December 23, 2015

Franklin Graham quits GOP (Fox)

Guns, guns, and more guns for Christmas (Today News-NBC)

Obama golfs (Weekly Standard)

China citizen score (Tech in Asia)

China’s anti0terrorism law inspired by US law (Yahoo-AFP)

Chinese media: Activists ‘disrupting social order’ (Yahoo-AFP)

Putin name-drops “Hope no n*kes” (Independent)

Inside: Censor or die: The death of Mexican news in the age of drug cartels (WP)  · · · →

Encore of Revival: America, December 21, 2015

Encore of Revival: America, December 21, 2015

Newsflash: Trump’s polls are up. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The establishment should have been so smart. But, a “smart establishment” is an oxymoron.

A new deal from the UN could provide peace for a decade. Everyone stops fighting. Syria holds an election. The people have the final say on their leader. ISIL remains open game. If peace in the Mid East ensues, it will ensue elsewhere.

Carson has been talking about the possibility of Martial Law preventing an election for some time. Talking about it is probably what has prevented it, not because the powers that be are afraid to implement such plans (which probably don’t exist,) but because talking about the consequences of anger will make Americans think. Thinking Americans will remain too civil for Martial Law to become necessary… at least in the near future. With short-term peace on the horizon in Syria, peace at home is also.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, December 21, 2015

Cadence of Conflict: Asia, December 21, 2015

Tensions intensify in the China seas. Beijing knows it. Washington knows it. Everyone knows it.

Japan delayed a US cooperation step-up due to popularity issues. The Japanese public is tired of the US war machine in their back yard, however increasingly necessary Chinese patterns make such cooperation. Perhaps Japan suffers from US-imosed affluenza. Japan’s Diet is holding off until the public “figures out” that cooperation with the US is a good idea. Do they know something we don’t? What exactly is it that will happen to convince the Japanese voters to change their minds? The Diet seems to think that we’ll find out soon enough.

Taiwan’s historic election is fast approaching. Debate formats have been agreed to. The new likely party is recognizing progress from the sinking establishment. China’s answer to a new political power remains unknown.

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December 18, 2015

Trump’s latest, viz Hannity (GP)

Students practice calligraphy, Islamic statement of faith, schools close (AP)

Science: Same-sex inception (Mirror)

Mix-up in Libya, US special forces arrive, sent home (RT)

Feds lose track, don’t know their immigration stats (Video) (FOX)

Learn This: The long, incredibly tortuous, and fascinating process of creating a Chinese font (QZ)  · · · →

December 17, 2015

Ryan same S Boehner (Slate)

$1.83B to arm Taiwan (Taipei Times)

$1.6B, “resettle” illegals thru 2018 (Free Beacon)

Limbaugh opines (Limbaugh)

Sessions Opines (YouTube)

NOAA uses “compromised” thermometers for “global warming” (DC)

Suspicious0bserver: The best thing to happen to oceans in 2015 was the rise of the citizen scientist (QZ)  · · · →