Encore of Revival: America, September 23, 2019

Drama, drama, drama… With the celebritization of Kavanaugh, the judiciary is gaining even more power than it had in the past.

The Left is unhappy with new judges who hold the value of “applying the law”, rather than judges who “do whatever they think is right”. What you think is right might not be what I think is right. Who decides? The law should. Liberals want judges who take sides and create an imbalance. New judges will keep balance and apply the law, even if they disagree with it, thereby giving justice even to their enemies. The only way that the Left hopes to stop this new sweep of justice in our courts is to attack Kavanaugh—but that is only making him famous and, thus, more powerful.

Drama is the Left’s way of shooting its foot off. AOC has been a gift to the Republicans. Congressional Democrats just don’t get how much they alienate voters with their incessant pushing. Of course there are voters who support their left-of-center ideals, but not most voters. And, they don’t know that. And, it’s about to cost them the election.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 16, 2019

America faces a crossroads. We have enemies mounting against us. Great monsters, fed and allowed to grow, are coming back to haunt us, hunt us, and devour us. It’s scary. And, there is a natural tendency to negotiate and avoid provoking wrath of what already wants to eat us.

Some Americans—many, perhaps—have done very bad things in the past. But, many of us learn and improve. Others of us fought against the injustice. Like any nation, America needs to heal, grow, fight the bad, and strengthen the good. We don’t need to all lay down and die as our enemies want.

Death comes like a burglar, sneaking in the night. It seeks to isolate, frighten, paralyze first with fear, then with venom, and finally consume. Death makes us long for fear and even death itself. Don’t follow its poisonous seduction.

When a people find their heart, no matter how dark times have become, they have what they need to overcome any obstacle. The greatest battle is not over land or law, nor waged with guns or swords, but over the heart and fought with the heart.

We face trying, fearful times. By standing on our values, no matter the cost, we will pay a lesser price in the long run anyway.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 9, 2019

British Parliament is essentially attempting to filibuster the Brexit referendum. PM Boris Johnson has been ordered by Parliament to agree with whatever decision comes from the EU—in which Johnson gets a vote and a veto. Maybe British Parliament should have gone on to instruct France not to veto an extension. The problem with this law is how non-specific it is, which is typical of posturing. Perhaps that’s the best way for Johnson to legally “interpret” it. Johnson’s main goal is to get a Brexit deal, which he believes will only be best if real fear of real failure is allowable. But, that’s up to the British, so the rest of the would should grab a popcorn, not tell others what to do, and see how the theatrics end.

Why is America arguing about weather? Sabotage. Someone at NOAA gave the president a ridiculous forecast, that a hurricane would plow through a wall of heat and high pressure, which doesn’t happen. Of course Dorian would turn right. But, someone advised him otherwise.

The president, who is not a meteorologist, then Tweeted caution and concern for Alabama, because someone at NOAA so advised, when everyone else at NOAA knew better. This is the work of someone trying to undermine the president. He’s fired people who were wrong in the past, he should also fire the advisor who made the prediction that was as wrong as it was ridiculous.

The economy is doing well, contrary to the best efforts of the bank. Don’t blame Trump for the Chinese trade war prices; blame the companies. Over 80% of our clothing and over half of our shoes are made in China. Whatever happened to cause that, Trump is fixing it. If we don’t like the road of all things made in China, then don’t do it again, and don’t blame the cleaning lady.

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Encore of Revival: America, September 2, 2019

Comey’s leaks are a matter of example and precedent. He must be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible because we can’t have other FBI employees doing what he did—Republican or Democrat. More importantly, we must honor those FBI employees who could have done what he did, perhaps thought about doing what he did, but refused to break principles and protocol. For police, it’s all about protocol.

The FBI director knew information that should not be given to the public. He knew it was wrong, what he did. So, he released it to the public through other people, lawyers and the news media. He claimed he did this—which he knew was wrong—because he loved his country and the FBI. If he loved the FBI, then he shouldn’t have insulted the thousands of FBI employees who would surely be thrown in prison had they done the same thing.

If Comey is not prosecuted and fully indited, then Wikileaks founder Julian Assange shouldn’t be either and Edward Snowden should receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom because their leaks showed actual corruption of people like Comey. But, by not inditing Comey, we see clearly that the current Justice Department is run by double standards.

Double standards are a problem for courts, but they are a deadly epidemic for police. Once police are encouraged to live by a double standard, police brutality spreads. Not inditing Comey encourages and invites just that, spitting in the face of the good cops society needs.

If Comey believes his claim, that releasing this information was necessary, then he should voluntarily plead guilty and suffer for the sake of his cause, showing how much he truly cares about his country and its police. But, he won’t because he’s not a true believer. Thankfully, some still are.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 26, 2019

The news media can’t understand Trump. One of the reasons he uses so few words and repeats himself so often is to “sound-bite-proof” his statements. It’s difficult to twist his words when he only spoke two of them in a 30 second period. The news media doesn’t like not being able to cut and paste together a president’s words to make him out to say whatever they want him to have said.

Since sound-bite clipping didn’t work the last four years, this past week the media tried a new strategy: Pretend that they don’t know what sarcasm is.

CNBC tried to paint Trump’s sarcastic “I’m the chosen one” comment as self-aggrandizement. His sarcastic tone clearly communicates that the self-aggrandizement came from the presidents before him who thought themselves incapable of not funding China’s Sinicization of the world. Anyone could and should have stopped China. Trump knows that. His tone said that. And, no less than 2 million Hong Kongers have risked their lives to prove just that.

Then we have “regrets”. Does the president “regret” his trade dispute with China? Why shouldn’t he? Everyone regrets everything, at least for some amount of time, given enough time. The news media keeps asking silly questions that deserve silly answers. Think about the question itself.

Is there a concrete reason to believe that President Trump has regrets about how trade is going with China? Did he say something attempting to reverse the dispute? Did he send a letter apologizing for something he did? Did he suddenly offer China massive concessions out of nowhere? What basis is there for thinking that Trump has “regrets” with China, other than the hope of succeeding with passive-aggression to paint Trump to be someone he is not?

Trump’s “order” that American companies explore alternatives to China is not a power-grab, but a shot across the bow. As if fattening China in the first place didn’t indicate enough lack of brains, most companies with half a hand at the helm should have long steered clear of China for all the chop. For those stragglers who still can’t put two and two together, Trump’s warning is a lighthouse. Danger lies ahead; adjust your course. This is gonna’ be a big one.

But, all the media can do is complain about the lighthouse. We’ll see.

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Encore of Revival: America, August 19, 2019

The nation is polarizing even more. The anti-Israel sentiment from some members of Congress is only one part. The Russianewsgategate scandal surfaces more evidence every day, but no one changes heart or mind on the matter. Portland protests have the same non-effect on persuading people to change sides, only mobilizing everyone.

Chris Cuomo is grossly annoyed by Limbaugh’s nickname for him. Perhaps he thinks he’s the only one allowed to get offended. Senator Lindsey “Gramnesty” wore his like a badge of honor and Andrea “Tarantula” Tantaros welcomed Rush as a guest on her show to explain the good humor of it all. At this point, it’s unlikely Rush will be able to grace the ratings of Chris, who seems to be the only one with a nickname the rest of us aren’t allowed to use.

While protests and extreme voices raise their volume, the only thing provoking people to switch sides are Liberals in the spotlight. It’s not all—neither those in the spotlight or those switching sides. But, some of the dumber and loudest among the Left have made themselves such an embarrassment that many social-minded voters are starting to think that they will get more social justice from the Right.

The election has always been and remains in Trump’s favor. China will lose the trade war, as well as the other war it was always going to instigate. Gun laws and abortion laws will strengthen in both directions. While the Right seems to have the advantage for now, neither Right nor Left has any clear path towards domination, only further polarity. There’s no stopping it. Buckle up, grab your popcorn, and stay safe.

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