Encore of Revival: America, June 1, 2020

It’s amazing what can happen in a week. It’s amazing what a week can reveal about what quietly happened over the course of decades. America has somehow attracted and cultivated a police force with an attitude other than one “to serve and protect”.

Minnesota and Minneapolis are run by Democrats. So are New York and New York. Neighborhoods with violent rioting over the abominable murder of George Floyd see violent responses from more abominable police. What we see from police against all demographics of protesters makes Hong Kong look gentle. It’s atrocious how provocative police are seen in footage coming from the protests.

As Will Smith said, “Racism is not getting worse, it’s getting filmed.” So is police disregard for the public.

America has a systemic racism problem compounded with a supremacist police problem. These days, people don’t consciously disdain others for skin color—not much. Instead, we accept certain events as part of the narrative. If a White pastor mugs someone, that’s headline news. If a Black man gets killed by a cop, oh well tragedies happen all the time. Thanks to what little freedom is left in social media, we got to see just how unabashed murderous cops have become. When they killed George Floyd, it seemed routine.

With politicians the saying goes, “Not all are bad; it’s just the 99% that give a bad rap for the rest of them.”

Yeah, the bad apples give the bushel a bad name. Many police out there really do want to make a positive change, to repair what we have come to accept and expect. But, there are a lot more bad apples than the public narrative gave credit to. It seems that good apples gave too good a rap to a half-rotten bushel. At least now we know.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 25, 2020

The Left’s reckoning is on its way. Many police officers in many states and counties refuse to enforce lockdown orders from governors. It may seem that the reckoning is already here, but we haven’t reached November yet.

While Democratic governors irritate and aggravate the public—thinking it will stir victory in November—some voters may be throwing in the towel. The DNC and mainstream news narrative was that “Trump stole the election”. Democratic voters may be statistically inclined to believe what government and news say, but they are not as stupid as the DNC thinks they are. If Trump stole the election, some might think there is no point in voting in the next election.

Then, there are pneumoniavirus death rates. The Guardian reports that three times as many Black people died as White. If that were true—considering that the DNC prides itself as the party for minorities—that means Democrats lost voters. With Democratic governors and their lockdown orders not having saved Black lives that matter, why would remaining Blacks continue to support Democrats? If indeed “medical murder” were involved as some have claimed… Let’s just say that the more stories that get uncovered, the more it looks like the Democratic Party-news cartel only hurts itself as the only solution to hurting itself.

Then there are lies, then darn lies, then statistics. The press cartel often uses reporting and polling to sway public opinion. But, they make sure to include a few last-page “could-be” stories so that when their false reporting doesn’t change the election outcome as they wanted, they can still claim that they are credible news sources. Harry Enten at CNN looked over polling history of presidential re-election years and found correlations to other re-elected presidents, suggesting that—silent on the matter of Democratic governors having gained such public trust—there is a chance that Trump could be on a pathway to re-election. Ya think?

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Encore of Revival: America, May 18, 2020

Democrats are in full-swing takeover mode and they aren’t sneaking past anyone. Their Regressive-Feudalist base knows it and supports it. The Conservatives know it. Trump knows it. It is an act of desperation from the Democratic Party machine that seeks permanently-dependent classes—and now, apparently, permanently-dependent States.

Polls argue that Trump is ahead in Michigan. But, Michigan residents will likely blame Michigan’s current disaster on Gretchen “Whitless” Whitmer, who is the Democratic VP Nominee Apparent. Biden needs her from such a battleground because he doesn’t stand a chance any other way.

The word is out about Bill Gates’s plans for depopulation—AKA mass genocide. Germans have had enough of uneeded lockdowns. One man held a sign adopted from the Tarantino film “Kill Bill” overlayed with a picture of the Microsoft Bill. The public will not go quietly into the night. Americans who oppose the lockdowns are by no means alone.

While Pelosi seeks to change election rules to accommodate for a virus, she clearly hopes to push this current crisis through November. Democrats are throwing a tantrum in the presence of a strong and growing Conservative base. This is making new converts who don’t like the chaos that the Left wants to snowball. Don’t hold your breath for a Democrat-led November. The lie that Democrats just want to help people has been seen for what it is: Democrats want to make people need to be helped by them.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 11, 2020

The difference between Tara Reade and Blasey Ford is tears. Justices Kavanaugh and Thomas also had tears. Then Senator Joe Biden chaired the committee at Clarence Thomas’s hearing about harassing Anita Hill two just years before his alleged assault on Tara Reade. If the allegation is true, he knew better. And, according to Tara, his words did more damage than his hands.

The DNC can’t drop Joe Biden. If DNC superdelegates overturn the favorite candidate of Democratic voters, their non-democratic methods would be exposed, just as their values already have. Remember, this is the party that supports and is supported by a promiscuous culture.

The Democratic Party has forced itself to own this. Conservative voters won’t be swayed when Democrats throw Tara under the bus. Being the party of ostensibly defending the defenseless—being the party of women, minorities, and anti-harassment—ignoring such allegations would remove their platform and their platitudes with it. As with Democratic friends like Weinstein and others in Hollywood, compassion was but a show.

Being ignored, hated, and accused are similar feelings to things going on elsewhere. A nurse in New York tries to save patients from being killed in what seems like claims of medical malpractice. Dr. Judy Mikovits was threatened and pushed, jailed and gag ordered. The passive aggression is the same. The verbal abuse is the same. The ability for the bully to get under people’s skin is the same. And, the self-destruction of the abusers, which always follows, is the same.

These stories of abuse are strikingly similar to the petty politics in power struggles in local church horror stories. A small pastor feels threatened, then starts talking down to parishioners, then entices heckling against anyone who wants to leave. Those who survived social abuse from institutional religion don’t find anything surprising about the stories from Tara Reade or Judy Mikovits or a New York nurse.

If you want to know how this will play out, research the trend-setters who somehow find themselves ahead of the curve. Research what happens to controlling clergy vs Christians who discover that Jesus is alive and well outside of Sunday morning walls. That is exactly where America is headed.

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Encore of Revival: America, May 4, 2020

America is furious, both of them. Conservatives are fed up with restrictions against a virus that has no symptoms. Liberals are fed up with Conservatives not entering panic mode with them.

If you don’t believe in God, you will believe in anything. For some, it is the belief that animals will live as if forever if we are all vegetarian. For some, it is the belief that crashing economies and avoiding other humans is the only way to survive. For some, it is the belief that outbursts of rage are the only way to become happy.

Neither of the Americas seem willing to give up their respective beliefs in whatever they hold most dear. The only changes are the removal of ambiguity and the level of rage that follows. There is no “moderate” politician anymore. There is no “gray”, only monochrome vision which will only find a way to gain evermore stark contrast.

They myth of people with different ideals living side-by-side is debunked. Maybe some ideals can live in a mixed society with one person living next to a neighbor who disagrees without being disagreeable; but not with Liberals and Conservatives. It’s not that the Conservatives don’t want it, but the Liberals won’t allow it.

Our different views must not mix, they can only be partitioned with Liberal in one city and Conservative in another. That’s the only way forward and it will happen because both will become too extreme for the other.

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Encore of Revival: America, April 27, 2020

America is under a failing attack from Regressive Feudalism. They have been called “progressives”, but with the economic pandemic caused by Democrats in State governments responding to a controversial virus, we now know their true goal. They don’t represent all Democrats—such as the public-funding-minded Democratic voters. Specifically the “progressive Liberals” have not been seen until now for the “Regressive Feudalists” they actually are. This includes many Democrats in power, along with the under-40 Democratic voters who support so-called “SJWs” and “snowflake” activists.

It’s failing, the attack. While a sometimes-seen-as “fake virus” took center stage, the Regressive Feudalists saw their opportunity. They couldn’t resist confining each serf to a manor. Enter Michigan Governor Gretchen “Witless” Whitmer. For her valiantly failed attempted return to feudalism, she likely cooked her own goose twice. As the hero to the Regressives, she may have earned her vice presidential candidacy with Joe Biden, who can’t win, along with having sealed her own fate as a one-term governor.

Regressive Feudalism has permanently failed because it tried to assert itself at a time and in a way that damaged the economy. As Clinton years wisdom says, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Republicans in the Federal government have been calling for a lift on the bans, so those Republicans will claim the economic results, which will sway the election.

But, failure never stopped Regressives before. This time, an opinion writer in the New York Times has twisted the harmless nature of the controversial pneumoniavirus into a call for targeting people with no symptoms. If many, many, many people have the virus, but don’t have symptoms, then the virus must not be as bad as it is purported. But, with the Regressive worldview that everyone is a pathetic serf in need of protection from the Holy government establishment, even good news is a reason to panic.

Just the same, Sky News finally stopped hiding reports of empty hospitals after weeks of global media censorship and deleted Facebook and YouTube videos. Their spin: Empty hospitals prove that everyone is in more danger of a virus that is so dangerous that most people will never know they had it.

Somehow, all good news chalks up to all bad news for the Regressive Feudalists, now on the march. Make no mistake: They will fail just as surely as they will keep marching anyway. They want to fight; that’s why they are Feudalists.

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