Korea drew attention this week. It almost seems disappointed that it hasn’t drawn fire. The North has not built up its military just to make beautiful propaganda videos. Unlike the West, “building the bomb so you never need to use it” eludes the reasoning of the old far east.
But, something else seems to have slipped past China’s and Korea’s strategy—the Britons. During English-Scottish-Irish wars, the Scottish burned their own corn fields in response to being invaded. While the English culture has sought to dominate the world—even by language if necessary—Scottish defence methods have made the the Western British-American force unbeatable, at least from a cultural perspective.
While Congress, Senator McCain, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, in particular, voices growing concern about America’s readiness for off-shore battle, China and North Korea don’t show any concern, or even awareness, about how the West thinks. When spreading propaganda about an enemy who has never lost a home game, it’s better not to show him an imaginary home game where he loses. He just won’t believe it.
The deeper question is does China really believe that if America had a weakness that the press would be allowed to know about it? McCain is the loud voice on the matter. Perhaps he understands something that China and Korea can’t.
With what happened between Cruz and Trump in Louisiana, it’s becoming less deniable why Cruz maintains a hopeless race. Isn’t it interesting how few things have helped the establishment like Cruz’s whopping failures? And, isn’t it more interesting that Cruz’s anti-establishment supporters can’t figure out how interesting that is?
American Churchianity seems to be looking for the candidate that they won’t need to hold accountable every day. They want someone they can elect and forget about. Remember all that rotgut we hear from clergy about the ongoing need for “Christian accountability”? Does Churchianity believe its own message about so-called “accountability”? Or does that apply to everyone except Cruz?
Maybe “accountability” only applies where money flows. Or, maybe not. But Cruz does seem to be the exception. His Christian supporters really seem to believe that he will need less accountability than any of the others. And that makes him the most dangerous man in America—not because of what he does, but because of what his supporters have turned him into. The same argument could be made for Trump, except that his supporters don’t seem to think he is the ideal messiah, just that he is best for this job. And, Trump supporters don’t seem to have plans for relaxation after the election.
Trump is already doing a great job of eliminating establishment waste. His candidacy has already proven that many “good old boy” jobs just aren’t needed. He is a Christian who is rarely seen on Sunday morning—something Christian “Cruzers” call a contradiction. But, Barna observed the same phenomenon: Millions of Christians left Sunday morning to know Jesus more. Now, it seems they support Trump. He also runs his campaign without a consultant, researcher, or speechwriter instructing him on which lies to tell to get elected this season. If we follow the money, we see that Trump’s loud-establishment opponents are most likely trying to keep the delusion that their own jobs aren’t unnecessary, not because they oppose his specific policies and values—they just oppose their own extinction.
Bernie hopes that superdelegates will change their vote. That would be like asking a political consultant to advice against having a political consultant. Yeah, right!
The election establishment views an election campaign speech as nothing more than a delphi technique meeting. They talk, pretend to listen and care about what people have to say, then give the people’s own conclusion to them. Whatever they say is what they think you ought to think, mixed with enough sweet-sounding nonsense so that you let the medicine go down. In their view, the public is not being very obedient. And, their Marie Antoinette complex is becoming ever more obvious.