Tempo: May 19, 2015

Obama: Less local police militarization. Top tech companies don’t like warrantless spy requests. Kerry pushes international Internet. Wisconsin Supreme Court to decide Scott Walker’s recall election investigation. France back at it: No foreign trade deals, TTIPNo amnesty at home for rogue AussiesSnowden’s story contradicts the official Bin Laden story. Obama wants long-term thinking on addressing race issues. Hillary’s 36-day media silence makes news. Invest in art: Why Buying a Picasso Is Like Investing in Uber (Almost)  · · · →

Tempo: May 14, 2015

War drums: US Navy to China? Russians fear USA. ISIS leaders hit? Bushisms and Presidential announcements. House bans 20 week abortionHouse reforms NSA. House talks trains & politics, joins mayors. 3.5 miles away, another train hit by projectile. After Iran deal, Obama wants to reassure. Pope treats with Palestinians. Google goes cloud for security. Biz flip: The modern history of the mobile industry in one devastating chart  · · · →

Tempo: May 13, 2015

The FOX responds to Russian TV’s report on the rabbit hole: lied about lying. Jeb flips on Iraq, wants Amnigration & education “high standards”Obama-Republicrat trade bill blocked by Dems. Obama wants “change” in [FOX] reporting. Establishment “junks” Chicago credit. N Korean defense chief naps, then executed. Amtrak crash, 5 dead. Cell phone companies charged for chargesFacebook to load articles quicker. Pew: Christians shrinking, Islam doubles. Heartwarming contradictions: Forget What You’ve Heard: Coffee Is (Actually) Good for You viz Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Success  · · · →

Tempo: May 12, 2015

Saudi Arabia gives the gesture over Iran. Hezbollah trains Christians to fight ISIS. Rabbit hole: the real story of Bin Laden raid2,000 swim ashore in Thailand’s human trafficking crackdown. Money money: US Bank mortgage scandals. US Defense $5.4mil NFL ads, $500mil lost in Yemen. Changes & Republican “donor class”? Startup how-to: Better calibration software allows 3D printing in COLOR!  · · · →

Tempo: May 8, 2015

US employment at historic low. High US employment boosts stock market. Cameron wins Britons. America loses Americans. Texas 4.0 mag. Michigan earthquake proved Kalamazoo fault line, WZZM 13 TV reportsTornadoes yesterday, tornadoes today, tornadoes tomorrow, in a line pointing toward Kansas City. Creative: A new font based on Einstein’s handwriting will let you write like a genius  · · · →