And, that shadow is where the RNC stands.

The country will likely destabilize over the coming weeks. Americans will fight from anger on all sides. War with China could be seen as a convenient distraction from domestic dysfunction at a time when the US needs an excuse to put an unchecked Asian bully in its place. But, China doesn’t need to be embarrassed; it needs to be discipled. But, the US won’t be ready to disciple anyone until the US recovers its lost neighborly conscience. The US will find its conscience again, but it appears that we will only learn through trouble.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, October 19, 2020

The new global trend is hit pieces against China; even a Taiwanese rapper is on the bandwagon. China’s solution to lack of technology is to take over countries that have enough freedom to create technology, then deprive those countries of their freedom in order to get their technology. It’s clear China thinks innovation is a commodity rather than an indication of an already liberated people.

Taiwan doesn’t need liberated by China; it already has been liberated from China. While the Chinese think that intimidation has driven the Taiwanese into fear, it hasn’t. As Taiwanese carry on with life as usual, the word on the street has nothing to do with fear of invasion; the Taiwanese are simply waiting for the Chinese to ask to get their ass handed to them.

The Philippine government wants to drill for oil in the South Sea. China was supposed to do that in cooperation, an old promise that still hasn’t materialized. From Xinjiang, we learn that children of detained Uyghurs are being orphaned, and China is now sending them to Confucian brainwashing school. Perhaps that was China’s goal in detaining their parents; it certainly worked out that way.

The US is pursuing charges against Chinese espionage in America. China threatens to detain Americans in retaliation. But, that misses the whole point. If China knows about American spies in China, then China should have already taken action anyway. It makes a country look weak to not stop crime except in retaliation. Does China want to send the message that American spies can spy unchecked in China as long as America’s government doesn’t prosecute Chinese spies caught in America? The world wonders what China wants. Maybe China wants the world.

But, the world doesn’t want China’s low-tech industry, repulsive actions, controlling conduct, retaliatory justice, Confucian indoctrination, nor forced language. Nations and peoples of the world will use their ability to invent to overcome China’s low-tech weapons and easily-offended, easily-intimidated culture. Of course, the Chinese don’t know when they are out-teched, out-matched, out-willed, undesired, and surrounded. They already are, but they don’t know. The only ones who know are everyone else.

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Encore of Revival: America, October 19, 2020

TV numbers and ratings tricks are all the Left has left. While one October surprise after another surfaces, they mostly favor Republicans. The Left’s work is in ratings. It seems to some that Liberals double and triple-up on media devices to give artificial boost to Biden ratings. And, it doesn’t seem out of character for Liberals, but the question is: Why?

The Leftist mind believes that people believe what they believe for a combination of two reasons: 1. because people were told to believe a thing and 2. because other people believe a thing. It’s almost as if Liberals see themselves as a permanent majority by voluntary opinion—an opinion they chose to adopt because everyone else is doing it. That also explains why Liberals believe Trump stole the election—they believe they are the assumed and permanent majority, so any opposition must therefore be very small and even more so rare. If TV numbers favor Trump, they must lie to create false TV numbers to accurately reflect the truth—because the truth needs their help—everyone needs their help.

By presenting falsely-inflated ratings in favor of Biden, Far Left voters believe they are making Conservatives feel like “the minority they always were and always will be”, which the Far Left thinks of as an insult, even though the Left campaigns on the platform of defending minorities. Think about it, if Conservatives really were the minority the Left thinks they are, wouldn’t the party that defends minority rights want to stand up for them?

If Liberals scorn Conservatives for being a supposed minority, what does that say about what Liberals think about all the “minorities” they claim to try to help?

Then again, maybe the Leftist mind isn’t thinking at all; it’s just failing and doesn’t know what to do other than keep pretending.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, October 12, 2020

China has gone effectively “NR”, a tech term for software being “non-responsive”. No matter what any nation says or does, China only digs in, tells the same lies no matter how increasingly obvious, and continues aggression as the solution to losing more friends over its aggression.

Why censor Mike Pence’s statement on China during the vice presidential debate? As an act of good will, China should replay Pence’s statement to correct for the ostensible “no signal please stand by” message during that part of the debate. If anything, letting a foreign vice president make bad statements would help prove that China does not engage in free speech censorship. In all likelihood, the Chinese have been censoring so many people and getting away with it that they thought censoring the American vice president would go unnoticed—it didn’t.

Besides, why keep a foreign vice president’s words away from the ears of their own people. The Chinese people won’t decide how the West will respond to Chinese aggression; the West will decide how the West responds. That’s something else the Chinese Communists don’t seem to understand.

Four nations held a strangely, vaguely-purposed meeting: Japan, Australia, India, and the United States. The reason went largely unexplained, though it was obviously about China. Japan said the meeting wasn’t about one, single country. Australia said no one tells Australia what to do. The US said China is dangerous. From a Chinese Confucian Communist perspective, the meeting seemed out of order. But, in the minds of Western voters, it is clear that all four countries dislike China without having to be told to. It was an unencrypted message China was sure to not decrypt.

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