Encore of Revival: America, December 14, 2020

And so, the crud hits the fan. Elections only work with a consensus of trust. A distrusted election result can’t work; the masses won’t allow it, even if the inaugural ceremonies continue. Neither Trump nor Biden can persist as president past January except in name only. This is how nations split every few centuries. We live to see historic times.

Eighteen states, including Texas, sued the four swing states for illegally changing election rules mid season. If we count the undisputed votes and Republican legislatures of those four states which heard the evidence, that would be twenty-two states for Trump. Twenty-two Democratic states filed to object. If results favor Republicans, the nation is split right down the middle. Each side is convinced it is in the right—Democrats because they saw it on the news—Republicans because they saw it at government hearings which were specifically not on the news. That’s all the reason either side has ever needed to believe anything they believe.

Neither side even tried to persuade the other in a way that could be heard. The news-Democrat side simply asserted a result, marginalizing questions as “atypical”, ignoring the fact that eighteen states can’t be atypical by definition and cannot become atypical by mere assertion. Conservatives and Republican voters argued “evidence” and “rules” after sewing distrust of rules through a century of refusing justice to Democratic voter needs.

Neither side was ever going to concede. The Supreme Court stayed out of it, arguing “lack of standing”. Democratic-run states answered with blanket denial one would expect from China—and it seemed to work on the Supreme Court, though it never works when China does it. With the Senate sending a blistering 83 votes against Trump’s veto promise on a military bill, Republican voters feel betrayed. Surely, the gun-owning Republicans are mulling over multiple militarized responses. Democrats would riot before conceding. If Trump ever does concede, it would indicate he has plans to eventually win by means more formidable than a militarized option. Concession from either side would be fake, indicating hidden danger to come.

Those eighteen states may boycott the electoral college, denying the two-thirds quorum; if they don’t then their lawsuit was only for show. If the Electoral College names Biden, he can rightly be called the “President-Elect” for the first time, even if in question. And, if he gets that title while in question, America will see Conservative rage—and Liberal riots in response—like never before. Liberals aren’t fond of following rules when they lose because the rules are unfair against them all too often. Lawless Liberals are somewhat common; lawless Conservatives are a bigger league altogether. God forbid that Liberals break enough rules to convince Conservatives to stop following their own rules. That is a wrath none could prepare for. There is no peaceful resolution, but at least Americans all agree on the depth of our long-neglected problems.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, November 30, 2020

America has China fooled yet again. It isn’t hard to figure out, but still ingenious. Whatever strategist first learned it from a convenient mistake that happened with Taiwan. Taiwan’s current president, Tsai Ing-Wen, had previously endorsed Hillary, for 2016—a mistake she didn’t repeat in the 2020 election. When Trump was elected, Taiwan’s government was heavily concerned about retaliation from the Trump administration. But, Americans don’t hold grudges nor do we hold high regard for the opinions of foreign world leaders. Tsai reached out to Trump and they soon developed one of the best relationships heads of state ever shared.

China’s president, Xi Jinping, doesn’t seem to have learned that lesson, however. While many world leaders congratulated Biden when the news industry decided what the future should be, China waited until the GSA got the green light for transition steps. Then, he congratulated Biden on his victory. Taiwan still has not made any move since the electoral college has not convened and remains neutral and welcoming toward whomever the American president will be in January. China’s position shows worry mixed with miscalculation.

When Trump’s lawsuits, appeal to state legislatures, and near 80% support from his suspecting base land him a second term, China will be in for a shock. They will fear retaliation just as Taiwan did, no matter how unwarranted. This will drive China to take defensive measures without need and appear as the provocateur of the coming US-China conflict. Having served its purpose, US ambiguity over the election will quickly pass, and China’s leadership will begin to socially self destruct. Then hold on; things will be furious as they will be fast.

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Encore of Revival: America, November 30, 2020

Left wing and Right wing voters are worlds apart.

The Left are adamant and energized; the Right are as quiet and introspective as America was after Pearl Harbor. The Left believe they have already won an election that hasn’t finished; the Right are determined to prevent certain outcomes at any cost. The Left believe that asserting claims that the election is over makes it so; the Right know that results and actions make a thing so. The Right believe Trump acts like he holds a royal flush and will soon bust “the bold move”; the Left think Trump is already neutralized and acts like he’s lost. The Left are not armed and trained; the Right have been for eons. The Left know the Right will be angry, but think themselves more powerful; the Right know how dangerous the Left are in riots, yet quietly understand that they themselves would be the more formidable in conflict.

But, the biggest difference is their understanding of sowing and reaping: The Left do not understand how wealth, tax dollars, strength, peace, victory, and justice are cultivated, but take these for granted; the Right know how these are cultivated and that these will cease without correct action. Biden should not be selecting a cabinet for his evermore doubtful presidency; he should be making his seemingly dubious election look less dubious for when it is challenged in court. But not understanding sowing and reaping, Biden and his Left supporters take his victory for granted just as they do tax revenue; the Right know better and are putting their effort where it will make the difference.

News companies, such as CNN, use descriptive terms like “unfounded conspiracy theories” and “insidious claims” in reporting accusation of election fraud. But, these terms imply verdict and opinion, having no place in reporting of mere facts and claims prior to court rulings. The Right see that; the Left don’t see the difference. A cross-industry attempt at pushing an agenda is unabashed. The Right feel backed into a corner, believing if they concede this election, there will be no fair elections in the future and that the cost of civil war to restore elections will only increase with time, so they feel compelled to action now; the Left think the Right are not any threat worth notice.

The Right view claims of fraud as plausible and worth investigating; the Left already think the claims are a hoax because they don’t understand how accurate investigation works. While the Right reflectively wait for evidence to be shown in court, they see a Left wing agenda that would sow the seeds of destruction which Left wing voters don’t believe will happen. Biden’s decisions would give rise to Eastern communism and Middle Eastern terrorism, as happened with Obama; the Right think so and the Left do not because the Left do not understand how global results are created. The Right will rise up with its various powers to successfully stop Biden’s decisions—one way or another, preferably peacefully—, but the Left do not believe the Right can succeed because the Left do not understand how conflicts are waged and won.

The Right created their own enemies on the Left by refusing to give justice to problems they would not acknowledge. They have not punished “bad cops” enough to restore faith in law enforcement, yet they demand action to restore faith in elections. The Right are competent, but selective with justice; the Left fail at things when refused help and fail more at things they try on their own because they don’t know how things work. Both are being conditioned for genocidal thoughts against the other; one is stronger, the other only thinks it is. While the long term danger is an over reverence for a fake Republican party, which cares nothing for the values of its base, a more immanent dilemma is before us. America cannot deal with its own national transgressions if it is taken over by foreign communists and foreign terrorists who are far more unjust in every way. We are in a conflict of competence—the need for policies that will build rather than destroy, even if selective in its justice; only one group understands that, the other only sees injustice.

One way or another, Biden and Harris will not get their way, but they don’t know that—they can’t know that. Fortunately, there are those who do.

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