For better or worse, America is experiencing a change of heart. People are leaving Democratic candidates and Establishment, DC-favored Rubio, to vote Trump. Cruz is up. Kasich is up. Rubio is way down, and Trump is up even more. What does the math tell us? Other Republicans in total are getting more support than Rubio is losing. Democrats are switching. Right or wrong, a change of heart involves progress of conscience.
Danger looms on every horizon and good diagnosis is in high demand. The big dangerous thing about Trump is that we need him. We need his economic history of overcoming his own debt, work specialty of construction, and his low-budget operating to go to work for America. Needing anything is dangerous. The two dangerous things about Cruz are that his supporters think he is less corruptible than Trump and that his supporters are largely sectarian—Christians from bickering denominations, who misrepresent nearly everyone of the many people they take issue with.
Trump dissidents largely fall into two categories, one of them the Cruz supporters, the other, Democratic Socialists. Neither have a history of properly understanding their opponents. Both are offended that Trump fails their litmus test of character—tone of voice; Churchianity thinks that everyone who doesn’t talk like a beat-down looser is “prideful”; Liberals think that no one should be condescending and braggadocios except Liberals. Both critics say that he doesn’t have much money, but are angry at him for having a lot of money. This contradiction indicates someone grasping and drowning, rather than clear, reasoned thinking. Neither appreciates the power of rules—Churchianity because they have rules without power and Liberals because they have power without rules. Thinkers from both groups are largely unaccomplished theoreticians funded by donations from money-makers, employed by real job-creators, rarely the entrepreneurs who pay everyone else’s bills. They mainly critique what he says and how he says it. And, with all the real problems that Trump has, objections from these critics are all that we hear.
All men can be corrupted by power. America seems to forget that the bigger factors in any election don’t exist until two years afterward, and, the biggest, six. Our country is in ruin because, every change of term, we elect the next messiah, then go back to sleep. Only a true Messiah sleeps in the boat and, until Jesus arrives, We the people need to be our own messiah.
We can’t know who will be a good president before the fact, only whether we keep him good long after the election. China also tries to vet Hong Kong’s leaders in advance, rather than controlling the leaders’ decisions, whether the leaders are “good” or “bad”. No politician is above breaking promises, and no voter is above forgetting the emptiness of words. Nonetheless, all critiques, both pro and con, of all remaining presidential candidates focus on what the candidates say, not which mule can be harnessed to haul the load.
As for work mules, Trump is ideal, partially because he knows the work of infrastructure and firing people—arguably America’s two greatest needs—, but, more importantly, he has most of the country on high and healthy alert, just how the country always should be. As a work mule, Cruz is most dangerous because, while people would oppose him, the country would not be on alert much at all where a Cruz White House is concerned. And, Cruz is an ideal RINO: always failing valiantly while the opposition gains ground. Danger is most immanent, not when people warn of danger, but when people don’t. Sleeping watchmen is the problem. When Cruz talks, people go to sleep, either from daydreams of infatuation or because his tone encompasses all the boredom of Sunday morning. America’s best choice any day will have the diplomatic style of an alarm clock.
Complaints against Donald Trump are based on rhetorical style and distorted reports. He appears to have a tender heart behind a gruff voice, and the gruff voice puts off those whose only substance seems to be tone. And the people who call him a “racist” do so against evidence as strong as it is accessible. As objective as this Editor in Chief tries to be, the lack of sound dissent against Trump, coupled with the plethora of nonsense, almost has this editor convinced to endorse the man. But, the Times is holding out, insisting on being no more than just and observer.
As long as America looks for a messiah other than Jesus, she is doomed. We need to think about how to keep “We the people” in control, no matter who wins this November, and how to defeat both political parties for the election in 2024.