Encore of Revival: America, September 3, 2018

It’s all seen in his funeral. John McCain’s death, more and more, seems destined to symbolize the death of the Washington “establishment”. Put less friendlily, the death of McCain was the death of the swamp. More respectfully, and how things out to be, we mourn the loss of a senator while we move on with our convictions.

The Trump electorate, finally gaining the cooperation of the GOP, is proving more and more to be a valid and clear and enduring majority. They wanted Obama’s health care law repealed; only McCain—from their own political party—stopped them. They wanted to be descent and quiet at the funeral of the man who despised them. John McCain found Sarah Palin, then put her on a leash. She respected him and only spoke respectfully of him, then he put a muzzle on her. Now, he’s dead and she continues to respect him in her silence. Meghan McCain had a right to say whatever she wanted and her words agreed with her father’s sentiment; Trumpists didn’t like her words, but she stayed right on topic. Thank you Meghan. Trump would not attend, but his daughter did, a most appropriate discretion. Trump had more respect in his absence than in Obama’s venomous distraction toward the man who would not crash a funeral. Bush and Biden gave good and respectful speeches, celebrating and mourning him.

The Trump electorate lives on and they are growing in number. Now, with Kevin McCarthy calling an inquisition into the Silicon Valley tech giants, who have harassed the controlling votership for two years, Republicans are moving away from the maverick-moderate tactics of McCain—which did work in his day. Insulting and muffling public expression, including the Declaration of Independence, was a foolish error. If their defense is true—that they “didn’t know”—then they should have at least studied the electorate rather than despised it and known their own history well enough not to flag key words from our nation’s heritage. At least, Silicon Valley is guilty of not caring enough about what they should. They are already paying a punishment through the markets. Now, they will answer to Congress.

McCarthy’s move will energize the base—the one thing that the losing moderates of 2014 feared—the one thing that helps Republicans win elections. The Republican base is energized and we are now no longer looking at a possible and unusual midterm victory for Republicans; we are now looking at a likely and unusual midterm victory for Republicans.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 27, 2018

Senator John McCain is dead, God rest his soul. So are three gamers in their 20s, killed by suicide gamer rage at a computer competition in Florida.

Trump was busy golfing on Sunday and only Tweeted about a media spin article, explaining how Obama was receiving credit for economics that developed under Trump policy. Ivanka Tweeted thoughts and prayers to the victims at the gamer event shooting in Jacksonville, Florida. The Left didn’t like that because not grandstanding for seizure of guns means doing nothing. Trump is in a catch-22.

From the “Fake Right”, Alex Jones and Oliver Stone continue to entertain Conservatives of the hyperactive, hermit niche, who feed on fear. Stone predicts that Don Jr. will be indited. We’ll see. Both taking heads of the now-dubbed “Stone & Jones” show (courtesy PD Times) shriek about how the other got harassed, but not injured permanently because the show continues. If the Leftist rent-a-mobs ever stop gaggling Stone & Jones, their show could be over. Then what will keep us entertained?

The Mueller investigation seems to be going in such a doomed and distracted multi-direction that it could be re-labeled the “Mueller investigation”, but for different reasons. So, at least the show will continue somewhere. The real question will be whether “Stone & Jones” show viewers hold Stone accountable to make accurate predictions. If he’s right, they should be bored. If he’s right and they are hysteric, it means they are fanatic. If he’s wrong, and they don’t drop viewership, they are either fanatic or bored.

We’re all led to believe that Trump doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. But, his image of incompetence must hold up if he is ever to endure through the battle of wits looming in the Pacific, particularly the Northwest Pacific.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 20, 2018

John Brennan, the former CIA director, was part of the Obama administration. His views are part and parcel of pro-Obama, anti-Trump groupthink. What does a former CIA director need a security clearance for anyway? He’s not directing anymore—at least he shouldn’t be. Though he accuses the sitting president of treason, he has his own security issues, questions of treason being among them. His opinion is anything but objective, impeccable, or unbiased.

The supposed impeccable Robert Mueller’s investigation is going nowhere. It was going nowhere at warp speed, but now is slowing to a snail’s race. The New York Times is going over the top with one of its greatest “BS” articles ever. The recent and controversial article on Don McGahn doesn’t have much substance, though the style is that of breaking news.

Giuliani is right, there is an attempt to make Trump enter a perjury trap under the guise of testifying. That would be the only purpose of Trump testifying under the groupthink sentiment Brennan became the face of this week. The anti-Trump groupthink already sees Trump as guilty, not of treason, but for not being pro-Obama. To them, the sentence ought to be greater than that of treason. By speaking out and seeking to maintain his security clearance even though he is no longer director, Brennan is demonstrating how far the Russianewsgategate scandal network weaves.

Most of what developed this week was marketing. Brennan’s public statements put him in the perfect position to launch a book, already having dramatized himself as the new champion of his groupthinkalikes. If he announces a book, it could have a success overnight. Then, we have the BS article in the New York Times. At last, we have the most incredible claim ever made by Russian hack conspiracy kooks: that they will believe whatever is true based only on what Trump says in a perjury trap because they haven’t yet made up their minds. Yeah, right.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 13, 2018

What happened to Omarosa is normal, it doesn’t matter, and it’s a darn shame that it’s normal and doesn’t matter. Bureaucratic America permeates every institution, from universities to small Christian congregations to telecommunications companies, even to the White House. They run people around, play dirty tricks, mistreat people of all skin tones, and now it’s coming back to bite them in the hiney.

Omarosa herself is now under the microscope, which lets us see the shameful sham of why her story doesn’t matter. It’s just too normal. Bureaucracy doesn’t attack everyone, but it sure does have its favorites. She seems to be one of them. Chuck Todd kept asking how and why she knew to record her meeting with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. It’s unbelievable for most people, except for bureaucracy’s favorite people to bash. After a while bureaucracy victims get a nose for smelling the rigmarole around the corner. And, they have a knack for attracting trouble, if for no other reason than that bureaucracy doesn’t like bloodhounds sniffing them down.

Here’s how the archetypal scenario could likely play out—not how it actually did, but how it could have if bureaucracy behaves like bureaucracy…

Trump knows that worms in the White House are always trying to control him by controlling the information that gets to him. So, he asks Omarosa to get certain articles for him, going around his bureaucracy. Smelling trouble, she may have taken steps to protect herself, just as she did in recording the conversation, just as she did with giving her loves ones copies of the reported recording of Trump using the “N” word as a precaution just “in case she’s rubbed out” (Esquire). That kind of preemptive-precautionary habit might have led her to violate some rules in the White House, though she would have been acting in defense, not hostility. John Kelly, like the classic bureaucrat he comes across as in the recording, wouldn’t have been out of character to “trump” up, as it were, his firing case against Omarosa, though he wouldn’t have been entirely unjustified either. She was likely a loose canon, which was why Trump wanted her there in the first place, and John Kelly arrived to tie down loose canons. Trump later told her that he “delegated” because he really did delegate. Trump wouldn’t fire the lady himself since he adores her too much—this happens with many administrators because no one likes to fire friends. And, no one likes it when your good friend, the President, lets his chief fire you because you got too cautious on someone else’s watch. Feelings are hurt, it wasn’t meant to be personal, but it was personal. Now, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

…That’s an archetypal speculation of how things may have gone down the hill.

Trump kept things chaotic on purpose so that an old boys’ club couldn’t keep him a prisoner of fame. This was the story on the street when Reince Priebus left. The Left praised John Kelly as the one possible man who might be able to control Trump. When he was first hired, Kelly was hailed by the Left as the savior. Now, when he does what the Left praised him for, it’s all Trump’s fault.

The words Kelly spoke were shamefully typical and ordinary in bureaucratic America, but they don’t make him especially evil. Many, many pastors have been “fretired” through the same conversation in the back office. Coming from the White House raises the stakes, but other than that, the conversation seemed all too typical.

As for the “N” word, one statement doesn’t define a person. It can be sad. But, everyone has said foolish things that they didn’t mean, whether in stupidity or anger. No president will ever be an exception. In the minds of Trumpists, who only grow their numbers, discovering proof that a human is human is no longer a fireable offense.

Omarosa was a way for Trump to get around his own gatekeeper. If Trump doesn’t hire Omarosa back, Kelly could end up “resigning” in the coming months.

The wisest action would be for Trump to have a one-on-one with Omarosa, apologize on a personal level for his own bureaucracy—which every institution in America has, shamefully—, hire her back so that only he has the power to fire her, also keep Kelly on to keep doing his job, and encourage her that she won’t need to guard herself with more recordings and possible “ethics” violations anymore.

And, if he did use the “N” word, he should also say to the country, “Yeah, I did. I was an idiot, really sorry to everyone. Don’t follow my bad example. Let’s all be better and move one.”

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Encore of Revival: America, August 6, 2018

It’s fair to guess by now, as a kid, Trump might have learned to tell “white lies” to cover up things that might be personally embarrassing. Such is a high-energy culture in many parts and classes of the world. Energetic people from all walks of life might not even remember what they had for breakfast and instinctively say, “I did not pick my nose,” when caught picking their noses on camera. And, so what!?

That’s the relevant question: So what? So what if Donnie was caught picking his nose? So what if he lies in denying it? Good people don’t care about picking noses or lying about picking noses; those who do care are petty. Stupid accusations get stupid defenses. This is how the public will respond to the purported “admission” that some meeting with Russians was about Hillary. It wasn’t about illegally rigging vote count, which is more than can be said for some precincts, which Mueller is not investigating.

The latest news feeds from every morning always have the Leftist media hopeful that “this will be the news break that brings down Trump”—and it never does. The AP story this time even has a picture of Trump waving at a Morristown, NJ airport as if it’s “goodbye”. It’s not goodbye at all.

The media and Left think that Americans listen to news to be told what to think. So, when Conservatives listen and read about opinions to inspire their own ideas, the Leftist media presumes that they are minions being told what to think and do. But, the majority of Americans are not minions being told what to think. And, the Christians didn’t become Christians by letting the Leftist media try to tell them what to think nor will Christians take orders from the Leftist media on where lies fit within Christian morals—morals which the Leftist media hates anyway. And, they certainly won’t decide to unelect Trump just because he might be a “white liar” who covers up embarrassing blunders that they don’t care about anyway.

Left-leaning voters already have their minds made up. So, the bombardment of the Leftist media tolling Trump has no hope of removing Trump from office, but only to throw the ordinary American who votes Democratic into a frenzy. The best thing is to just ignore the gossip and stop caring about what everyone says about what Donnie says he did or didn’t do.

But danit, everyone should learn from the Christians: Truth sets us free. Hit back with the bold truth and watch the truth do the rest for you.

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Encore of Revival: America, July 30, 2018

Days after Trump meets with Putin and doesn’t mention Snowden, the NSA finds “many issues of non-compliance” in handling data, which was part of Snowden’s initial concern. It seems that a way may already be finding its way for Snowden to return to the US in relative peace.

Just after the worldwide worry machine was all in a tizzy about trade wars with the EU, the US and EU have almost all their issues resolved and are working to make things much better than they were before.

The “bug” in Putin’s soccer ball is part of an app device from Adidas, not a surveillance device from Russia’s FSB.

The “made in China” Trump products either 1. go back to the pre-presidential campaign Trump business in which Trump learned about China up close and personal as a trader himself or 2. are unaffiliated knock-off products made in China to resemble actual Trump campaign products, but Bernie Sanders doesn’t know the difference between the real and the knock-off.

Now, the Leftist press is going after SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh’s wife. There is a gross hypocrisy here since the Leftist press didn’t go digging through the correspondence of Clinton’s mistresses. When Congress did hold an inquiry about Bill’s love life through Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, the Leftist press jumped to write it off as “personal”. It doesn’t seem personal anymore, or is it getting too personal?

The reason for going after Kavanaugh’s wife is lack of evidence against Kavanaugh. This goes beyond “grasping at straws”. The implosion of the press reached a new public demonstration of insanity this week, so the weeks to come are only likely to get more entertaining.

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